Sample Call to Duty Worksheet
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Call to Duty
By Tammy Scarbrough

1     "It's really cool to have a dad who flies fighter jets," thought 11-year-old Casey as she was watching him fly overhead. She especially liked it when he would dip his wing as a way of saying "hello" to her below.
2     Living on an Air Force base was not as bad as some people might think. Casey rather enjoyed being around friends who had something in common with each other. They had their own school, bowling area, and movie theater. She especially loved it when her dad would come home each day and greet her with a new joke and tickles. Mom didn't seem to mind that Casey got his attention first.
3     Today was different, though. When her dad walked in the door, he looked sad for some reason. Casey didn't like that look. He just kissed her on the forehead and told her mom that he needed to talk to her. This didn't look good at all. Casey knew something was wrong.

Paragraphs 4 to 9:
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