Teacher Worksheets

Addition Worksheets

Category: Addition Facts

Category: Addition

Category: Two-digit Addition

Category: Addition Within 10

Category: Multi-digit Addition

Category: Math Puzzles

Cute graphical addition worksheets that your students will enjoy working on. No prep required for teachers or parents who homeschool! Addition resources and workbooks help students learn math facts, including multi-digit problems, whole numbers, and decimals and fractions, both with and without regrouping and carrying.

Are your students having trouble putting two and two together? Add some creative fun to math class! Addition is a fundamental math concept for students to grasp. Some kids need more practice than others, and EdHelper's innovative addition worksheets are a useful resource for teachers and parents to teach these skills.

Learning to add single-digit numbers quickly and without a calculator is an invaluable skill that students will need to succeed in math and in life. Addition worksheets are also useful for reinforcing concepts or assessing a student's learning progress.

Addition Scoot Cards
Scoot Addition Math Games      Scoot Addition Math Games

       Addition Math Facts Workbook, To Sums of 18

Addition Facts with Fidget Spinner to Sums of 18      Workbook with increasing difficulty to practice addition facts, to sums of 18

Only sum is blank
Any number blank - Use subtraction and addition skills

       Addition Math Facts Workbook, To Sums of 99

Addition Facts with Fidget Spinner to Sums of 99      Workbook with increasing difficulty to practice addition facts, to sums of 99

Only sum is blank
Any number blank - Use subtraction and addition skills

       Addition Workbooks for Kindergarten and First Grade - Kids will ask you for these in the classroom.

Monster Math Worksheets      Monster Math - Easier Addition Workbook #1 (Kindergarten or First Grade)

Monster Math - Addition Workbook #2 (First Grade)

     Addition Workbook #3 (Kindergarten or First Grade)
     Learning Addition Workbook #4 (Kindergarten or First Grade)

Learning Addition Workbook #5 (First Grade)
     Addition Workbook #6 (First Grade)

Addition Workbook #7 (First or Second Grade)

Math Facts
             Math Facts

Quick Math Facts

          Make Quick Math Facts Printable     

Addition Facts: Numbers 0 to 9
    Addition Facts: Numbers 0 to 9
    Large Fonts (fewer problems)
    Small Fonts (more problems)

Addition Facts: Numbers 0 to 9 - Cross out the incorrect facts
    Addition Facts: Numbers 0 to 9 - Cross out the incorrect facts
    Large Fonts (fewer problems)
    Small Fonts (more problems)

Addition Facts: Focusing on a number
    Addition with the number 1
    Addition with the number 2
    Addition with the number 3
    Addition with the number 4
    Addition with the number 5
    Addition with the number 6
    Addition with the number 7
    Addition with the number 8
    Addition with the number 9

2-Digit Addition Facts
    2-Digit addition

2-Digit Addition No Prep Books [No Carrying]
             2-Digit Addition Book [No Carrying]

2nd Grade No Prep 2-Digit Addition Book (includes mixed work) [No Carrying]

3rd Grade No Prep 2-Digit Addition Book (includes mixed work) [No Carrying]

4th Grade No Prep 2-Digit Addition Book (includes mixed work) [No Carrying]

2-Digit Addition No Prep Books
             2-Digit Addition Book [Half Page No Carrying]

2-Digit Addition Book

2nd Grade No Prep 2-Digit Addition Book (includes mixed work)

3rd Grade No Prep 2-Digit Addition Book (includes mixed work)

4th Grade No Prep 2-Digit Addition Book (includes mixed work)

3-Digit Addition No Prep Books [No Carrying]
             3-Digit Addition Book [No Carrying]

2nd Grade No Prep 3-Digit Addition Book (includes mixed work) [No Carrying]

3rd Grade No Prep 3-Digit Addition Book (includes mixed work) [No Carrying]

4th Grade No Prep 3-Digit Addition Book (includes mixed work) [No Carrying]

3-Digit Addition No Prep Books
             3-Digit Addition Book [Half Page No Carrying]

3-Digit Addition Book

2nd Grade No Prep 3-Digit Addition Book (includes mixed work)

3rd Grade No Prep 3-Digit Addition Book (includes mixed work)

4th Grade No Prep 3-Digit Addition Book (includes mixed work)

4-Digit Addition No Prep Books [No Carrying]
             4-Digit Addition Book [No Carrying]

2nd Grade No Prep 4-Digit Addition Book (includes mixed work) [No Carrying]

3rd Grade No Prep 4-Digit Addition Book (includes mixed work) [No Carrying]

