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Reading Comprehension Worksheets
Why Can't I Leave This On?

Why Can't I Leave This On?
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Reading Level
     edHelper's suggested reading level:   high interest, readability grades 3 to 4
     Flesch-Kincaid grade level:   4.01

     challenging words:    reopen, thermostat, directly, dishwasher, tips, opposite, lower, environment, actually, care, cooler, freezer, conditioner, costs, simple, refrigerator

Why Can't I Leave This On?
By Cathy Pearl

1     Taking care of your house does not only mean keeping it clean. There are other things that are important to do, too. Some of these things can even help the environment. They can also save you money. One of these things is saving electricity. You might be surprised at the little things that you can do in your house to use less electricity.
2     One of the most important things you can do to save electricity is to turn off the lights. Incandescent and compact fluorescent light bulbs produce a lot of heat. Of all the electricity that is used to power a light bulb, 85% - 90% of the energy used is lost as heat. The last thing you want in the summer is a bunch of heaters running in your house. Turn off the lights! If you don't need all the lights on in a room, don't turn them on. You would be surprised how much energy you can save this way. You can also save electricity by using LED light bulbs. These light bulbs produce very little heat. They use much less electricity. They also last longer and are much cheaper to use!
3     Another way to save energy is to adjust the thermostat in your house. If there won't be anyone home, you don't need to have the house at a comfortable temperature. Adjust the temperature when you leave. A programmable thermostat can help you with that.

Paragraphs 4 to 9:
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