United States
President's Day - United States Presidents Theme Unit and Printables
President's Day Crossword
Worksheets, Lessons, and Printables

Making it Easy for You:  President's Day Workbook Quick Print

Kids Pick Pages to Complete

Small Book - Easy Handout and Quick to Print


     Junior Kindergarten: President's Day Quick Print Activity Book

Kindergarten: President's Day Quick Print Activity Book

Grade 1: President's Day Quick Print Activity Book

Grade 2: President's Day Quick Print Activity Book

Grade 3: President's Day Quick Print Activity Book

Grade 4: President's Day Quick Print Activity Book

Grade 5: President's Day Quick Print Activity Book

Grade 6: President's Day Quick Print Activity Book

Crossword Puzzles
     The Executive Branch
     Presidential Nicknames
     Departments in the Executive Branch
     Wartime Presidents
     Presidential Quotations

Crossword Puzzles - Mix of Presidents
     Presidents Crossword Puzzle (1 hint each)
     Presidents Crossword Puzzle (2 hints each)
     Presidents Crossword Puzzle (3 hints each)
     Presidents Crossword Puzzle (4 hints each)
     Presidents Crossword Puzzle (5 hints each)
     Presidents Crossword Puzzle (1-3 hints each)


President's Day - United States Presidents Theme Unit and Printables

President Abraham Lincoln

President George Washington

President's Day Activities

President's Day Analogies

President's Day Bulletin Board

President's Day Coloring Pages

President's Day Compare and Contrast

President's Day Dot to Dots

President's Day History

President's Day Lesson Plans

President's Day Literature Book Units

President's Day Puzzles

President's Day Reading Comprehension

President's Day Word Searches

President's Day Writing

United States Presidents Time Line

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