1 Wendy heard music from a class room. She wondered if her friends, Tess and Tim, were in there. She stopped at the door. When she looked in, she saw students from the entire school. They were standing in rows. The music teacher was conducting as they sang. Wendy listened to their song.
2 "In fourteen hundred and ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue."
3 Miss Jeffrey, the music teacher, told the class that they had done a good job. She then told them to go home. They needed to rest up for the program they were presenting to their parents.
4 Wendy waited for Tess and Tim. "Hi," she said as they came out of the room. "I was listening to you sing."
5 "How did we sound?" asked Tess.
6 "I didn't get to hear very much," answered Wendy. "But what I heard sounded really good."
7 "We have to give a program for our parents tonight," said Tim. "We have been learning about Columbus Day."
8 "That sounds like fun," said Wendy. "What have you learned?"
9 "Well," said Tess, "Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy."
10 "And he wanted to be a sailor from the time he was young," added Tim.
11 "He was shipwrecked off the coast of Portugal in 1470," continued Tess.
12 "So he decided to live there," finished Tim.
13 "Do you know why he sailed to the New World?" asked Wendy.
14 "He wanted to open up a new trade route to the East Indies," stated Tess.
Paragraphs 15 to 33:
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