Teacher Worksheets

Sixth Grade Student Exercises and Reading Skills Practice

"Aye, Captain!" - Old Ironsides' Captain William Bainbridge
"Charge!"-The Story of General Custer
"Dutch" Reagan
"Egg"cellent Traditions
"Fore" - The History of Golf
"Good Morning Ohio"
"Hear Me, My Chiefs" - Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce
"Hello, I'm Johnny Cash"
"I Will Fight No More Forever"- Chief Joseph
"It's a Joke!" Tom Said Swiftly
"Let It Go"
"Lucky Lindy" Takes Flight, Part 1
"Lucky Lindy" Takes the Bait, Part 2
"Lucky Lindy" Takes the Prize, Part 3
"Medicine Woman" - Frontier Doctor Georgia Fix
"Meet Me at the Fair"
"Mr. Sam"
"Oglethorpe's Dream"
"Old Hickory" Style - New Orleans Prepares for Battle
"Say Cheese" - The First Affordable Camera
"Say Cheese"- The First Affordable Camera
"Shanghai Tunnels"
"The Wild West"
"Tippecanoe and Tyler, Too"
"Tips of the Slung" - Having Fun with Spoonerisms
"We Have Met the Enemy" - Oliver Perry and the Battle of Lake Erie
"Who Invited A Wolf to This Meeting?" - The origin of the Provisional Government
"You're Doing Fine, Oklahoma!"
Apatosaurus, Also Known As Brontosaurus
Dred Scott v. Sandford
New Horizons Mission to Pluto
Oviraptor, a Misnamed Dinosaur?
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Tiradentes Day in Brazil
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Vinotok: The Burning of the Grump
You Tube Begins
�Es El Cinco de Mayo! - It's Cinco de Mayo!
2002 Winter Olympics
4-H National Youth Science Day
9/11 Hero: Father Mychal Judge
A "Matter" of Moving
A Back That's Strong: Working for a Living in the 1890s, Part 1
A Bad Trick
A Ball with a Funny Shape
A Beautiful Hand
A Beautiful Stain - Stained Glass
A Blonde Surprise
A Brief History of Cattle Brands
A Brief History of Hygiene
A Brief History of North Dakota
A Brief History of Pizza
A Brief History of the Pledge of Allegiance
A Bright Red Coat
A Bully at Work
A Burglary, a Scandal, and a President
A Button Day Field Trip
A CAT Scan of Earth
A Christmas Truce
A Colonial Christmas
A Comet Captured on Film
A Computer at Home
A Cup of Old Hickory - The Battle of New Orleans III
A Day Out of Time
A Day Without Immigrants
A Declaration of Independence - Jubilee Celebration
A Diabetic's Diet
A Donkey and a Hare
A Donkey and a Hare
A Donkey and a Hare
A Dramatic Moment All to Yourself
A Dream Job
A Dream Wedding
A Forest Is a Food Factory
A Formal Beginning
A Funny Bean!
A Giant Conestoga Wagon or The Wagon Stops Here!
A Girl from Uganda Fights HIV
A Girl Named Shanawdithit
A Glimpse of an Integrated Life
A Guatemalan Girl Gets Enough to Eat
A History of How Connecticut Became a State
A History of the Wild, Wild West
A Homeless Man Struggles in Brazil
A Honey of a History
A Horsey Puzzle
A Hunger for History
A Letter from Your Nervous Thanksgiving Turkey
A Little Conflict
A Little Mountain Escape
A Magic Ride
A March for Education
A Million Years in the Life of a Rock
A Mistake That Worked
A Montessori School
A National Holiday for Giving Thanks
A New Life
A New Tradition
A New Use for Magnets?
A New Weapon - Gas
A Not So Smooth Run
A Nuclear Scare at Three Mile Island
A One-Ton Guinea Pig in a Box!
A Patriot's Plate
A Patriot's Plate
A Pearl to Behold: Pearl Bailey
A President's Day
A Rainbow of Soil
A Real Superman
A Report on the National Day of Prayer
A Rescue for Karen
A Revolver and a Showman
A Rich Musical Heritage
A Rolling Optimist or a Seated Pessimist
A Second Aswan Dam
A Shattered Fairy Tale: The South after the Civil War
A Short History on Marathon
A Slovak Christmas Eve
A Small Mosquito Bite Causes Big Trouble
A Special Thanksgiving
A Splendid Little War, Part 1 - The First Battle
A Splendid Little War, Part 2 - The Course of the War
A Splinter
A Sport That Bowled 'Em Over
A Sport that Sounds Fun - Ping-Pong!
