Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Language Arts and Grammar Worksheets

Apostrophe Worksheets

Worms for sale or worm's for sale? Do your students find apostrophes appalling? Abundant errors in all manner of print sources from yard signs to newspapers undermine student apostrophe awareness! Set the record straight with this no prep grades one to eight unit that will arouse student interest in contractions, indefinite possessive pronouns, and individual and joint ownership. Printable activities include adding apostrophes to existing sentences, rewriting sentences to form possessives, identifying the correct word and mixed reviews.

Apostrophes and Contractions Mixed Review
     Grade 1
     Grade 2
     Grade 3
     Grade 4
     Grade 5
     Grade 6

Apostrophes - Sentences
     Rewrite the sentence (Grades 1-2)
     Rewrite the sentence (Grades 3-5)
     Rewrite the sentence (Grades 5-8)

Apostrophes - Individual Ownership
     Individual Ownership - Rewrite the sentence

Apostrophes - Joint Ownership
     Joint Ownership - Rewrite the sentence

Apostrophes - Indefinite Pronouns
     Indefinite Pronouns - Rewrite the sentence

Possessive Nouns
             Possessive Nouns

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