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Reading Comprehension Worksheets
Mother's Day
Just Like a Mother

Mother's Day
Mother's Day

Just Like a Mother
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Reading Level
     edHelper's suggested reading level:   grades 5 to 6
     Flesch-Kincaid grade level:   5.38

     challenging words:    provided, finding, incident, Hola, balcony, hearing, collection, however, early, appear, opportunity, final, working, space, structure, several
     content words:    Anna Rosa Hernandez, Anna Rosa

Just Like a Mother
By Mary L. Bushong

1     Anna Rosa Hernandez paused on her way up the hallway to Senora Garcia's door. The apartment building was loud with voices and sounds that echoed through the structure. They were the familiar sounds of home.
2     The idea had seemed a good one when she had gone shopping for a card yesterday. Mother's Day was difficult for Anna Rosa. She knew her mother loved her, but it seemed like she was never there. Senora Hernandez left early in the morning and worked late. Anna Rosa knew it was to keep a roof over their heads, food on the table, and a little extra in the bank. She had heard that often enough. It did not change her desire to have a mother who was there to talk to, however.
3     Choosing just the right card was a chore. She felt guilty for wanting more time with her mother, because they seemed like strangers in many ways. She had to read almost all the cards before finding one that seemed to fit her mother. As she read, she saw several that really reminded her of Senora Garcia. Anna Rosa smiled as she remembered the incident that had recently brought them back together.
4     Senora Garcia had looked after Anna Rosa when she had been too young to go to school. Once she had started school, she had grown apart from the older woman. Then last year, Anna Rosa had lost her apartment key and could not get in when she got home from school. Senora Garcia had come along and invited her to wait at her place.

Paragraphs 5 to 11:
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