A Sport with an Unusual Name! Curling
A Story of Anti-Personnel Mines: Maria's Story
A Sugar-free Easter
A System of Cycles, Part 1
A System of Cycles, Part 2
A Take-Charge Kind of Guy
A Tale of Deforestation
A Taste for Gold, Part 1
A Teen at Pearl Harbor
A Tibetan Monk Says a Prayer
A Tie Story
A Train without a Ticket?
A Trip Through the Heart (Grades 5 and 6)
A Trip to the Outback
A Vaccine to Fight Polio
A Vegetarian Diet?
A Visit to a Tea Room
A Wall of Honor
A War for Peace
A Whack-y Good Time with Pinatas
A Woman Joins the Supreme Court
A World in Black, White, and Gray
A World in Black, White, and Gray
A. A. Milne
ABCs of Financial Wellness
Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
Abolitionists and the Underground Railroad
Abraham Lincoln, Part 1
Abraham Lincoln, Part 2
Abraham Lincoln
Absolute-Age Dating
Academy Awards Night
Acadia National Park
Accidental Discoveries that Changed the World: Super Glue
Accidental Discoveries: Saccharin
Acid or Base: A Fizzy Soil Test
Acid Rain, Go Away!
Acids and Bases
Adélie Penguins
Add "Punct-ch" to Your Writing
Adelie Penguin
Adolf Hitler
Adopting Your Own Cabbage Patch Kid
Adventurous Women
Advertising - Let the Buyer Beware!
Aesop and His Fables
African Americans in the Civil War
African Americans in the Revolutionary War
African Americans in the War of 1812
African Penguins
African Praise Poetry
African-American Artists
Agents of Erosion
Air Jordan
Air Masses
Air Navigation, Part 1
Air Navigation, Part 2
Air Plants
Air Pressure and Wind
Akhenaten - Visionary or Heretic Pharaoh?
Aksel Lund Svindal: Alpine All-Star
Al "Scarface" Capone
Al Gore Wins the Nobel Peace Prize
Alabama is Born - Six Exclusive Interviews
Alan Shepard - First American in Space
Alan Turing
Alaska for Sale
Alaskan Maverick Sarah Palin
Albert Marrin
Albert Schweitzer - His Passion for Others Grows
Alberto Tomba - Italian Ski Champion
Alcohol Abuse: A Tale of Destruction
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholism Affects Everyone
Alex Flinn
Alexander Hamilton
Algae, Our Oxygen Suppliers
Alice Roosevelt Longworth
All About Apples: A Brief History of Apples
All About Credit, Part 1
All About Credit, Part 2
All About the Luge
All About X
All Saints' Day
All That Jazz - Looking for Fun in the 20s
All That Matter
All the Spheres of the Earth
Ally Carter
Along Came the Engine (Part 1)
Along Came the Engine (Part 2)
Alphabet Soup for a Sick Nation - Roosevelt's New Deal
Alphabet Soup II - Roosevelt's New Deal
Alternative Energy Sources
Alvaro's Kidnapping: A Crime in Colombia
Amanda's Story: Dealing with Acne
Amazing Water
Amelia Jenks Bloomer: Fashion Trend Setter
America's Favorite Country Bumpkin
America's First Songwriter
America's First Women Dentists
America's Mountains: Some Tall, Some Small
America's New Year Celebration: The Tournament of Roses
America's Number One Snack
America, At Whose Cost?
America: A Melting Pot of Cultures
American Cartoonist
American Modern Dance
American Music - 1800's
American Musicians
Amerigo Vespucci
Amrita's Choice
An Apollo Tragedy
An Afghan Girl Goes to School
An Afghan Girl Goes to School
An African Girl Drinks Clean, Fresh Water
An American Family Visits the Food Bank
An Apple a Day
An Army for the Dead
An Average School Day (for an LD Student)
An Early New Jersey Timeline
An Exciting Discovery: The Nag Hammadi Library
An Exploration Discovery
An Overview of the Muscular System
An Unstable Fourth, Part 1
An Unstable Fourth, Part 2
An Unstable Fourth, Part 3
An Unusual Word
Anabolic Steroids
Anacaona's Quinceanera
Anaconda: A Super-Sized and Super Sneaky Snake!
