Teacher Worksheets

Math Worksheets for Teaching Fractions: Free Printable PDFs

Category: Math Puzzles

Category: Adding and Subtracting Fractions

Category: Multiplying Fractions

Category: Equivalent Fractions

Category: Fractions

Everything teachers need for fractions - bulletin boards, fraction worksheets, review materials, and puzzles. Mastering fractions is important but sometimes challenging for students. These comprehensive worksheets will help them master all aspects of fractions without getting bored.

Fractions No Prep Introduction to Fractions Workbook
       Fractions No Prep Workbook - Not Boring

Introduction to Fractions Workbook      Kindergarten - Introduction to Fractions Workbook

First Grade - Introduction to Fractions Workbook

Second Grade - Introduction to Fractions Workbook

Fraction I Have... Who Has...
Fraction I Have... Who Has... Activity      Fraction I Have... Who Has... [4 per page - animal pictures]

Fraction I Have... Who Has... Activity      Fraction I Have... Who Has... [6 per page]

Fraction Charts for Bulletin Board
            Fractions! (8.5 x 11)
            Fractions! (17 x 22)

Fraction Number Lines

             Fraction Number lines

Runaway Math Puzzles with Fractions
   Runaway Math Puzzles with Fractions

Fractions (Grades K-2)
     One half - circle the shape
     One half - color
     One third - circle the shape
     One third - color
     One fourth - circle the shape
     One fourth - color
     What fraction does the colored part show? Circle the fraction
     Color one part
     Draw lines to show the fraction
     Parts of a group
     More parts of a group
     Fractions and pizza

Fractions Review
     Fractions Review
     Fractions Review (larger review and includes pizza word problems)

Understand Fractions (Grades 2-3)
     Write a fraction to show how much of the shape is shaded
     Write a fraction to show how much of the shape is not shaded
     Draw a picture to show the fraction
Fraction Comparison (with shaded graphics)
     Same numerators
     Same denominators
     Either the same numerators or the same denominators
Fraction Comparison (with graphics, but not shaded in)
     Same numerators
     Same denominators
Fill in the missing number to make two equivalent fractions
     Fill in one number: Larger graphics with fractions shown
     Fill in one number: Smaller graphics with only boxes
     Fill in two number: Larger graphics with fractions shown
     Fill in two number: Smaller graphics with only boxes
Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions
     Multiple choice: Circle the correct improper fraction for the parts that are shaded
     Multiple choice: Circle the correct mixed number for the parts that are shaded
     Write an improper fraction for the parts that are shaded
     Write a mixed number for the parts that are shaded
Problem Solving
     Single step
     Two steps
Mixed Review
     Understand Fractions Mixed Review

Fractions Math Center - Write the Fraction
     Write the fraction - numerator is always 1 (Grades 2-4)

Write the fraction (Grades 3-6)

Write the fraction - a blank on student page (student will need to know to draw line and where to put numerator and denominator) (Grades 3-6)

Matching - Picture of Fractions and Fractions - Math Learning Center
     Denominator of 10 only (Grades 3-6)

Denominator of 10 only (fractions reduced to lowest terms) (Grades 5-6)

Denominators of 2, 4, 5, and 10 (easier - numerator is always 1) (Grades 2-3)

Denominators of 2, 4, 5, and 10 (Grades 3-6)

Denominators of 2, 4, 5, and 10 (fractions reduced to lowest terms) (Grades 5-6)

Denominators of 2, 4, 5, and 10 (fractions reduced to lowest terms and first answer is not given) (Grades 5-6)

Denominators of 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, and 16 (easier - numerator is always 1) (Grades 2-3)

Denominators of 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, and 16 (Grades 3-6)

Denominators of 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, and 16 (fractions reduced to lowest terms) (Grades 5-6)

Denominators of 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, and 16 (fractions reduced to lowest terms and first answer is not given) (Grades 5-6)

Denominators of 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20 (easier - numerator is always 1) (Grades 2-3)

Denominators of 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20 (Grades 3-6)

Denominators of 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20 (fractions reduced to lowest terms) (Grades 5-6)

Denominators of 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20 (fractions reduced to lowest terms and first answer is not given) (Grades 5-6)

Matching - Picture of Fractions, Fractions, and Decimals - Math Learning Center
     Denominator of 10 only (Grades 3-6)

Denominator of 10 only (fractions reduced to lowest terms) (Grades 5-6)

Denominators of 2, 4, 5, and 10 (easier - numerator is always 1) (Grades 2-3)

Denominators of 2, 4, 5, and 10 (Grades 3-6)

Denominators of 2, 4, 5, and 10 (fractions reduced to lowest terms) (Grades 5-6)

Denominators of 2, 4, 5, and 10 (fractions reduced to lowest terms and first answer is not given) (Grades 5-6)

Denominators of 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, and 16 (easier - numerator is always 1) (Grades 2-3)