4th Grade No Prep 4-Digit Addition Book (includes mixed work) [No Carrying]

4-Digit Addition No Prep Books
             4-Digit Addition Book [Half Page No Carrying]

4-Digit Addition Book

2nd Grade No Prep 4-Digit Addition Book (includes mixed work)

3rd Grade No Prep 4-Digit Addition Book (includes mixed work)

4th Grade No Prep 4-Digit Addition Book (includes mixed work)

Addition Math Center
     Addition Math Center: Sums of 2 to 9 (Grades 3-6)

Addition Math Center: Sums of 2 to 19 (Grades 3-6)

Addition and Subtraction Math Center
     Sums and Differences of 2 to 9 (Grades 3-6)

Sums and Differences of 2 to 19 (Grades 3-6)

Addition Stairs Math Learning Center
     Addition Stairs: Numbers 1 to 5 (Grades 1-3)

Addition Stairs: Numbers 1 to 9 (Grades 1-3)

Addition Stairs: Numbers 1 to 14 (Grades 1-3)

Addition Stairs: Numbers 1 to 19 (Grades 1-3)

Addition Squares
Addition Squares

Introduction to Addition

Adding a Fixed Number - Number line is from 0 to 9
             Adding 1

Adding 2

Adding 3

Adding 4

Adding 5

Mixed - No Focus Number

Adding a Fixed Number - Number line is from 0 to 9 - Last Problem No Arrows (just the numberline)
             Adding 1

Adding 2

Adding 3

Adding 4

Adding 5

Mixed - No Focus Number

Adding a Fixed Number - Number line is from 0 to 19
             Adding 1

Adding 2

Adding 3

Adding 4

Adding 5

Adding 6

Adding 7

Adding 8

Mixed - No Focus Number

Adding a Fixed Number - Number line is from 0 to 9 - One Number Line (for first problem only)
             Adding 1

Adding 2

Adding 3

Adding 4

Adding 5

Addition Challenge - Blanks in Different Spots
             Addition Challenge (number line from 0 to 9)

Addition Challenge (number line from 0 to 19)

Color by Number Addition
            Color by Number Addition

Number Bonds
            Number Bonds

Length: With Addition and Subtraction
            Length: With Addition and Subtraction

Simple Addition Facts Activity Book
            Addition Puzzles

Easy Addition and Subtraction Activity
            A Winner of a Dinner

Read and Color
            Flip To Find Addition/Subtraction Math Facts 0-10

Addition Word Problems
             Addition Word Problems (1st grade)

Addition Word Problems (2nd grade)

Addition Word Problems (3rd grade)

Addition Word Problems (4th grade)

Addition Word Problems (5th grade)

Addition Word Problems (6th grade)

Addition Grouping

          Addition Grouping Puzzle Handout

Runaway Math Puzzles

      Runaway Math Puzzles   

    Counting (part 1)

    Counting (part 2)

Addition Color Puzzles
             Addition Color Puzzles

Bulletin Board
            "Be A Magical Mathematician" Bulletin Board
            Monkey Math

Math Equations Bulletin Board
            "Chimp Challenge" Bulletin Board

Addition - (Grades 4 and up)
     2-3 digits column addition
     2-4 digits column addition
     4-7 digits column addition
     2 digits across addition
     2-4 digits across addition
     4-5 digits across addition
     2 digits with 3 numbers column addition
     2-3 digits with 3 numbers column addition
     2-5 digits with 3 numbers column addition
     Column addition: start with 2 digits and increase by 1 digit in each row
     Column addition: start with 2-3 digits and increase by 1 digits every 2 rows
     Column addition: start with 2-3 digits and increase by 2 digits every 2 rows
     Across addition with 3-5 numbers
     Fill in the missing numbers: 2 digits
     Fill in the missing numbers: 2-3 digits
     Fill in the missing numbers: 4-5 digits
     Fill in the missing numbers: 2-6 digits
     Math word puzzles
     Math addition boxes: 3 x 3
     Math addition boxes: 4 x 4
     Addition Word Problems (Easier)
     Addition Word Problems
     Addition Mixed Review

Introduction to Addition
Blocks (black and white)
     Find sum (2-7 blocks)
     Fill in the missing number (2-7 blocks)
     Complete the addition fact (2-7 blocks)
     Find sum (6-9 blocks)
     Fill in the missing number (6-9 blocks)
     Complete the addition fact (6-9 blocks)

