Sample One Dark and Stormy Night Worksheet
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One Dark and Stormy Night
By Brenda B. Covert


Child #1 - storytellerWolf
Child #2 - fearful oneWitch
Child #3 - pumpkin loverGhost
Child #4 - skepticSkeleton
OwlSound FX

CHILD #1:   It was a dark and stormy night.

CHILD #2:   It wasn't all that dark and stormy... was it?

CHILD #3:   There was a glow from many carved pumpkins!

CHILD #4:   The full moon peered through wispy clouds.

CHILD #1:   Anyway, there was a spooky old house at the end of the lane.

CHILD #2:   Was it really spooky?

CHILD #3:   Were there any pumpkins?

CHILD #4:   Was the porch light turned on? Was anybody home?

CHILD #1:   There was a green glow coming from the windows.

CHILD #2:   Oh my! That's scary!

CHILD #3:   Were the pumpkins green?

CHILD #4:   You're making that up.

CHILD #1:   Six dark shadows crept toward the front door.

CHILD #2:   I don't think I like this story!

CHILD #3:   I hope they were six happy pumpkins!

CHILD #4:   (gasp) What was that?

OWL:   Whoo-hoo-hoo!

CHORUS:   What's that noise? What's that sound?
Who's that creeping all around?

OWL:   Whoo-hoo? Who, me? I'm a wise old owl. I'm out on a prowl.

CAT:   (Loudly, angrily) Mmr-ow!

CHORUS:   What's that noise? What's that sound?
Who's that creeping all around?

CAT:   It's only me -- a big, black cat! That owl almost got me. I don't like that!

WOLF:   (howling) Ar-oooooo!

CHORUS:   What's that noise? What's that sound?
Who's that creeping all around?

WOLF:   I'm a wolf, ar-ooo, and I howl at the moon.
I'm going to catch that cat very soon.

CAT:   (Hisses)

WITCH:   (cackling) Eeeee-hee-hee-hee!

CHORUS:   What's that noise? What's that sound?
Who's that creeping all around?

WITCH:   Be still, my dearies, and have no fear,
I've only come for the cat that's near.

OWL:   Whoo-hoo? Who are you?

WITCH:   If you must know, I'm a witch, okay?
But I'd rather be a fairy -- any day.

GHOST:   (moaning) Oooooooooh.

CHORUS:   What's that noise? What's that sound?
Who's that creeping all around?

GHOST:   Ooooooooooh!
I broke my toe! (Sound ghostly)

WOLF:   Since when do ghosts have toes?

GHOST:   Since when do wolves talk?

CAT:   Good point.

SKELETON:   Ow, ow, ow, ow --

CHORUS:   What's that noise? What's that sound?
Who's that creeping all around?

SKELETON:   Hello, crew. I've got a bone to pick with you.

ALL:   Who, us?

SKELETON:   Make no bones about it, I'm glum.
I've got a pain in my cranium.

WITCH:   Why, what's the matter? What did we do?

SKELETON:   You left me behind, tying my shoe!

GHOST:   Oh, the horror! What happened next?

SKELETON:   I hit a tree branch with my head. Now I'm vexed!

CHILD #1:   The six dark shadows slipped up to the door.

CHILD #2:   Oh, I get it! It was the owl, the cat, the wolf, the ghost, the witch, and the skeleton!
Paragraphs 99 to 114:
For the complete story with questions: click here for printable

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