Ancient Egyptian Writing: Hieroglyphics
Ancient Egyptians
Ancient Mega-Marsupials
And Not a Drop to Drink
And the Nobel Peace Prize Goes to...
Andre Agassi
Andrea del Verrocchio
Andres Segovia
Andrew Johnson - 17th President
Anglo-Saxon England
Angola - Culture
Angola Independence Day
Animal Care Workers
Animal Cells: Cells Without Walls
Animal Life in Oceans
Animal, Plant, or Fungi?
Animals in the Ocean: the Biggest and the Smallest
Animals in the White House - First Dogs
Animals in the White House - First Dogs
Animals of Ancient Egypt
Animals of Unusual Locomotion
Animals With Backbones
Ann and Kirsten Learn about Covert Bullies
Anna Julia Haywood Cooper
Anne Bradstreet, Puritan Poet
Anne Frank's Father
Anne Frank's Kind Heart
Anne Frank's Published Diary
Anne Frank: Life at Auschwitz
Anne Frank: Life at Bergen-Belsen
Anne Frank: Life at Westerbork
Anne Frank
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Anne's Published Diary
Annie Edson Taylor: Queen of the Mist
Annie Oakley
Another Day Older and Deeper in Debt: Working for a Living in the 1890s, Part 2
Another Real Dad
Ansel Adams
Antarctica: Frozen Desert
Anti-Fascism Day in Croatia
Anti-Slavery Movement
Anticipation - Groundhog Day
Antonio Santa Anna
Apex Predators
Appeasement - Germany Before World War II
Apple Harvest
Applying for Credit
Arctic Terns
Arctic Terns
Are You Afraid?
Are You Environmental?
Are You Listening? Part 1
Are You Listening? Part 2
Arizona - The True Wild, Wild West
Arlington National Cemetery
Armenia - Culture: Aram Khachaturian
Armenia - History
Arnold Lobel
Arnold's Money
Around the World Without Stopping
Art Mystery, Part 2 - The Museum
Art Mystery, Part 5 - A Letter and an Answer
Art Nouveau Architecture
Art Nouveau Painting and Other Art
Arthur Fiedler
Articles of Confederation
As American As Apple Pie
Asperger's Syndrome
Assignment: Compliment Three
Asthma and Our Environment
Astrid Lindgren
At McDonald's
Athletic Thoughts
Athletic Trainer
Atlanta Falls
Atlantis - Fact or Fantasy?
Atoms and Matter
Attorney General
Augusta Savage
Auguste Bartholdi
Austria's "The Herminator"
Author's Purpose P.I.E.
Authors at Work
Authors Write
Autumn Migrations
Avery Island, Louisiana, Also Known As Bird City
Avoid Electrical Fires
Avoiding Credit Card Fraud
B.F. Skinner
Babe Didrikson Zaharias
Bach's Favorite Bird?
Back to School Shopping
Back to the Past
Backpack Safety
Backwoods Thanksgiving I--Elk Trouble
Backwoods Thanksgiving II--Elk Rescue
Backyard Bowling
Bacteria in the Soil
Balanced and Unbalanced Forces
Bald Eagles
Balloons As Weapons?
Bambi in the Grass
Banking Benefits
Banking in the Renaissance
Barack Obama
Barbara Bush
Barbara Park
Barbarians Invade Rome!
Baron von Steuben
Baseball Cards
Baseball Hall of Fame
Basics of Fish
Basics of Insects
Basics of Squirrels
Basking Sharks
Bass Reeves: First Black U.S. Deputy
Bastille Day
Battle of Antietam
Battle of Little Bighorn
Battle of Midway Island
Battle of the Coral Sea
Battles of Saratoga
Battling the Bitterroots: Mountain Battle
Bayous, Deltas, and Plains
Be a Comparison Shopper
Be an Informed Consumer
Beatrix Potter
Beauty from Rags
Becoming a Citizen
Becoming a Knight
Becoming a Playwright, Part 1: The Story
Becoming a Playwright, Part 2: The Terms
Beep! Beep! Here Comes the Jeep!