Blocks (color)
     Find sum (2-7 blocks)
     Fill in the missing number (2-7 blocks)
     Complete the addition fact (2-7 blocks)
     Find sum (6-9 blocks)
     Fill in the missing number (6-9 blocks)
     Complete the addition fact (6-9 blocks)

     Fill in the blanks (sum of 2-9)
     Complete the addition fact (sum of 2-9)
     Fill in the blanks (sum of 6-12)
     Complete the addition fact (sum of 6-12)
     Introduction to Addition Mixed Review

Addition: Numbers 0 to 10
     Adding the number 1
     Adding the number 2
     Adding 1-2
     Adding the number 3
     Adding 1-3
     Adding the number 4
     Adding 0-4
     Adding 2-4
     Adding the number 5

Addition using the numbers 0 to 5 (maximum answer is ten)
     Vertical addition
     Horizontal addition
     Fill in the missing numbers

Find addition facts
     Word search: adding the number 1
     Word search: adding the number 2
     Word search: adding the number 3
     Word Search: adding 0-5

Word problems and review
     Addition word problems
     Addition (Numbers 0-10) Mixed Review

Addition Through 20
Addition with Blocks (includes the total block count)
     Find the sum
     Fill in one number
     Complete the addition fact

Addition with Blocks
     Find the sum
     Fill in one number
     Complete the addition fact

Doubles and Doubles + 1
     Mixed vertical and horizontal
     Fill in the missing numbers
     Word search

Addition with the number 10
     Blocks: find the sum
     Blocks: fill in one number
     Blocks: complete the addition fact
     Mixed vertical and horizontal

Addition with sums from 11 through 15
     Horizontal and vertical addition
     Vertical addition
     Horizontal addition
     Fill in the missing numbers
     Word search
     Adding three numbers: vertical and horizontal
     Adding three numbers: vertical addition
     Adding three numbers: horizontal addition
     Adding three numbers: fill in the missing numbers
     Word problems

Addition with sums from 11 through 19
     Horizontal and vertical addition
     Vertical addition
     Horizontal addition
     Fill in the missing numbers
     Word search
     Adding three numbers: vertical and horizontal
     Adding three numbers: vertical addition
     Adding three numbers: horizontal addition
     Adding three numbers: fill in the missing numbers
     Word problems

     Addition Through 20 Mixed Review

Adding Two-Digit Numbers (No Regrouping)
Adding a one-digit numbers to two-digit numbers (No Regrouping)
     Adding tens and ones with blocks
     Vertical addition - 2 digits on top and 1 digit on bottom
     Vertical addition - 1 digit on top and 2 digits on bottom
     Vertical addition - 2 digits and 1 digit (mixed)
     Fill in the missing number in each problem
     Adding cents
     Horizontal and vertical addition
     Vertical addition
     Horizontal addition
     Fill in the missing numbers

Two-Digit Addition (No Regrouping)
     Adding tens and ones with blocks
     Vertical addition
     Fill in the missing number in each problem
     Adding cents
     Horizontal and vertical addition
     Vertical addition
     Horizontal addition
     Fill in the missing numbers

Word problems and review (No Regrouping)
     Two-Digit addition word problems
     Two-Digit addition Mixed Review (No Regrouping)

Introduction to 2-Digit Addition with Regrouping
     Regroup a number (with blocks)
     Regroup a number
     Calculate a sum. Do you need to regroup?
     Adding a 2-digit number to a 1-digit number
     Adding 2-digit and 1-digit numbers
     2-digit addition
     Problem solving (with addition equation)
     Introduction to 2-digit Addition with Regrouping Mixed Review

2-Digit Addition with Regrouping
     Adding 2-digits to 1-digit (all are regrouping)
     Adding 2-digits to 1-digit (most are regrouping)
     2-digit addition (all are regrouping)
     2-digit addition (most are regrouping)
     Rewrite the addends and then add
     2-digit addition (has tens/ones but no carry box)
     Fill in the missing digit
     2-digit addition of cents (with carry box)
     2-digit addition of cents (no carry box)
     2-digit addition (all are regrouping)
     2-digit addition (most are regrouping)
     Addition of three 2-digit numbers
     Problem solving
     2-digit Addition with Regrouping Mixed Review

3-Digit Addition
With hundreds/tens/ones column headers
     3-digit and 2-digit addition with (all are regrouping)
     3-digit and 2-digit addition (most are regrouping)
     3-digit addition (all are regrouping)
     3-digit addition (most are regrouping)
     Rewrite the addends and then add
     3-digit addition (no carry boxes)
     Fill in the missing digit
No hundreds/tens/ones column headers
     Add money
     3-digit addition (all are regrouping)
     3-digit addition (most are regrouping)
     Add three numbers (one 3-digit, two 2-digit numbers)
     Add three 3-Ddigit numbers
     3-Digit Addition Mixed Review

