
Activities, Worksheets, Printables, and Lesson Plans


Christmas Activities

Christmas Bulletin Board

Christmas Coloring Pages

Christmas Compare and Contrast

Christmas Critical Thinking

Christmas Crossword

Christmas Dot to Dots

Christmas for Kids

Christmas Glyphs

Christmas History

Christmas Lesson Plans

Christmas Literature Book Units

Christmas Math

Christmas Maze

Christmas Puzzles

Christmas Reading Comprehension

Christmas Science Project

Christmas Sudoku

Christmas Word Searches

Christmas Writing

Ponder the Picture Comprehension Puzzle
            Ponder the Picture: Christmas

Holidays Draw the Picture
            Draw the Picture - Holidays

Critical Thinking
Christmas Logic Problem
     How many candy canes and ornaments are on each Christmas tree?

Christmas Thinking Puzzle
     Draw a sequence of 3 different pictures (easier)
     Draw a sequence of 3 different pictures (more difficult)
     Draw a sequence of 4 different pictures (easier)
     Draw a sequence of 4 different pictures (more difficult)

Christmas Following Directions:  Counting the Images
             Christmas Counting (5 different puzzles)

Christmas Counting (only 1 puzzle)

Christmas Counting - 5 keys of 2 puzzles each (total of 10 pages)

December Holiday Analogies
             December Holiday Analogies

Find and Ponder the Picture
            Ponder the Picture: Christmas
            Holiday Puzzle

Make a Daily Christmas Activity Lesson Plan Book
        Daily Christmas Activity Lesson Plan Book

Short Reading Comprehensions
Very Quick Readers
     A Shepherd's Snack (Very Quick Reader; Grades 1-3 Readability)
     Christmas Stockings (Very Quick Reader; Grades 2-4 Readability)
     Artificial Christmas Trees (Very Quick Reader; Grades 2-4 Readability)
     A Natural Decoration (Very Quick Reader; Grades 2-4 Readability)
     Christmas Shopping (Very Quick Reader; Grade 3 Readability)
     Mistletoe (Very Quick Reader; Grades 3-4 Readability)
     Jingle Bells in Space (Very Quick Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability)

Short Readers
     A White Christmas (Short Reader; Grades 2-4 Readability)
     Fruitcake -- A Sweet Christmas Treat (Short Reader; Grades 2-4 Readability)
     The Sounds, Scents, and Stories of Christmas (Short Reader; Grades 3-5 Readability)
     Planning for Christmas (Short Reader; Grades 4-6 Readability)
     "Silent Night"- A Christmas Carol (Short Reader; Grades 7-9 Readability)

     Compras de Navidad (grade 3)
     Loc calcetines de Navidad (grades 2-4)
     Árboles de Navidad Artficiales (grades 2-4)
     El muérdago (grades 3-4)
     Jingle Bells en el espacio (grades 3-5)
     Una blanca Navidad (grades 2-4)
     El budín de frutas: una dulce delicia de Navidad (grades 2-4)
     Sonidos, aromas e historias de navidad (grades 3-5)
     Planes para Navidad (grades 4-6)

Reading Comprehensions
     Grandpa's Cane (Grade 1)
     Christmas Beside the Fireplace (Grade 1)
     The Christmas Wish (Grades 1-2)
     Magic! (Grades 1-3)
     Minty's Christmas Surprise (Grades 2-3)
     The Lonely Reindeer (Grades 2-3)
     Papa Wood Duck's Gift (Grades 2-3)
     How Noble Fir Became a Christmas Tree (Grades 3-4)
     Christmas at the Shelter (Grades 3-4)
     Christmas in Australia, Part 1 (Grades 3-4)
     Christmas in Australia, Part 2 (Grades 3-4)
     Grandpa's Christmas Tree Farm (Grades 3-6)
     The Biggest Tree in the Smallest Space (Grades 4-5)
     A Place for Sylvia (Grades 4-5)
     The Christmas Ornament (Grades 4-5)
     The Magic Present (Grades 4-6)
     The Stories Behind the Candles: Hanukkah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa (Grades 5-6)
     A Colonial Christmas (Grades 5-7)
     Christmas in Italy (Grades 5-6)
     Christmas Competition (Grades 6-8)
     December 24 - A Slovak Christmas Eve (Grades 6-7)
     Hardscrabble Christmas I (Hi/Lo Grades 3-5)
     Hardscrabble Christmas II (Hi/Lo Grades 3-5)
     Hardscrabble Christmas III (Hi/Lo Grades 3-5)