Bees and Humans
Before Establishing Jamestown
Beginning of the Darfur Conflict
Behind the Camera
Beijing's Preparation for the 2008 Olympics
Being Safer on Your Bicycle
Bell's Palsy
Belle Starr
Beluga Whales
Ben Franklin: Founding Father and Inventor
Benedict Arnold
Bengal Tigers
Benin's Vodun Day
Benjamin Banneker
Benjamin Bloom
Benjamin Franklin's Inventions
Benjamin Franklin, Ambassador to France
Benjamin Harrison
Berlin Wall Is Falling Down
Bernardo de Galvez - Friend of American Freedom
Bess Truman
Bessie Coleman: "World's Greatest Woman Flyer"
Best Friends Animal Society
Betsy Byars: From Reader to Writer
Betsy Ross
Betty Ford
Beware of the Coastal Invaders!
Beyond the Solar System
Bicycle Celebration
Big Bertha
Big Change. Last Minute.
Big Joe Mufferaw
Big, Bad George - George Foreman
Bill Bixby
Bill Brittain
Bill Peet, Author and Artist
Bill Pickett, "The Bull-Dogger"
Bill Wallace, Teacher Survivor
Billy Demong: Skier with an Odd Tattoo
Binge Eating Disorder
Biography of Dicey Langston
Biome 101
Biomedical Engineer
Biopower - the Answer to the Oil Shortage?
Bipolar Disorder
Bird Adaptations
Bird Flu
Bird Flu
Bird Woman and the Great Fish
Birthday Traditions Around The World
Biscayne National Park
Black Blizzards - Life in the Dust Bowl
Black Blizzards and the Dust Bowl
Black Mambas
Blaine Kern, Mr. Mardi Gras
Blaise Pascal
Blank Verse - Don't Draw a Blank!
Blind Doctor
Blind Shots
Blood Glucose Meter
Blood Tests
Blood Vessels
Blowin' Down That Old Dusty Road
Blue Balliett
Blue-Footed Booby - Introduction
Blue-Footed Booby
Bob "The Cooz" Cousy
Body Organization
Body Systems Work Together
Boiling Over
Bolivia - Culture
Bombs Bursting in Air -- Sounds of the Fourth of July
Bonnie and Clyde
Bonnie Dunbar: From Farm Girl to Astronaut
Books Tell the Story
Boot Hill
Boris Goldovsky
Botswana Independence Day
Bowen's Reaction Series
Boy Scouts of America
Boy, Oh, Boysenberry!
Brain Foods
Brain Power
Brain Waves
Break It Down: Digestion
Breakers Break Into Dance
Breed's Hill - Bunker Hill
Brian, Ryan, and Diane Learn About Opportunity Cost
Bristle Worms
British Columbia and Confederation
British General Haig
Broken Bone Champion - Evel Knievel
Brunelleschi's Dome
Bryce Canyon
Bubble Artist Keith Johnson
Bubble, Bubble, Would This Soil Cause Trouble?
Buck Island Reef National Monument
Budget Buzzwords
Buffalo Bill
Buffalo Soldiers
Buffalo Soldiers
Building a Cathedral
Building a Healthy Life
Building a Lego World
Building an Empire
Building Our Nation's Capital
Bulgaria - Culture
Bungee Jumping
Burning of the Parliament Buildings
Business Booms During the Renaissance!
Busy as a Beekeeper
Butter vs. Margarine
Butterflies & Moths: Life Cycle
By Law or Birth
Byzantine Architecture
César Ch�vez
C.S. Lewis: Beyond Narnia
Cabin Fever
Cable Cars
California Condors
California Condors
California Gold Rush
California Missions
Call Before You Dig!
Called it "Macaroni" - Joshua Barney: American Hero, Part 2
Calvin Coolidge
Cambodia Water Festival
Campaigning to Be President
Camps for Children with Special Needs
Can Medicine Make You Feel Sick?
Canada in World War I, Part 1
Canada in World War I, Part 2
Canada in World War II, Part 1
Canada in WWII, Part 2
Canajan, Eh?
