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Reading Comprehension Worksheets
Valentine's Day
Tuna Fish Valentine

Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day

Tuna Fish Valentine
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Reading Level
     edHelper's suggested reading level:   grades 4 to 5
     Flesch-Kincaid grade level:   4.21

     challenging words:    butted, wintertime, shift, layer, blue-gray, faster, lived, wooden, often, picking, against, bits, bare, rungs, since, stroke
     content words:    Labrador Retriever

Other Languages
     Italian: Il tonno dono di S.Valentino
     German: Valentins-Thunfisch

Tuna Fish Valentine
By Mary L. Bushong

1     Bruce scrambled up the rungs of the ladder to the hayloft of their old wooden barn. In the summer, the bales of hay had been stacked all the way up to the rafters high above his head. Since then Dad had sold some of it, and the cows had eaten some. What remained would be enough to feed the animals until spring.
2     The loft was Bruce's favorite thinking place. It was quiet there, and sometimes he could shift the hay bales to make tunnels or little forts. They became snug places where he could think, and they were warm, even in the wintertime.
3     Bruce often wished they didn't live so far out of town. He had no school friends close enough to play with. He made up for it by talking to their Labrador retriever, Carl, or the cats that lived in the barn. Bruce liked them all, but his favorite was Teddy, a fluffy blue-gray cat.
4     His kitty was waiting for him as he climbed into the loft. There wasn't much time before he had to do his chores, but Bruce liked to have just a few minutes alone.
5     Tomorrow was the big Valentine's Day party in his class. In years past, he had looked forward to it. This year, all his friends were in other classrooms. To make things worse, there was a winter storm predicted. If this storm was like the last one, he would not get back to school for a couple of days, and he might miss the party.

Paragraphs 6 to 13:
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