     Christmas Symbols (Grades 4-6)
     The Green, Prickly Things of Christmas (Grades 5-8)
     The Story Behind Christmas (religious) (Grades 5-8)
     Christmas at the White House (Grades 6-8)
     Silent Night: The Christmas Truce of World War I (Grades 7-9)
     "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens published in 1843 (Hi/Lo Grade 3)

Christmas Related
     Three Kings Day (Grades 4-6)
     Boxing Day (Grades 5-6)
     Orthodox Christmas (Grades 5-7)
     The Alternate Christmas (Grades 7-8)

     A Play: Gift for a Snowman (Grades 2-3)
     Christmas Radio Play (religious play) (Grades 3-4)
     A Play: Candles in December (Grades 4-6)

Social Skills
     A Very Special Christmas Gift (Hi/Lo Grades 3-4)

     La caña de mi abuelo (grade 1)
     Navidad al lado de la chiminea (grade 1)
     La Sorpresa de Minty en Navidad (grades 2-3)
     El Reno Solitario (grades 2-3)
     El regalo de papá Pato Silvestre (grades 2-3)
     Navidad en el refugio (grades 2-3)
     Un lugar para Sylvia (grades 4-5)
     Una Navidad colonial (grades 5-7)
     Una Nochebuena eslovaca (grades 6-7)
     Día de los Reyes (grades 4-6)
     El Día de las Cajas (grades 5-6)

     Menthe et sa surprise de No�l (grades 2-3)
     Le renne solitaire (grades 2-3)
     Une Veille de No�l Slovaque (grades 6-7)

     Il bastone del nonno (grade 1)
     Natale accanto al caminetto (grade 1)
     La sorpresa di Natale di Mentino (grades 2-3)
     La renna sola (grades 2-3)
     Una vigilia di Natale slovacca (grades 6-7)
     Il Giorno dei Re Magi (grades 4-6)

     Opas Spazierstock (grade 1)
     Weihnachten neben dem Kamin (grade 1)
     Mintys Weihnachtsüberraschung (grades 2-3)
     Das einsame Rentier (grades 2-3)
     Ein slowakischer Heiligabend (grades 6-7)
     Dreik�nigstag (grades 4-6)

Writing - Christmas Letters
Replying to Letters

Leveled Books
            The Magical, Mystical Reindeer: More Than a Myth
            Christmas Gifts
            Questions About Santa Claus
            History of the Christmas Card
            Seventeen Symbols of Christmas
             Fedex Frank Makes the Rounds
             A Stocking for My Sister
             A Sweet Christmas
             Let's Decorate the Tree!
             Santa's Coming
             A Happy Christmas Flower
             Paul Practices Patience
            Oranges for Christmas

            The Twelve Days of Christmas (Grades 3-5)
            Christmas in Mexico (Grades 3-5)
            Christmas Traditions in the United States (Grades 4-6)
            C Is For Christmas (Grades 4-6)

For Door or Bulletin Board
            Happy Holidays Poster
            Christmas Cube Countdown
            "Sing a Song of..." - Giving to Charities
            Christmas Poster

Christmas Bulletin Board
���� ������ "Dream Delivery" Bulletin Board
���� ������ "Christmas In Other Countries" Bulletin Board
            "Santa's Secret" Bulletin Board
            Class Christmas Clock
            Bell Banners
            "Dazzling Decorations" Bulletin Board

Compare and Contrast Activity - Venn Diagrams
            Topsyturvy Trees

Christmas Craft
            Stenciled Stockings (A Christmas Craft)
            Recycled Reindeer (A Christmas Craft)

        Christmas Tree Glyph
        Stocking Glyph
        Elf Glyph

            Oversized Ornaments

Compare and Contrast
        Food Traits: Compares three popular holiday desserts (Grades 3-4)

Holiday Traits: Compares three holidays celebrated in December (Grades 3-4)

Math Lesson: Plotting Ordered Pairs to Make a Picture
        Plotting Ordered Pairs (Grades 4-6)

Plotting Ordered Pairs - student will also write what they think the picture is (Grades 4-6)

Christmas Hidden Pictures
            Christmas Hidden Pictures

Christmas Game
            Chimney Champ (A Christmas Game)
            Sacks of Stockings
            Santa Selection (A Christmas Game)

