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Journal Entry, First Day of 6th Grade
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Print Journal Entry, First Day of 6th Grade Reading Comprehension

Reading Level
     edHelper's suggested reading level:   grades 5 to 6
     Flesch-Kincaid grade level:   4.47

     challenging words:    diva, lansing, midriff, pay-back, poring, well-dressed, stylish, generic, accessories, wiser, chaos, ordinary, mistaken, beginning, unfair, whatever
     content words:    Dear Me, Why ME, Golden Rule, Although Dad, Miss Swann

Journal Entry, First Day of 6th Grade
By Brenda B. Covert

1     Dear Me,
2     I'm so glad this day is over. Mom's favorite saying is, "Whatever you do comes back to you." I hate it when she says that, and I'm simply mortified that today it proved to be true.
3     I thought about skipping today's entry in my journal, but maybe if I write about it, I'll remember never again to behave as I did a year ago. What I did last year came back to haunt me today. I want to climb the highest building in town and shout, "It's not FAIR!!! Why ME???" In my heart, though, I know I deserved it, though I didn't enjoy it. The Golden Rule tells us to treat others the way we want to be treated. Today I was treated as I had treated others last year.
4     I'll start at the beginning - the first day of 5th grade. Me and my girls, Natasha and Ashley, looked fabulous. After pouring over fashion magazines and shopping at the mall, we got the perfect first-day-of-school outfits and trendy accessories. We could have been mistaken for a hot new girl band - that's how good we looked. I've got the photo to prove it! We walked into school that day with ATTITUDE. Why did I think it was necessary to ridicule our classmates who weren't as well-dressed? I laughed then, but now I'm ashamed. I said outrageously mean things about some less popular classmates. I didn't care whose feelings got hurt; I just wanted to be the center of attention. I felt like a diva and acted like one too!

Paragraphs 5 to 11:
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