Candle Making
Candles in December
Canker Sores
Cans, Glass, and Plastic
Canyonlands National Park
Capitol Reef National Park
Captain William Bligh
Captured by Girls
Capybaras and Their "Digestive Do-overs"
Carats, Cubits, and Gills
Cardiovascular Diseases
Career in a Closet
Cariboo Gold
Carl Friedrich Gauss, Mathematician
Carl Sandburg: Champion of the Working Class
Carlsbad Caverns
Carnival in Brazil
Caroline Cowles Richards - Life in a Puritan Home
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpetbaggers and Scalawags
Carrie Berry's Civil War Diary
Carroll O'Connor
Caste System in Ancient India
Cat Myths
Cat Scratch Disease
Catch a Dream with a Dream Catcher
Catharine Beecher
Cathy Freeman
Cats and Dogs
Cats in Ancient Egypt
Cattle Drives
Causes of the War of 1812
Causes of World War I
Cave Diving
Cecropia Moths
Celebrating a New Year
Celebrating Black Poetry
Celebrating Freedom
Celebrating Independence
Celebrating Pi Day
Celebrating Pie!
Celiac Disease
Celine's Story: Gender Disparity in Togo
Cell Division
Cells Are Us!
Cells With and Without a Nucleus
Cells With and Without Walls
Centipede or Millipede?
Centipedes & Millipedes
Centipedes and Millipedes
Cesar Chavez: Presidential Medal of Freedom Winner
Cesar Chavez
CFB Cold Lake
Challenges Immigrants Face
Change - What's Change?
Changes in Farming
Changes in Sea Level
Changes: Physical or Chemical?
Changing States of Matter
Changing Your Name on Ellis Island
Character Development
Characteristics of a Market Economy
Characteristics of Seed Plants
Characteristics of Seed Plants
Charlayne Hunter-Gault
Charles Drew
Charles Henry Turner
Charles Lindbergh
Charles Lindbergh
Charlie Chaplin - The Tramp
Charlie Chaplin
Charlotte Forten - Early Activist
Charlotte Hawkins Brown
Charlotte, Emily, and Anne: The Bronte Sisters
Chasing Aaron
Checking Accounts
Cherie's Mysterious Talent
Cherokee Legend of Blowing Rock
Chicken Pox
Chief Joseph Surrenders
Chief Quanah Parker: Last Chief of the Comanches
Child Labor
Children in the White House
Children in the White House
Children in the White House
Children of Japanese Relocation Camps
Children on the Mayflower
Children's Day in Japan and South Korea
Children's Day
Chile - Culture: Pablo Neruda
Chilling Out with Ice Sculptures
Chinese History 101
Chinese Immigrants and the California Gold Rush
Chinese Inventions - Paper & Movable Type Printing
Chinese Kung Fu
Choose Your Own Ending
Chris Burke - A Success Story
Chris Van Allsburg - He Does It All
Chris Van Allsburg
Christ Statue, Brazil
Christa McAuliffe
Christian Dior, Fashion Designer
Christmas at the PHC
Christmas at the White House
Christmas Competition
Christmas on Two Calendars
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Marlowe, Man of Mystery
Christopher Paolini
Christopher Wren
Cinco de Mayo Fiesta
Cinco de Mayo
Cindy Neuschwander
Cities, Plains - Middle Atlantic Subregion
City Life
Civil Defense
Civil Rights - An Introduction
Civil War Ambulance Corps
Civil War Medicine Part 1
Civil War Medicine Part 2
Civil War Music
Civil War Prisons
Civilian Families in the South
Clap Skates
Clara Barton
Clarence Birdseye
Clastic Sedimentary Rocks
Claude Monet, the Father of Impressionism
Claudia "Lady Bird" Johnson
Clean Your --No-- MY Room
Clear Talk
Cleft Lip and Palate
Clergy of the Middle Ages
Click Beetles
Climate During The Cenozoic Era
Close Only Counts in Horseshoes
Clouds and Precipitation
Clown Fish and Sea Anemones: Talk About Teamwork!
Clown Fish
Clues to Earth's Past
Clyde Robert Bulla
Coal Is a Fossil
Coal Mining
Coast Guard Day
Coffin Ship to America, Part 1
Coffin Ship to America, Part 2
Cold Warriors, Part 1 - USSR
Cold Warriors, Part 2 - The U.S.
