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Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Reading Comprehension Worksheets
Grades 2-3 Social Studies Wendy's World Series
Baseball and Softball
One, Two, Three Strikes You're Out

Grades 2-3 Social Studies Wendy's World Series
Grades 2-3 Social Studies Wendy's World Series

One, Two, Three Strikes You're Out
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Reading Level
     edHelper's suggested reading level:   grades 2 to 3
     Flesch-Kincaid grade level:   2.84

     challenging words:    outfield, professional, rounders, townball, fireman, balls, were, sport, sticks, form, group, team, also, supper, begin, player
     content words:    Baseball Hall, New York, Little League, Abner Doubleday, Alexander Cartwright, Cincinnati Red Stockings, National Association, Base Ball Players, National League, World Series

One, Two, Three Strikes You're Out
By Jane Runyon

1     Wendy and Tess were waiting for Tim. Tim and his father had gone on a weekend trip. They had visited the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York. Baseball was Tim's favorite sport. He played on a Little League team each summer. He said he wanted to be a baseball player when he grew up. He also said he wanted to be a fireman or a doctor. He still has time to make up his mind.
2     Soon, Tim and his father arrived at home. The girls knew he had had a good time. He was wearing a new baseball cap and carrying a new bat. He was also smiling from ear to ear.
3     "What did you get to see?" asked Tess. "I want to hear all about your trip."
4     "I got to see a whole lot of things," answered Tim. "This will take me a long time. I want to tell you about all the things I learned."
5     "We've got time before supper," said Wendy. "Spill it."
6     "I'm not sure where to begin," said Tim.
7     "Start at the beginning," said Tess. "That's always a good place to begin."
8     "Well," began Tim, "people have played games using sticks and balls for many, many years. The game we call baseball started when people tried to play an English game called rounders. People here called it "townball" or "base."
9     "So now it's baseball," said Tess.
10     "That's it," said Tim.
11     "I heard that Abner Doubleday invented baseball," said Wendy.
12     "A lot of people think that," said Tim "He didn't, though."
13     "People made their own rules and changed the game. A man named Alexander Cartwright sat down and wrote the first set of rules for the game we now play," explained Tim.
14     "When did he do that?" asked Tess.

Paragraphs 15 to 28:
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Grades 2-3 Social Studies Wendy's World Series
             Grades 2-3 Social Studies Wendy's World Series

Baseball and Softball
             Baseball and Softball

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