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Back to School Budget

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Back to School Budget
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Reading Level
     edHelper's suggested reading level:   high interest, readability grades 3 to 4
     Flesch-Kincaid grade level:   2.87

     challenging words:    curiosity, knowing, provided, discount, pens, enthusiasm, boring, whatever, supplies, exactly, aside, world, doing, several, budget, okay
     content words:    Timothy Halenger

Back to School Budget
By Beth Beutler

1     "Shelli, we will be going shopping for back-to-school items on Saturday, and this year we will have a budget."
2     "A budget? What in the world?" I thought as Mom began talking to me about back-to-school shopping. "What do you mean, Mom?"
3     "Each year, we go out and spend a lot of money on clothes and supplies. I usually charge it on my credit card. But then I have a big bill to pay over the next several months. This time, it will be different."
4     "How?"
5     "For the last few months, I have been putting aside some money each month. When we go on Saturday, I'll know exactly what I have to spend, and I will pay cash."
6     "So, how much do we have?" I asked with curiosity.
7     "Two hundred dollars," Mom answered.
8     "Wow! Let's go shopping!" I stated with enthusiasm.
9     Mom chuckled. "Hold your horses, sweetie. Wait until you see how little $200 can buy."
10     When Saturday came, the first place we went was the office supply store. This was odd. Mom enjoyed clothes shopping as much as I did, and we usually hit the mall first.
11     "Why are we here?"
12     "Well, Shelli, your school supplies are the first priority. You already have clothes, but your pens, pencils, and paper supplies are gone. You know there's a list of supplies from the school that you are supposed to have."
13     This was boring. "All right, let's get it over with."

Paragraphs 14 to 26:
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