Cold Water with Hidden Surprises
Colin Powell
Collecting Weather Data
Colonial Architecture
Colonial soldiers
Colonial Soldiers
Colonial Woodworkers
Comet Lovejoy
Comforting, Cozy Quilts
Comic Books Come of Age
Community - A Place to Belong
Compacts and Cliques
Comparative Advantage
Comparing Centipedes and Millipedes
Comprehension Skills
Concentric Castles
Conductor of Freedom
Conflict Over the Three Gorges Dam
Confucius Day
Congaree National Park
Congressional Aide
Consider the Consequences
Continents Adrift
Controlling the Weather
Cookie, the Diabetic Cat
Cool Floater, Hot Sinker
Cool Your Engines?
Coral Reefs: Donald's Tale
Coral Reefs
Cote d'Ivoire - Culture
Could There Be Water on the Moon?
Council of Economic Advisers
Count It Twice!
Courage - Ain't I a Woman?
Court Jester
Court Reporter
Cowboy Poetry
Coxsackie Virus
Craters of the Moon National Monument
Craters of the Moon National Monument
Crazy Horse
Crescent Dragonwagon
Crime in Colombia: Alvaro's Kidnapping
Crispus Attucks
Crocodiles and Alligators
Crocodilian Cousins: Alligators and Crocodiles
Crocodilian Senses
Crohn's Disease
Crop Circles
Cross-Country Skiing
Cruising the South Atlantic Region
Crusades and More Crusades
Cuba - Culture
Cuddly Koalas
Curiosity - Alexander Graham Bell
Curses! Foiled Again!
Cuyahoga Valley National Park
Cyanide Polluted Danube River
Cynthia Kadohata
Cynthia Rylant
Cystic Fibrosis
Dairy Food Group
Dairy on My Plate
Dale Earnhardt, Jr.
Dame Catherine Cookson
Dan Gutman
Daniel Defoe
Danny, Betsy, and Turkeys 4 America
Darwin's Frogs
Davey Barr, Ski Cross
Davy Crockett - Born in the Frontier
Davy Crockett
Day of the Dead
Day of Trees in South Korea
Deadwood, South Dakota: Legendary Black Hills Landmark
Dealing With Losing a Parent
Dealing with Loss
Dealing with the Press, One Part of the President's Job
Death Smog In Donora, Pennsylvania
Death Valley National Park
Debit Cards
Deborah Wiles
Decisions, Decisions
Declaration of Independence
Declaring Our Independence
Defeat of the Spanish Armada
Delaware - The Early History
Delaware and the Underground Railroad
Democracy Grows
Denali National Park
Denali National Park
Density: Sink or Float?
Dental Hygienist
Desert Animals
Desert Storm
Deserts - Introduction
Desi Arnaz
Destruction - The Dirty Thirties
Devils Tower
Dewey Defeats Truman! Or Does He?
Dia de la Raza - Day of the Race
Dicey Langston, Teen Hero of the Revolutionary War
Dick Van Dyke
Dickie V
Diego and His Parents Learn to Deal
Dietitians and Nutritionists
Diets are Not Our Friends
Different Flavors of Spanish
Different Kinds of Cells Make Up Our Bodies
Different Ways of Analyzing Text
Digestion in the Mouth (Grades 5-6)
Digestion in the Small Intestine (Grades 5-6)
Dinner on a Cold Day
Dinner on a Cold Day
Dinner Will Be Served at Noon
Dirt Maps
Disaster and the Challenger
Discovering America I: 1804 (St. Louis-Fort Mandan)
Discovering America II: 1805 (Fort Mandan-Pacific)
Discovering America III: 1806 (Return Trip)
Discovering Newfoundland
DISCovering Our Parents' - and Our Own - Personalities
Discovery - Digging for Knowledge
Discovery of the North Pole
Discussing the Issues
Diwali and the Epic Tale of Rama
DNA Structure
Do Meteorologists Study Meteors?
Do No Harm
Do Not Stand Idly By
Do Plants Recycle?
Do You Want To Visit Jupiter?
Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
Does Anybody Know What Time It Is?
