1. |
Write the total distance to go from the house at 4 Darby Street to the house at 6 Darby Street .
2. |
Write the total distance to go from the city hall at 71 Holman Street to the house at 161 Barrel Way .
3. |
Write the total distance to go from the gas station at 561 Lenore Street to the fire station at 562 Lenore Street .
4. |
Write the total distance to go from the fire station at 562 Lenore Street to the city hall at 71 Holman Street .
5. |
Write the total distance to go from the house at 2 Darby Street to the house at 165 Barrel Way .
6. |
Write the total distance to go from the gas station at 561 Lenore Street to the police station at 127 Hollins Street .
7. |
Write the total distance to go from the house at 167 Barrel Way to the fire station at 562 Lenore Street .
8. |
Write the total distance to go from the gas station at 561 Lenore Street to the library at 3 Darby Street .