Add and Subtract Decimals
     Column addition of 2 numbers (up to tenths)
     Column addition of 2 numbers (up to hundredths)
     Column addition of 2 numbers (up to thousandths)
     Money column addition (up to $99.99)
     Money column addition (up to $99,999.99)
     Across addition of 2 numbers (up to hundredths)
     Across addition of 2 numbers (up to thousandths)

     Column subtraction of 2 numbers (up to tenths)
     Column subtraction of 2 numbers (up to hundredths)
     Column subtraction of 2 numbers (up to thousandths)
     Money column subtraction (up to $99.99)
     Money column subtraction (up to $99,999.99)
     Across subtraction of 2 numbers (up to hundredths)
     Across subtraction of 2 numbers (up to thousandths)

Mix of Addition and Subtraction
     Column addition and subtraction of 2 numbers (up to tenths)
     Column addition and subtraction of 2 numbers (up to hundredths)
     Column addition and subtraction of 2 numbers (up to thousandths)
     Money column addition and subtraction (up to $99.99)
     Money column addition and subtraction (up to $99,999.99)
     Across addition and subtraction of 2 numbers (up to hundredths)
     Across addition and subtraction of 2 numbers (up to thousandths)

Part 2
     Column addition of 3 numbers
     Order of Operations (no parenthesis)
     Order of Operations
     Order of Operations (one missing number)
     Order of Operations (one missing operation)
     Order of Operations (fill in all numbers)
     Order of Operations (fill in all operations)
     Fill in the missing numbers (up to hundredths)
     Fill in the missing numbers (up to thousandths)
     Math box
     Decimal addition and subtraction word problems
     Addition and subtraction of decimals: Mixed Review

Addition from Number Word Searches!
     Addition with numbers 1-6   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     Addition with numbers 1-9   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     Addition with the number one   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     Addition with the number two   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     Addition with the number three   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     Addition with the number four   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     Addition with the number five   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     Addition with the number six   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     Addition with the number seven   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     Addition with the number eight   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     Addition with the number nine   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     Addition with the number ten   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     Addition with the number eleven   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     Addition with numbers 1-13   - with number words
     Addition with numbers 10-20   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     Addition with numbers 1-20   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     2 Digit Addition   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     3 Digit Addition   - with number words
     2 and 3 Digit Addition   - with number words
     4 Digit Addition   - with number words
     3 and 4 Digit Addition   - with number words
     5 Digit Addition   - with number words
     1-5 Digit Addition   - with number words

Addition from Math Word Puzzles!
Addition Worksheets
     Addition (no hints)
     Addition (hints)
     Addition (half the problems include a hint)

Addition Worksheets
The vowels are replaced with numbers!

     Addition (no hints)
     Addition (hints)
     Addition (half the problems include a hint)

Addition Worksheets
Only the words are given. The order of the words are not given!

     Addition (no hints)
     Addition (hints)
     Addition (half the problems include a hint)

Addition Worksheets
The vowels are replaced with numbers but the order of the words are not given!

     Addition (no hints)
     Addition (hints)
     Addition (half the problems include a hint)

Addition Math Box from Math Box Puzzles!
     Addition Math Box Puzzle Worksheet
     Addition with Decimals
     Fraction Addition Math Box Puzzle Worksheet

Addition from Missing Digits
     Addition Missing Digits (1 Digit)
     Addition Missing Digits (2 Digits)
     Addition Missing Digits (1-2 Digits)
     Addition Missing Digits (3 Digits)
     Addition Missing Digits (2-3 Digits)
     Addition Missing Digits (4 Digits)
     Addition Missing Digits (3-4 Digits)
     Addition Missing Digits (2-4 Digits)