Give Your Students a Card
            Candy Cane Creations

Document Based Activities
     Document Based Activities

English and Spanish Conversation (ESL or Spanish Class)
     The Christmas Party (a conversation)

     Christmas Eve (grades 2-3)
     Our Tree (grades 2-4)
     The Missing Snowman (grades 2-4)
     The Night Before Christmas (grades 2-12)

     Literature Unit: The Best Christmas Pageant Ever Literature Unit (Grades 2-4)
     Literature Unit: A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens (Grades 3-6)

Science Project
    Christmas Science Activity on Electricity

Poetry Units
     The Night before Christmas (grades 6-12)

Coloring and Hidden Pictures
            Holiday Havoc
            Shannon Shops
             Christmas - Hidden Pictures Coloring Book

Christmas Activities
            Stocking Sequences
             Christmas Activity Pages
            Racing Reindeer
            Tabletop Trimmed Tree
            Sort the Santas Game

Graph Drawing Challenge Puzzle
            Christmas Graph Puzzles
            Holiday Color Graph Puzzles

Finish the Story
     Stuck in a Snow Globe! (Grades 2-4)
     Is Santa Lost? (Grades 2-6)
     I Live in a Gingerbread House (Grades 3-4)
     Operation Christmas Fairy (Grades 3-4)
     Nutcracker to the Rescue (Grades 3-4)
     Sammy the Elf (Grades 3-6)
     Twelve Different Days of Christmas (Grades 3-6)
     Holiday Giving (Grades 4-5)
     Tonka's Special Christmas (Grades 4-6)
     The Ugly Scarf (Grades 4-6)
     A Different Christmas (Grades 5-6)
     Christmas (Grades 6-8)

Finish the Stories with Graphics
            Elf Encounter

What would YOU do?
     The Christmas Present (Grades 3-6)

Christmas Story Starters and Christmas Borders
Christmas borders with Christmas story starters

Christmas Photo Writing Prompts
Christmas Photo Writing Prompts

Christmas Draw and Write
Christmas Draw and Write

Christmas Sentence Starter
            Dear Santa Sentence Starters Printable Page

Be an Elf
            Myself as an Elf

Santa's Stuck
            Santa's Stuck

Christmas Visual Perceptual Skills
   Visual Skills - No Rotation of Images
2 by 2: Multiple Choice - Easy printable
2 by 2: Full image given
2 by 2: Picture is one-fourth complete
2 by 2: Full image given (one extra piece not used)
2 by 2: Picture is one-fourth complete (one extra piece not used)
2 by 2: Full image given (two extra pieces not used)
2 by 2: Picture is one-fourth complete (two extra pieces not used)
2 by 3: Full image given
2 by 3: Picture is one-sixth complete
2 by 3: Full image given (two extra pieces not used)
2 by 3: Picture is one-sixth complete (two extra pieces not used)
Mixed Book - one page of each worksheet

   Visual Skills - Images may be Rotated
2 by 2: Multiple Choice - Easy printable
2 by 2: Full image given
2 by 2: Picture is one-fourth complete
2 by 2: Full image given (one extra piece not used)
2 by 2: Picture is one-fourth complete (one extra piece not used)
2 by 2: Full image given (two extra pieces not used)
2 by 2: Picture is one-fourth complete (two extra pieces not used)
2 by 3: Full image given
2 by 3: Picture is one-sixth complete
2 by 3: Full image given (two extra pieces not used)
2 by 3: Picture is one-sixth complete (two extra pieces not used)
Mixed Book - one page of each worksheet

Pretend Christmas Cookie Actiivty
            "Christmas Cookie Cutouts"

Christmas Mazes
            Christmas Mazes
            A Reindeer's Route
            Christmas Mazes: Easy
Build Christmas Mazes - Make multiple mazes at once

Christmas SUDOKU Puzzles
   4 by 4 Christmas Sudoku
     Very easy 4 x 4 Sudoku with shapes (4 keys)
     Easy 4 x 4 Sudoku with shapes (4 keys)

4 by 4 Christmas Sudoku: Includes Hints (blank boxes have smaller pictures to pick from)
     Very easy 4 x 4 Sudoku with shapes (4 keys with hints)
     Easy 4 x 4 Sudoku with shapes (4 keys with hints)

