Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Animal Worksheets
Science Worksheets

Fish Worksheets

Fish live in the oceans of the world, in freshwater lakes and streams, and even in small man-made ponds. The fish group is the largest group of vertebrate animals, containing more than 33,000 varieties! Learn here about many of the different fish of the world, from the 50-foot whale shark to electric eels to tiny little seahorses.
fish worksheets

     Fish Review Quiz - vocabulary, true/false, and multiple choice (Grades 3-6)
     Customize Printables (Grades 3-6)

Short Reading Comprehensions
Very Quick Readers
     Swordfish (Very Quick Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability)
     The Seahorse Dance (Very Quick Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability)
     Piranhas (Very Quick Reader; Grades 5-8 Readability)

Short Readers
     The Seahorse (Short Reader; Grades 1-2 Readability)
     Tuna (Short Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability)
     It's Super Sockeye! (Short Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability)
     Great White Sharks (Short Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability)
     Sharks (Short Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability)
     Seahorses Are Not Horses That Live in the Sea! (Short Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability)
     Animal Antifreeze (Short Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability)
     Stingrays (Short Reader; Grades 4-6 Readability)
     Hammerhead Sharks (Short Reader; Grades 4-6 Readability)
     Wobbegongs (Short Reader; Grades 4-6 Readability)
     Clown Fish and Sea Anemones: Talk About Teamwork! (Short Reader; Grades 4-6 Readability)
     Rainbow Trout (Short Reader; Grades 4-6 Readability)
     Arapaimas (Short Reader; Grades 4-6 Readability)
     Pufferfish (Short Reader; Grades 5-6 Readability)
     Electric Eels (Short Reader; Grades 5-6 Readability)
     Piranha (Short Reader; Grades 6-8 Readability)

     El pez espada (grades 3-5)
     Atún (grades 3-5)
     ¡Supersalmón! (grades 3-5)
     El gran tiburón blanco (grades 3-5)
     El pez raya (grades 4-6)
     El tiburón martillo (grades 4-6)
     Wobbegongs (grades 4-6)
     El pez payaso y las anémonas marinas (grades 4-6)

Reading Comprehensions
     Types of Fish (Grades 3-6)
     Basics of Fish (Grades 4-6)
     Three Kinds of Fishes (Grades 6-8)

     Anglerfish (Grades 3-6)
     Archerfish (Grades 4-7)
     Basking Sharks (Grades 4-6)
     Clown Fish (Grades 3-6)
     Cookie-Cutter Sharks (Grades 3-5)
     Eels (Grades 4-6)
     Electric Eels (Grades 4-7)
     Flying Fish (Grades 3-6)
     Great Barracudas (Grades 6-8)
     Greenland Sharks (Grades 3-5)
     Hagfish (Grades 3-6)
     Hammerhead Sharks (Grades 6-8)
     Icefish (Grades 6-8)
     Ocean Sunfish (Grades 4-7)
     Mudskippers (Grades 3-6)
     Piranhas (Grades 4-8)
     Porcupine Fish (Grades 4-6)
     Pufferfish (Grades 5-6)
     Remoras (Grades 4-7)
     Salmon (Grades 6-8)
     Seahorses (Grades 2-4)
     Seahorses (Grades 4-7)
     Sharks (Grades 4-6)
     Whale Sharks (Grades 3-6)

     Tipos de Peces (grades 3-6)
     Información Básica de los Peces (grades 4-6)
     El Pejesapo (grades 3-6)
     El tiburón cortapastas (grades 3-5)
     Las Anguilas Eléctricas
     Las Grandes Barracudas (grades 6-8)
     El Pez de Hielo (grades 6-8)
     El Pez Luna (grades 4-7)
     Los Peces del Fango (grades 3-6)
     Las Pirañas (grades 4-8)
     El Salmón (grades 6-8)
     Los Caballitos de Mar (grades 4-7)
     Los Tiburones (grades 4-6)
     Los Tiburones Ballena (grades 3-5)

Book Units
    The Rainbow Fish (Grades K-3)
    The Fishy Field Trip (Magic School Bus Chapter Book #18) (Grades 2-4)
    Sharks (Grades 3-5)

Leveled Books
            That's One Scary Looking Fish: The Deep Sea Anglerfish
            Jaws: Sharks in the Water
            A Shocking Fish Story: Electric Eels
            Chuck's the Name!
            The Savory Salmon
            Animal Super-Dad: The Seahorse
            A Fish Tale

Pictures of Fish - Puzzles
     Fish (Pictures)
     Fish (Pictures and Names)
     Fish (Pictures, Names, and Misspellings)

            Stu and Sally Stingray (Grades 2-4)
            The Unusual Life Cycle of Salmon (Grades 3-5)
            Ocean Habitat (Grades 3-5)

