'); } var S; S=topJS(); SLoad(S); //-->
Spanish Units
Spanish Letters Unit
Spanish Words
Spanish words with the letter �
Puzzles (with pictures)
Write the foreign language word (gives your original word in word bank)
Multiple choice
Word search (easier: no diagonal and no backward words; CAPITALIZED PUZZLE)
Word search
Fill in the blanks (1 out of every 4 letters)
Fill in the blanks (starts easy and gradually gets difficult)
Rewrite the foreign language word (given backwards)
Rewrite the foreign language word five times (given backwards)
Unscramble words
Unscramble words and also rewrite
Word shapes and write the English meaning
Word shapes
Word shapes (word bank is English meaning - some answers given in the blocks)
Word shapes (word bank is English meaning)
Mixed Review (easier)
Mixed Review
Back to list of printables
Number of Pages (for each key)
The number of pages actually created for each key may be less than the number of pages you select if you do not have enough words in your word list.
Select the number of pages:
1 page
Up to 2 pages
Up to 3 pages
Up to 4 pages
Up to 5 pages
Number of Keys
Select the number of different printables:
1 key
2 keys
3 keys
4 keys
5 keys
Answer Key
Include an answer key (answer keys will be at the end of the printable)
No answer key
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