Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Math Worksheets

Factor Worksheets

Understanding factoring can affect student success in math, and these unique worksheets will help students almost effortlessly master prime numbers, composite numbers, and number theory. Polynomial classification, as well as adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing worksheets, polishes these advanced skills for older students in creative ways. Valuable number theory and polynomial review printables make sure students won't forget these essential math concepts.

Free Factor Worksheets

Prime Numbers
             Fill-in all of the prime numbers up to 100

Color in the prime numbers up to 100 (5 are given)
Color in the prime numbers up to 100 (2 are given)

Rows - Color in the prime numbers (1 given in each row)
Rows - Color in the prime numbers

Composite Numbers
             Fill-in all of the prime numbers up to 100

Color in the prime numbers up to 100 (5 are given)
Color in the prime numbers up to 100 (2 are given)

Rows - Color in the prime numbers (1 given in each row)
Rows - Color in the prime numbers

Prime or Composite Numbers
             Color in the prime numbers up to 100 (5 are given)
Color in the prime numbers up to 100 (2 are given)

Rows - Color in the prime numbers (1 given in each row)
Rows - Color in the prime numbers

Number Theory
     Prime or composite
     Divisibility: complete the table
     Divisibility: fill in the missing digit
     List all of the factors
     Prime factorization
     Greatest common factor
     Least common multiple
     Open-ended number theory questions
     Number theory review printable

Polynomial Worksheets
     Classify as a monomial, binomial, or trinomial
     Adding Polynomials
     Subtracting Polynomials
     Multiplication (Monomial by Polynomial)
     Multiplication using FOIL (Binomial by Binomial)
     Multiplication (Polynomial by Polynomial)
     Dividing a Monomial by a Monomial
     Dividing a Polynomial by a Monomial
     Mixing Addition, Multiplication, and Division in one problem.
     A mix of all the different operation worksheets.
     Common Factors: Factor out the GCF
     Common Factors: Write as a Product of Two Binomials
     Factoring: Perfect-Square Trinomials
     Factoring: Perfect-Squares (more difficult)
     Factoring: Quadratic Trinomials
     Solve by Factoring
     Final Review of Polynomials

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