Life Skills
Writing Checks
Math Worksheets
Money Worksheets, Printables, Activities, and Lesson Plans
Counting Money
Worksheets, Lessons, and Printables

Math Learning Center: Counting Coins and Money
     U.S. Money: Coins only (Grades 3-6)

U.S. Money: Bills only (Grades 3-6)

U.S. Money: At least one coin and one bill on each card (Grades 3-6)

U.S. Money: Mix (Grades 3-6)

Euros - Math Learning Center: Counting Coins and Money
     Euros: Coins less than 100 Euros (Grades 3-6)

Euros: Coins at least 100 Eurus (Grades 3-6)

Euros: Mix of small and large coins (Grades 3-6)

Euros: Mix (Grades 3-6)

Canadian Currency - Math Learning Center: Counting Coins and Money
     Canadian Currency: Coins less than 100 cents (Grades 3-6)

Canadian Currency: Coins at least 100 cents (Grades 3-6)

Canadian Currency: Mix of small and large coins (Grades 3-6)

Canadian Currency: Mix (Grades 3-6)

Counting Coins: All Coins Used
US Dollar:  penny, nickel, dime, quarter, half-dollar
Canadian Dollar:  penny, nickel, dime, quarter, 50-cent piece, loonie, toonie
Euro:  one-cent, two-cent, five-cent, ten-cent, twenty-cent, fifty-cent, one-euro, two-euro

Counting (each problem only uses one type of coin)
     Counting pennies
     Counting nickels
     Counting dimes
     Mixed counting
     Mixed counting multiple choice
     Total value of coins

Nickels and Pennies
     Multiple choice
     Write total value (3-9 coins)
     Write total value (7-12 coins)
     Circle the coins that match the price
     Draw a certain number of cents using a given number of coins
     Fill in the missing numbers

Dimes and Pennies
     Multiple choice
     Write total value (3-9 coins)
     Write total value (7-12 coins)
     Circle the coins that match the price
     Draw a certain number of cents using a given number of coins
     Fill in the missing numbers

Pennies, Nickels, and Dimes
     Multiple choice
     Write total value (3-9 coins)
     Write total value (7-12 coins)
     Circle the coins that match the price
     Draw a certain number of cents using a given number of coins
     Fill in the missing numbers

     Money Review: Pennies, Nickels, and Dimes

Pennies, Nickels, and Quarters
     Multiple choice
     Write total value (3-9 coins)
     Write total value (7-12 coins)
     Circle the coins that match the price
     Draw a certain number of cents using a given number of coins
     Fill in the missing numbers

Pennies, Nickels, Dimes, and Quarters
     Multiple choice
     Write total value (3-9 coins)
     Write total value (7-12 coins)
     Circle the coins that match the price
     Draw a certain number of cents using a given number of coins
     Fill in the missing numbers

     Money Review: Pennies, Nickels, Dimes, and Quarters


Money Worksheets, Printables, Activities, and Lesson Plans

1st Grade Money

2nd Grade Money

3rd Grade Money

Adding Money

Money Math

Money Math Learning Centers

Money Word Problems

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