Dog Agility
Doilies in the Sky
Doing Business in the Middle Ages
Dome Mountains
Don't Buy the Grapes!
Don't Dessert Me!
Don't Drink and Drive
Don't Let this Mystery Defeat You!
Don't Litter: Fix Your Pets!
Don't Spoil the Soil!
Don't Worry About That Dorsal Fin!
Donating Blood
Dorcas Gazelles
Doris Buchanan Smith
Doris Gates
Dorothy Hamill
Double Check Your Dairy Foods
Doughboys and Diggers
Down by the Seashore
Dr. Emily Stowe: In Spite of the Odds
Dr. King, a Speaker for Nonviolence
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Dr. Phil McGraw
Dr. Seuss
Dr. Sun Yat-sen
Draft Law and Riots
Drafting the Confederate Constitution
Dragons of the World
Drama in the Field (part 1)
Drama in the Field (part 2)
Drama in the Renaissance
Draw Like da Vinci
Dressing for the Weather
Driving Along the Ocean Floor, Part 1
Driving Along the Ocean Floor, Part 2
Driving Along the Ocean Floor, Part 3
Driving Back Through History
Drought in Zambia
Drug Dangers
Drug Education Introduction
Dry Tortugas National Park
Ducks & Geese
Dumbo Octopus
Dung Beetles
Dust Mites
Dwight Eisenhower
E. L. Konigsburg
Early English Explorers: Frobisher and Davis
Early History of the State of Alabama the Beautiful
Earth During the Mesozoic Era
Earth Movements and Time Zones
Earth Movers - Glaciers
Earth Movers - Gravity
Earth Movers - Water
Earth Movers - Wind
Earth's Biomes
Earth's Blanket
Earth's Ice Ages
Earth's Lithosphere
Earth's Oldest Animals?
Earth's Plumbing System
Earth's Tectonic Plates
Earth's Varied Topography
Earthquake Mourning Day in Armenia
Easter Poems
Easter Symbols
Eating as an Athlete
Eating Well for Good Health
Ebony Magazine
Economy of the Midwest Region
Economy of the West Region
Ecuador - Culture
Ed Yost, Father of Modern Hot Air Ballooning
Eddie's Great Idea
Edgar Allan Poe
Edith Cavell - A War Heroine
Edith Roosevelt
Edith Wilson
Eduardo's Tale of Two Worlds: Gangs in Jamaica
Education in Ancient Egypt
Education in Nazi Germany
Education in the Renaissance
Edvard Grieg
Edward Elgar
Edward Everett Hale - A Boy's Life in New England
Edward Jenner and the Smallpox Vaccine, Part 1
Edward Jenner and the Smallpox Vaccine, Part 2
Edwin Hubble: Father of Observational Cosmology
Effects of Alcohol on the Body
Effects of Reconstruction
Effects of Reconstruction
Effigy Mounds National Monument
Egg Allergy
Egg-citing Osmosis
Egyptian History 101
Elaine Goodale Eastman and the Native American Schools
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Eleanor Roosevelt - First Lady of the World
Eleanor Roosevelt - First Lady of the World
Eleanor Roosevelt - From Wallflower to Activist
Eleanor Roosevelt
Electing Our President
Election 2008 - The Issues
Election Day and the Electoral College
Election of 1864
Election of Pope Benedict XVI
Elections in Iraq, 2005
Electric Eels
Electric Eels
Electric Guitar
Electrical Circuits
Electricity Safety Tips
Electronic Service Technician
Elephant Polo
Elephant Sanctuary
Elephants in Furs!
Eli Whitney
Eli Whitney
Elian Gonzalez
Elias Howe
Elie Wiesel
Elisha Otis: Elevator Safety Brake
Eliza Lucas
Elizabeth Burgin and the Prison Ships
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Elizabeth George Speare
Elizabeth Yates
Ellen Lauri Ochoa: World's First Hispanic Woman Astronaut
Ellen Wilson
Ellis Island - Gateway to America, Part 1
Ellis Island - Gateway to America, Part 2
Ellis Island National Park
Ellis Island of the West - Angel Island
Ellis Island
Emancipation Proclamation
Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Emergency Medical Technician
Emergency! 9-1-1
Emergency? Call 911!