Denominators of 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, and 16 (Grades 3-6)

Denominators of 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, and 16 (fractions reduced to lowest terms) (Grades 5-6)

Denominators of 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, and 16 (fractions reduced to lowest terms and first answer is not given) (Grades 5-6)

Denominators of 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20 (easier - numerator is always 1) (Grades 2-3)

Denominators of 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20 (Grades 3-6)

Denominators of 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20 (fractions reduced to lowest terms) (Grades 5-6)

Denominators of 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20 (fractions reduced to lowest terms and first answer is not given) (Grades 5-6)

Ordering Numbers Math Center - Fractions

Ordering Fractions: Denominator is only 2 (Grades 3-6)

Ordering Fractions: Denominator is 2, 3, 4, or 5 (Grades 3-6)

Ordering Fractions: Any Denominator (Grades 3-6)

Add and Subtract Like Fractions (Grade 3)
     Fraction comparison
     Order fractions from least to greatest
     Order fractions from greatest to least
     Rewrite each improper fraction as a mixed number
     Add fractions
     Add fractions: Find the value of y
     Subtract fractions
     Subtract fractions: Find the value of y
     Add and subtract fractions
     Add and subtract fractions: Find the value of y
     Add and Subtract Like Fractions Mixed Review

Number Theory
     Divisibility: circle all of the numbers that are divisible by the number
     Divisibility: complete the table
     Prime or composite
     Use the clue to fill in the missing digit
     Circle all of the numbers that are multiples of a number
     List 3 multiples of each number
     Fill in the missing multiple
     List all of the factors
     Prime factorization
     Greatest common factor
     Least common multiple
     Open-ended number theory questions
     Number theory review printable

Understand Fractions (Grades 4-5)
     Circle the equivalent fraction
     Write two equivalent fractions
     Is each fraction in simplest form?
     Write each fraction in simplest form
     Equivalent fractions: fill in the missing number (easier)
     Equivalent fractions: fill in the missing number
     Comparing fractions
     Ordering fractions (from least to greatest)
     Ordering fractions (from greatest to least)
     Part of a number
     Problem solving
     Circle the equivalent improper fraction
     Circle the equivalent mixed number
     Write each improper fraction as a mixed number
     Write each mixed number as an improper fraction
     Open-ended fraction problems
     Understand Fractions Mixed Review

Add and Subtract Fractions
Add Fractions with Like Denominators
     Add fractions with like denominators (horizontal)
     Add fractions with like denominators (vertical)
     Add fractions with like denominators: find the value of y
Subtract Fractions with Like Denominators
     Subtract fractions with like denominators (horizontal)
     Subtract fractions with like denominators (vertical)
     Subtract fractions with like denominators: find the value of y
Add and Subtract Fractions with Like Denominators
     Add and subtract fractions with like denominators (horizontal)
     Add and subtract fractions with like denominators (vertical)
     Add and subtract fractions with like denominators: find the value of y
Add and Subtract Fractions with Like Denominators (Mixed Numbers)
     Add and subtract fractions with like denominators and mixed numbers (horizontal)
     Add and subtract fractions with like denominators and mixed numbers (vertical)
     Add and subtract fractions with like denominators and mixed numbers: find the value of y
Add Fractions with Unlike Denominators
     Add fractions with unlike denominators (horizontal)
     Add fractions with unlike denominators (vertical)
     Add fractions with unlike denominators: find the value of y
Subtract Fractions with Unlike Denominators
     Subtract fractions with unlike denominators (horizontal)
     Subtract fractions with unlike denominators (vertical)
     Subtract fractions with unlike denominators: find the value of y
Add and Subtract Fractions with Unlike Denominators
     Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators (horizontal)
     Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators (vertical)
     Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators: find the value of y
Add and Subtract Fractions with Unlike Denominators (Mixed Numbers)
     Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators and mixed numbers (horizontal)
     Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators and mixed numbers (vertical)
     Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators and mixed numbers: find the value of y
Problem Solving
     Find parts of a number
     Addition and subtraction of fractions
     Addition and subtraction of fractions (mixed numbers)
     Addition and subtraction of fractions (multi-step)
     Addition and subtraction of fractions (more problems)
     Add and Subtract Fractions Mixed Review

Fraction Word Problems
             Fraction Word Problems (3rd grade)

Fraction Word Problems (4th grade)

Fraction Word Problems (5th grade)

Fraction Word Problems (6th grade)

Understanding Decimals
     Write each as a decimal (given: graphics, fractions, and word form)
     Given graphics, write the decimal (decimals greater than 1)
     Write each as a decimal (decimals greater than 1)
     Write each as a fraction

