Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Reading Comprehension

Personification Worksheets

The school bus groaned as it lumbered around the corner. If this brings to mind a person who moves with effort, this is effective personification! Giving an inanimate school bus the human quality of groaning creates a vivid and sensory image within the reader. Personification resonates with students and helps them connect emotionally and personally to a text. To build appreciation and understanding, use these elementary through high school unit activities, which include reading comprehension, multiple choice, and identifying and explaining animal, object, and concept examples.
Personification Worksheets

Short Reading Comprehensions
Short Readers
     What Can You Personify? (Short Reader; Grades 3-4 Readability)
     The Personification Ray (Short Reader; Grades 5-6 Readability)

Personification Worksheet Lessons
Personification with Animals, Concepts, and Objects
     Circle the object, concept, or animal being personified (Grades 3-4)
     Circle the object, concept, or animal being personified (Grades 5+)
     Circle the object, concept, or animal being personified and write what is meant (Grades 3-4)
     Circle the object, concept, or animal being personified and write what is meant (Grades 5+)

Personification with Animals
     Circle the animal being personified (Grades 3-4)
     Circle the animal being personified (Grades 5+)
     Circle the animal being personified and write what is meant (Grades 3-4)
     Circle the animal being personified and write what is meant (Grades 5+)

Personification with Concepts
     Circle the concept being personified (Grades 3-4)
     Circle the concept being personified (Grades 5+)
     Circle the concept being personified and write what is meant (Grades 3-4)
     Circle the concept being personified and write what is meant (Grades 5+)

Personification with Objects
     Circle the object being personified (Grades 3-4)
     Circle the object being personified (Grades 5+)
     Circle the object being personified and write what is meant (Grades 3-4)
     Circle the object being personified and write what is meant (Grades 5+)

Reading Book with Personification Questions

          Reading Book with Personification Questions

Reading Comprehension Skills

Reading Comprehension Skills


Author's Purpose

Cause and Effect

Compare and Contrast

Context Clues

Drawing Conclusions

Facts and Opinions


Idioms - Figurative Language


Literary Elements

Main Character and Characters

Main Idea

Making Connections

Multiple Meaning Words


Point of View



Similes and Metaphors


Supporting Facts

Figurative Language
   Figurative Language

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