Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Reading Comprehension Worksheets
Mother's Day
A Mother's Work

Mother's Day
Mother's Day

A Mother's Work
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Reading Level
     edHelper's suggested reading level:   grades 1 to 2
     Flesch-Kincaid grade level:   3.18

     challenging words:    brothers, Carrington, celebrate, jobs, salesman, stays, wakes, works, aunt, born, breakfast, care, class, daddy, dentist, dinner
     content words:    Awards Program, United States

Other Languages
     Spanish: El Trabajo de una Madre

A Mother's Work
By Belinda Walker

1     "Sunday is Mother's Day, and we are going to celebrate with an awards program," said Mrs. Carter. "Each mom will receive an award for all of the special things she does."
2     "Mommies sometimes have two jobs," continued Mrs. Carter. "Each student will tell about his or her mommy and the work that mommies do at home or on their jobs outside the home," said Mrs. Carter.
3     Jimmy raised his hand and told Mrs. Carter, "But my mom has no job; she stays home all day. My daddy is the only one at my house with a job. He is a salesman at a computer store," said Jimmy.
4     "Jimmy, I think you will be in for a big surprise about your mom," said Mrs. Carter, laughing. Mrs. Carter gave Jimmy and the other students further instructions. "Take time to ask your mommy questions," said Mrs. Carter. "But don't just ask questions. Watch your mommy when you are at home," said Mrs. Carter.

Paragraphs 5 to 13:
For the complete story with questions: click here for printable

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