Tenths and Hundredths
     Hundredths: Write each as a fraction and decimal
     Hundredths: Write each as a decimal
     Hundredths: Write each as a fraction
     Tenths and hundredths: Write each as a decimal
     Tenths and hundredths: Write each as a fraction
     Hundredths: Write each as a decimal (graphics)
     Tenths and hundredths greater than 1: Write each as a decimal
     Tenths and hundredths greater than 1: Write each as a fraction
     Tenths and hundredths: Write each as a decimal (mix: less than and greater than 1 decimals)
     Tenths and hundredths: Write each as a fraction (mix: less than and greater than 1 decimals)
     Tenths and hundredths: Compare decimals
     Tenths and hundredths: Order decimals
     Order decimals (from 6 to 8 numbers each)
     Compare decimals and fractions
     Order decimals and fractions
     Order decimals and fractions (from 7 to 11 numbers each)
     Compare decimals and fractions (with numbers greater than 1)
     Order decimals and fractions (with numbers greater than 1)
     Tenths and Hundredths Mixed Review

     Thousandths: Write as a decimal
     Thousandths: Write as a fraction
     Thousandths: Write as a decimal (decimals greater than 1)
     Thousandths: Write as a fraction (decimals greater than 1)

Tenths, Hundredths, and Thousandths
     Write as a decimal
     Write as a fraction
     Compare decimals
     Ordering decimals
     Compare decimals (including fractions)
     Ordering decimals (including fractions)

Rounding Decimals
     Rounding: Round to the nearest tenth
     Rounding: Round to the nearest hundredth
     Rounding: Round to the place of the underlined digit

     Mixed Review

     Equivalent fractions
     Simplify fractions
     Comparing fractions
     Ordering fractions
     Write improper fractions as mixed numbers
     Write mixed numbers as improper fractions
     Fill in the missing number
     Adding and subtracting like denominators
     Multiplying fractions by whole numbers
     Multiplying fractions
     Multiplying mixed numbers
     Dividing fractions
     Dividing mixed numbers
     Adding and subtracting unlike denominators (whole numbers)
     Adding and subtracting unlike denominators
     Adding and subtracting unlike denominators (mixed numbers)
     Solving addition and subtraction equations (algebra)
     Solving multiplication and division equations (algebra)
     Open-ended fraction problems (easier)
     Open-ended fraction problems
     Fractions review printable

Fractions - Word Problems (middle school and high school level problems)
     General Fractions Word Problems
     Fractions Word Problems Mixed Review

Repeating Decimals
Write a fraction as a decimal
     Terminating decimals only (denominators of 2-20)
     Repeating decimals only (denominators of 2-20)
     Terminating and repeating decimals (denominators of 2-20)
     Write a fraction (all in lowest terms) as a decimal (easier fractions)
     Write a fraction as a decimal (larger denominators)
     Write a fraction (all in lowest terms) as a decimal
     Write a fraction as a decimal
     Write a fraction as a decimal (all in lowest terms)
Write a decimal as a fraction
     Write terminating decimals as fractions
     Write repeating decimals as fractions (includes instructions)
     Write repeating decimals as fractions
     Order 3 numbers
     Order 7 numbers
     Order 7 numbers (includes negatives)
     Repeating Decimals Mixed Review

Simplifying Algebraic Fractions (Some Polynomials)
     Reducing Algebraic Fractions to Lowest Terms (Warm Up)
     Reducing Algebraic Fractions to Lowest Terms (A Little More Difficult)
     Reducing Algebraic Fractions to Lowest Terms (Different Variables)
     Multiplying Algebraic Fractions
     Adding Algebraic Fractions
     Subtracting Algebraic Fractions
     Adding and Subtracting Algebraic Fractions
     Adding Algebraic Fractions (More Difficult)
     Subtracting Algebraic Fractions (More Difficult)
     Adding and Subtracting Algebraic Fractions (More Difficult)
     Final Review

Fraction Number Puzzles
* The following worksheets are for edHelper.com subscribers.
A subscription to edHelper includes access to the math, spelling, and vocabulary subscription areas. Sign up for the subscriber materials.
     Writing Tenths Fractions and Decimals
     Writing Hundredths Fractions and Decimals
     Reduce Improper Fractions to Lowest Terms
     Reduce to Lowest Terms
     Write Fraction as a Decimal (10 and 100 Denominators)
     Write Fraction as a Decimal
     Write Mixed Number (includes Number Words) as a Decimal
     Write Decimal as a Fraction
     Fill in the Missing Numerator or Denominator
     Addition (Like Denominators)
     Subtraction (Like Denominators)
     Addition (Like Denominators - Reduce to Lowest Terms)
     Subtraction (Like Denominators- Reduce to Lowest Terms)
     Addition and Subtraction (Like Denominators)
     Addition (Different Denominators)
     Subtraction (Different Denominators)
     Addition and Subtraction
     Multiplication (Mixed Fractions)
     Division (Mixed Fractions)
     Multiplication and Division

Learn about Fractions
            Pie Portions

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