6 by 6 Christmas Sudoku
     Easy 6 x 6 Sudoku with shapes (4 keys)
     Medium 6 x 6 Sudoku with shapes (4 keys)

Winter Holidays - Social Studies Mixed Review Questions
     Winter holidays first grade social studies questions
     Winter holidays second grade social studies questions
     Winter holidays third grade social studies questions
     Winter holidays fourth grade social studies questions
     Winter holidays fifth grade social studies questions
     Winter holidays sixth grade social studies questions

Christmas Math Worksheets
     Easy Christmas Addition and Subtraction
     Christmas Addition and Subtraction (bigger numbers)
     Christmas Money Worksheet #1
     Christmas Money Worksheet #2
     Christmas Time Problems
     Christmas Algebra Problems

Christmas Math Facts
             Addition Math Facts with Pictures

Subtraction Math Facts with Pictures

Addition and Subtraction Math Facts with Pictures

Multiplication Math Facts with Pictures

Book Units
    Fancy Nancy - Splendiferous Christmas (Grades 1-3)
    Nate the Great and the Crunchy Christmas (Grades 1-3)
    The Gingerbread Man (Grades 1-3)
    The Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree (Grades 1-3)
    Winter's Gift (Grades 1-3)
    I, Amber Brown (Grades 2-4)
    The Best Christmas Pageant Ever (Grades 2-4)
    Elves Don't Wear Hard Hats (Grades 2-5)
    Great Joy (Grades 2-5)
    A Christmas Carol (Grades 3-6)
    The Family Under the Bridge (Grades 4-6)
    The Polar Express (Grades 5-7)

     Reindeer reading comprehension (Christmas)
     Reindeer reading comprehension
     Reindeer coloring page
     Reindeer bookmark - Christmas (color)
     Reindeer bookmark - Winter (b&w)
Reindeer borders with reindeer story starters

Christmas Puzzles
            Christmas Puzzles

            Gingerbread Guys and Girls

Christmas Puzzles (with pictures)
        Unscramble Christmas words
     Fill-in missing letter (one missing letter)
     Fill-in missing letter (two missing letters)
     Circle Christmas words (correct spelling)
     Match Christmas words with pictures
     Christmas word search

     Christmas with pictures puzzle book

Christmas Picture Puzzles
Word Search

   Cut and paste picture
and write the word

   Circle letters
and write the word

Christmas Word Shapes
        Christmas word shapes

Christmas Word Wall
        Make a custom Christmas word wall

Coloring Pages
     Draw decorations on a tree.
     Picture from A Place for Sylvia story
     Picture from Christmas at the Shelter story
     Boy with gift
     A Santa cat
     Santa in a train
     Santa in a rocket

Christmas Patterns
     Draw the missing picture: 2 pictures are missing at the end (LARGER pictures)
     Draw the missing picture: 1 picture is missing anywhere in the pattern (LARGER pictures)
     Draw the missing picture: 2 pictures are missing at the end (smaller pictures)
     Draw the missing picture: 1 picture is missing anywhere in the pattern (smaller pictures)

Christmas Dot to Dots
            Challenging Christmas Dot to Dots with Number Patterns
            Challenging Christmas Dot to Dots with Number Patterns: Solutions

Holiday Dot to Dot
            Holiday Extreme Dot to Dot (difficult)

Dot to dots
Christmas: Dot to dots (booklets - PDF files)
     Spelling (challenging)
     Alphabet (lowercase letters)
     Alphabet (CAPITALIZED letters)
     Mixed: Each page count by a different number
     Count by 1's (easier)
     Count by 1's
     Count by 2's
     Count by 3's
     Count by 4's
     Count by 5's
     Count by 6's
     Count by 7's
     Count by 8's
     Count by 9's
     Count by 10's
     Count by 25's
     Completed drawings (no dot to dots)
Easier Dot to Dots
            Christmas Easy Dot to Dots
            Easy Dot to Dot Christmas Book #2
     Christmas Connect The Dots
     Boy with gift
     A Santa cat
     Santa in a rocket

   Art Project: Christmas Village (grades 2-4)
     Make a Christmas village. Includes templates to design buildings. (PDF file)

   Art Project: Stained Glass Decorations for Christmas (grades K-6)
     Make colorful stained glass decorations for Christmas (PDF file)

