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Reading Comprehension Worksheets
Dragon Trouble (part 2)

Dragon Trouble (part 2)
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Print Dragon Trouble (part 2) Reading Comprehension

Reading Level
     edHelper's suggested reading level:   high interest, readability grades 4 to 5
     Flesch-Kincaid grade level:   3.49

     challenging words:    highly, authority, watchdog, forester, gauge, loss, invaluable, murmur, agreement, whose, crowd, fetch, chief, such, regain, several
     content words:    When Montrose, Master Sawyer, Tom Baker, Arran Sawyer

Dragon Trouble (part 2)
By Mary Lynn Bushong

1     One of the men in the crowd told of a dragon that had killed a family's dairy cow. When Montrose questioned him about when and where it had happened, he said he had heard about it on good authority.
2     "Whose authority?" asked Montrose.
3     "Whose authority?" the man blinked with astonishment over the question. "Why, Master Sawyer's, of course."
4     "When was it that he spoke to you about this?" asked Mara.
5     "Why, it was just a few days ago when he came to me and mentioned that a dragon had been seen up here. He assured me that it is common whenever dragons are in the neighborhood."
6     "I see," said Montrose as he thoughtfully rubbed his chin. "I am curious. Can any of you remember having heard such a claim before Master Sawyer mentioned it?"
7     Tom Baker, the bread maker, frowned over at Arran Sawyer. "Your telling me about it was the first I'd ever heard, and I've lived in these parts all my life, just as you have."
8     Other voices rose in agreement with his, and the crowd began to grumble at their former leader.

Paragraphs 9 to 25:
For the complete story with questions: click here for printable

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