Decimal Addition Missing Digits Worksheets
     Decimal Addition Missing Digits (1 Digit, Decimal Places: 1 Digit)
     Decimal Addition Missing Digits (1 Digit, Decimal Places: 2 Digits)
     Decimal Addition Missing Digits (1 Digit, Decimal Places: 1-2 Digits)
     Decimal Addition Missing Digits (1 Digit, Decimal Places: 3 Digits)
     Decimal Addition Missing Digits (1 Digit, Decimal Places: 1-3 Digits)
     Decimal Addition Missing Digits (2 Digits, Decimal Places: 1 Digit)
     Decimal Addition Missing Digits (2 Digits, Decimal Places: 2 Digits)
     Decimal Addition Missing Digits (2 Digits, Decimal Places: 1-2 Digits)
     Decimal Addition Missing Digits (2 Digits, Decimal Places: 3 Digits)
     Decimal Addition Missing Digits (2 Digits, Decimal Places: 1-3 Digits)
     Decimal Addition Missing Digits (1-2 Digits, Decimal Places: 1 Digit)
     Decimal Addition Missing Digits (1-2 Digits, Decimal Places: 2 Digits)
     Decimal Addition Missing Digits (1-2 Digits, Decimal Places: 1-2 Digits)
     Decimal Addition Missing Digits (1-2 Digits, Decimal Places: 3 Digits)
     Decimal Addition Missing Digits (1-2 Digits, Decimal Places: 1-3 Digits)
     Decimal Addition Missing Digits (3 Digits, Decimal Places: 1 Digit)
     Decimal Addition Missing Digits (3 Digits, Decimal Places: 2 Digits)
     Decimal Addition Missing Digits (3 Digits, Decimal Places: 1-2 Digits)
     Decimal Addition Missing Digits (3 Digits, Decimal Places: 3 Digits)
     Decimal Addition Missing Digits (3 Digits, Decimal Places: 1-3 Digits)
     Decimal Addition Missing Digits (2-3 Digits, Decimal Places: 1 Digit)
     Decimal Addition Missing Digits (2-3 Digits, Decimal Places: 2 Digits)
     Decimal Addition Missing Digits (2-3 Digits, Decimal Places: 1-2 Digits)
     Decimal Addition Missing Digits (2-3 Digits, Decimal Places: 3 Digits)
     Decimal Addition Missing Digits (2-3 Digits, Decimal Places: 1-3 Digits)
     Decimal Addition Missing Digits (1-3 Digits, Decimal Places: 1 Digit)
     Decimal Addition Missing Digits (1-3 Digits, Decimal Places: 2 Digits)
     Decimal Addition Missing Digits (1-3 Digits, Decimal Places: 1-2 Digits)
     Decimal Addition Missing Digits (1-3 Digits, Decimal Places: 3 Digits)
     Decimal Addition Missing Digits (1-3 Digits, Decimal Places: 1-3 Digits)

Addition from Number Puzzles!
* The following worksheets are for edHelper.com subscribers.
A subscription to edHelper includes access to the math, spelling, and vocabulary subscription areas. Sign up for the subscriber materials.
     Addition and Subtraction Word Problems (easy)
     Addition and Subtraction Word Problems (easy)
     Word Problems - Addition,Subtraction,Division,Multiplication (Grades 4-5)
     Numbers 0 to 6 (Top Down)
     Numbers 0 to 6 (Across)
     Easy Column Addition (Numbers 0 to 6)
     Numbers 7 to 19 (Top Down)
     Numbers 7 to 19 (Across)
     Numbers 0 to 13 (Top Down)
     Numbers 0 to 13 (Across)
     Column Addition (Numbers 1 to 5)
     Numbers 0 to 13 (Top Down)
     Numbers 0 to 13 (Across)
     Column Addition (Numbers 1 to 9)
     Column Addition (Numbers 1 to 19)
     Numbers 0 to 29 (Across)
     Column Addition (4 Numbers 0 to 9)
     Column Addition (Add 3 Numbers of Value 1-18)
     Add 4 Numbers (Numbers 0 to 9)
     Add 5 Numbers (Numbers 0 to 9)
     2 Digit Addition (No Carrying)
     2 Digit Addition (With Carrying)
     3 Digit Addition (No Carrying)
     3 Digit Addition (Carrying)
     4 Digit Addition
     Addition (a variety)
     Addition (Across, Column, and 4+ Numbers)
     Addition (2 - 5 Digit Numbers)
     Addition (Large Numbers)

Addition Sequences from Sequences Puzzles!
     Addition and Subtraction Sequences
     Mixed Addition, Subtraction, Division, Multiplication
     Addition and Subtraction of Decimals
     Addition of Fractions

Addition of Fractions from Fraction Worksheets!
     Addition of Fractions
     Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
     Adding Fractions (Across)
     Adding Fractions (Top Down)
     Adding Fractions (Top Down: Harder)
     Addition and Subtraction of Fractions (Mixed)
     Addition (Like Denominators)
     Addition (Like Denominators - Reduce to Lowest Terms)
     Addition and Subtraction (Like Denominators)
     Addition (Different Denominators)
     Subtraction (Different Denominators)
     Addition and Subtraction

Color by Addition
             Color by Addition

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