Christmas Activity Puzzles and Printables

Mixed Christmas Puzzles
     Mixed Christmas Puzzles

Christmas Word Search
       Christmas Word Search

     Christmas Word Search with fill-in letters

Christmas Dot to Dot Word Search
       Christmas Dot to Dot Word Search

Christmas Curvy Words Puzzle
       Christmas Curvy Words

Christmas Word Search with Clues
       Christmas Word Search with Clues

Christmas Crossword Puzzle
       Christmas Crossword Puzzle (PDF and options)

     Christmas Crossword Puzzle (HTML; list of words on page)
     Christmas Crossword Puzzle (HTML)

Christmas Word Shapes
       Christmas Word Shapes (easier - one letter filled in)
     Christmas Word Shapes (fill in word shapes and also write the word)
     Christmas Word Shapes

Trace and Write Christmas Words
       Christmas trace and write words (easier)
     Christmas trace and write words
     Christmas trace and write words (missing letters)

Word Building
       Christmas Word Building Lesson

CodeWord Puzzle
       Christmas CodeWord Puzzle

Make Words From Christmas Words
       Christmas word building activity
     Christmas word building activity (with word search)

       Christmas syllables: connect the syllables
     Christmas syllables: form words from the syllables
     Christmas syllables: circle the correct division of syllables
     Christmas syllables: write the number of syllables and divide the word
     Christmas syllables: mixed review of syllables

Christmas Pronunciations Puzzles
     Christmas pronunciations: circle the correct spelling
     Christmas pronunciations: spell the word
     Christmas pronunciations: word search puzzle

More Christmas Puzzles
     Christmas fill in the words puzzle
     Christmas spelling maze
     Christmas crack the code
     Christmas unscramble the words
     Christmas circle the correct word
     Christmas fill in the missing letter
     Christmas fill in the missing vowels

Reading Comprehensions which use Christmas theme words
     Reading comprehensions with words from the Christmas theme word list

Foreign Languages

Foreign Languages Activity Printable Pages
      German Christmas Activity Book

Italian Christmas Activity Book

Matching English with Foreign Language Words
      Match German Christmas words with English words

Match Italian Christmas words with English words

Spelling: Christmas Words - Pick the Correct Spelling
      German Christmas Spelling Printable

Italian Christmas Spelling Printable

Foreign Languages: Christmas Crossword Puzzle
  German Christmas Crossword Puzzle

Italian Christmas Crossword Puzzle

     Christmas Shapes

More Activities and Printables

Christmas Classroom Decorations
            Stand A Scene (Christmas)

Christmas Countdown Kit
            Gifts To Go

Puzzle Poster
            Puzzle Poster Christmas

Christmas Activity Book
            Christmas Fun (K)

Creative Writing
            Boxes and Borders (Visual Writing Prompts For Christmas)

Teacher Recommendations:  Worksheet and Lesson Plan Activity Ideas

     Math Worksheets and Math Printables




     Handwriting Worksheets and Handwriting Based Activities


     Science Theme Units

     Spelling Words

Gingerbread Man

Reading Comprehension
     Reading Comprehension Stories and Worksheets

Water Cycle
     Science:  Water Theme

Social Studies
     Social Studies Theme Units

Native Americans
     Native Americans

  Fraction Worksheets and Printables
  Capitalization Worksheets and Puzzles
  Place Value Worksheets
  Language Arts Review: Synonyms and Antonyms
  Contractions Theme
  Complex Numbers Worksheets
  Bulletin Board Ideas - Bulletin Boards And Centers
  Printable Reader's Theater Scripts and Plays
  Math Grade Four Worksheets! Fourth Grade Worksheets! 4th Grade
  Quotation Marks
  Special Education: Social Skills
  Rain Forest
  Short Story Literature Units
  Inventors and Inventions
  Energy Worksheets
  Forces and Motion
  Verb Worksheets and Verb Puzzles
  The Five Senses

More Activities, Lesson Plans, and Worksheets

Back to School
Graphic Organizers
Alphabet Worksheets
Sight Words
Math Worksheets
50 States

Monthly Themes

Place Value
Time and Calendar
Earth Day
Solar System
Following Directions
Cursive Writing
Patterns and Sequencing
All About Me

First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade

Main Idea
Cause and Effect
Order of Operations
Community Helpers
Addition and Subtraction
Bulletin Board Ideas
Word Searches
Crossword Puzzles
Printable Puzzles

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