1 Who is Elizabeth Griscom? People do not know her by that name. She is better known as Betsy Ross. Betsy Ross was born on January 1, 1752. She was from a family of 17 children. Betsy was born eighth. Betsy's father was a carpenter. He is best known for building the bell tower at the Pennsylvania State House. It is also called Independence Hall.
2 When Betsy Ross went to school, she learned to read and write. She also was taught to sew. Her father got her a sewing job at a town shop. She sewed many things, including flags. Betsy fell in love with someone that worked with her. His name was John Ross. They were later married. She had to leave her town to get married. It was against the beliefs of her church for her to marry John. He did not belong to the same religion. Betsy's family stopped talking to her when they found out she married John.
3 John and Betsy opened up a sewing shop of their own. They joined another church. George Washington was a member of the church. He had just become president. He decided that our country needed a flag. George Washington may have met with Betsy to ask her to make the first American flag. Some people are not sure if Betsy was the first flag maker.
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