Compare and Contrast
        Fish Traits: Compares three different kinds of fish (Grades 3-4)

Fish Traits: Compares two kinds of fish (Grades 5-6)

Animals with "horse" in their name Traits: Compares two animals with similar faces (Grades 5-6)

Compare and Contrast Two Things (fifth grade)
Compare and Contrast Two Things (sixth grade)
Compare and Contrast Two Things (seventh grade)

Graph Drawing Challenge Puzzle
            Sea Life Graph Puzzles

Fish Activities
            Fish Puzzles
             Fish Activity Pages

Fish Activity Puzzles and Printables

Mixed Fish Puzzles
     Mixed Fish Puzzles

Fish Word Search
       Fish Word Search
     Fish Word Search with fill-in letters

     Fish Spanish Word Search

Fish Dot to Dot Word Search
       Fish Dot to Dot Word Search

Fish Curvy Words Puzzle
       Fish Curvy Words

Fish Word Search with Clues
       Fish Word Search with Clues

Fish Crossword Puzzle
       Fish Crossword Puzzle (PDF and options)

     Fish Crossword Puzzle (HTML; list of words on page)
     Fish Crossword Puzzle (HTML)

Fish Word Shapes
       Fish Word Shapes (easier - one letter filled in)
     Fish Word Shapes (fill in word shapes and also write the word)
     Fish Word Shapes

Trace and Write Fish Words
       Fish trace and write words (easier)
     Fish trace and write words
     Fish trace and write words (missing letters)

Word Building
       Fish Word Building Lesson

CodeWord Puzzle
       Fish CodeWord Puzzle

Make Words From Fish Words
       Fish word building activity
     Fish word building activity (with word search)

       Fish syllables: connect the syllables
     Fish syllables: form words from the syllables
     Fish syllables: circle the correct division of syllables
     Fish syllables: write the number of syllables and divide the word
     Fish syllables: mixed review of syllables

Fish Pronunciations Puzzles
     Fish pronunciations: circle the correct spelling
     Fish pronunciations: spell the word
     Fish pronunciations: word search puzzle

More Fish Puzzles
     Fish fill in the words puzzle
     Fish spelling maze
     Fish crack the code
     Fish unscramble the words
     Fish circle the correct word
     Fish fill in the missing letter
     Fish fill in the missing vowels

Reading Comprehensions which use Fish theme words
     Reading comprehensions with words from the fish theme word list

Foreign Languages

Foreign Languages Activity Printable Pages
      Spanish Fish Activity Book

French Fish Activity Book

German Fish Activity Book

Italian Fish Activity Book

Matching English with Foreign Language Words
      Match Spanish Fish words with English words

Match French Fish words with English words

Match German Fish words with English words

Match Italian Fish words with English words

Spelling: Fish Words - Pick the Correct Spelling
      Spanish Fish Spelling Printable

French Fish Spelling Printable

German Fish Spelling Printable

Italian Fish Spelling Printable

Foreign Languages: Fish Crossword Puzzle
  Spanish Fish Crossword Puzzle

French Fish Crossword Puzzle

German Fish Crossword Puzzle

Italian Fish Crossword Puzzle

More Activities and Printables
Sea Life

Step by Step to Draw Fish
            Fish Drawing

Teacher Recommendations:  Worksheet and Lesson Plan Activity Ideas

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     Solar System and Planets

     Science Theme Units


     Money Worksheets

     Time Worksheets

Main Idea
     Reading Comprehension Skills

     Community Maps

     Handwriting Worksheets and Handwriting Based Activities

     Spelling Words


     Reading Comprehension Stories and Worksheets

  Geometry Worksheets
  Science:  Water Theme
  Phonics - Printable Books, Worksheets, and Lesson Plans
  Dolch Sight Word Printables and Worksheets
  Nutrition Worksheets
  Make Printable Puzzles: Word Searches, Crossword Puzzles, and Critical Thinking
  Poetry Units
  United States Presidents
  Social Studies Theme Units
  Space and Stars
  Book Report Forms
  Vocabulary Words
  Ancient China
  Civil War
  Logic Shapes: Critical Thinking Puzzles
  Word Roots - Prefixes, Greek and Latin Roots

More Activities, Lesson Plans, and Worksheets

Back to School
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Sight Words
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50 States

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Place Value
Time and Calendar
Earth Day
Solar System
Following Directions
Cursive Writing
Patterns and Sequencing
All About Me

First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade

Main Idea
Cause and Effect
Order of Operations
Community Helpers
Addition and Subtraction
Bulletin Board Ideas
Word Searches
Crossword Puzzles
Printable Puzzles

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