1 Charlotte's eyes sparkled, and she could not keep still. She stared out the car window as they drove into the mountains. They were not tall mountains, but they were tall enough. The leaves always changed color there first. Charlotte loved seeing the trees turn different colors because it meant one thing: apple season!
2 If Charlotte had to choose a food she liked best, it was apples! She could hardly wait to bite into the first fresh apple of the year. Her mouth watered as she thought of the sweet juice and the crisp apple flesh inside.
3 The orchard was on the top of a low, wooded mountain. The road wound back and forth as they slowly climbed to the top. Charlotte even saw five wild turkeys. They were really in the country! Finally, they arrived at the orchard.
4 Charlotte took a deep breath as she got out of the car. It even smelled like fall! She tried to decide what autumn smelled like. Maybe a bit like smoke and fresh pressed apple cider and windfall apples under the trees. Autumn, with its cool mornings and sun-warmed afternoons, smelled like many things, she decided.
5 The whole family walked to the long, low apple shed to pick out their apples. There were several kinds to choose from, McIntosh, Honeycrisp, and Gala, but Charlotte liked the Gala apples best. It seemed like the perfect name for an apple to celebrate the new season.
Paragraphs 6 to 12:
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