1 "Jeremy," shouted Thomas, "what's going on?"
2 "They're fighting again," called Jeremy from across the street.
3 "What about this time?" Thomas asked.
4 "Who knows," Jeremy yelled back.
5 It was hot that summer of 1787. The bugs were awful. There was something big going on in Philadelphia. Many great men were meeting there that summer.
6 Thomas had heard his father talking about the meeting. General George Washington was there. Four big, strong men carried a chair to the meeting. Sitting in the chair was Benjamin Franklin. James Madison went to every meeting. Thomas's father said they were writing a constitution.
7 Thomas asked his father about it. His father explained this way. "We are a brand new country. Our citizens fought England for our freedom. Now we must make a set of rules to live by. Everyone needs rules. These men want to make that set of rules."
8 "Why do they yell at each other so much?" asked Thomas.
9 "They all think they know what is best for the country," answered father. "They all want to do what is right."
Paragraphs 10 to 18:
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