Emily Carr: Mother of Canada's Modern Art
Emily Dickinson
Emma Hart Willard
Emma Lazarus
Emma Lazarus
Emperor Meiji
Emperor Penguins
Emperor Penguins
Emperor's Birthday in Japan
Empty Calories on My Plate
Emus & Cassowaries
En Garde!
Encouragement - Break a Leg!
Endangered Animals!
Endangered Animals
Endangered Dolphins
Endangered Is Not Extinct...Let's Keep It That Way!
Endotherm or Ectotherm?
Enemies - Using poetry to express feelings about 9/11
Energy, Renewable and Nonrenewable Forms
Entertainment - Relax a Little
Environmental Protection Agency
Eoin Colfer
Eoin Colfer
Equestrian Superheroes! Three-Day Eventing
Erik Erikson
Eros and Psyche
Eructation - What Is a Burp?
Escaping Terrorism in the Philippines
Esther Forbes: Love of the Past
Ethan Allen and Fort Ticonderoga
Ethan Allen and Fort Ticonderoga
Ethel Merman
Ethnic Smorgasbord
Euclid: Father of Geometry
Eureka! Density!
Evacuation Day in Egypt
Eve Bunting, Author
Evelyn Ashford
Even Leonardo Made Mistakes
Everglades National Park
Everyday Crafts
Everyday Life in Victorian England
Everything Contains a Story
Everything You Think Is Wrong Day
Evolution of the Airplane
EWWW - Gross Art: The Pike Place Gum Wall
Exploration - Lewis and Clark
Explore Fun Facts about the United States
Explorer's Triumph
Explorers for Holland
Exploring Chichen-Itza
Exploring North America - Its Water
Exploring North America - The Landforms
Exploring the Grand Canyon
Extinct Mammals: The "Terrible Pig" Dinohyus
Extreme Fashions
Extreme Ironing and Other Household Sports
Extreme Sand Sculpting
Extreme Skiing
Eye Identify!
Fact or Fiction: The Four Seasons, Part I
Fact or Fiction: The Four Seasons, Part II
Facts About Soil
Fad Diets
Fahim's Fast
Falkland Islands - Culture
Falkland Islands Battle Day
Fallout From Watergate
Fame and Grandma Moses
Fame Can Be Found in Many Ways
Famous Everyday People
Famous Immigrants in Entertainment
Famous Names in Sports
Fantasy - The Wild Things
Farley Mowat
Farmers and Ranchers
Fast Cars and a Famous Track
Father Hidalgo
Father's Day
Fault-Block Mountains and Valleys
Feel Full on Fewer Calories
Feel Full on Fewer Calories
Female American Alligators: Tough (but Tender!) Mothers
Ferdinand Porsche
Field Hockey
Field Hospitals
Field Trip!
Fifth Disease
Fighting Drug-Resistant Bacteria
Figurative Language
Filling a Prescription
Finding History in the Ice
Finding Religious Freedom
Finding the Dead Sea Scrolls
Finding the Main Idea
Finland - Culture
Finland's Winter Olympic History
Fire Extinguishers
Fire in the Kitchen!
First a Poem For Kids, Now a Pledge to the Flag
First Battle of Bull Run
First Lady and Public Servant
Fiscal Policy
Fishing Cats
Fit for a King
Fit to Be Tied, Among Other Things
Five a Day
Five Kinds of Vertebrates
Fjords Are Unique Landforms
Flag Etiquette
Flat Tops - How Aircraft Carriers Took Over the Seas
Flatulence: The Gas We Pass
Floating Cubes
Flooding of the Nile Day
Floodplains and Deltas
Florence Griffith Joyner: World's Fastest Woman
Florence Harding
Fly to My House?
Flying Cigars?
Flying Disc Fun
Flying Fish
Flying Snakes
Flying Squirrels
Folded Mountains
Folded Mountains
Food Chain vs. Food Web
Food Chains and Food Webs
Food Chains and Food Webs
Food Energy Pyramid
Food Poisoning
Food Scientist
Food-Related Sickness
Football or Soccer?
For Every Object, A Group
For Every Object, A Group
For the Good of the Earth
Force and Motion
Foreign Service Officers
Forever Endora
Forgiveness and Friendship
Forms of Energy
Forms of Energy
Fort Sumter
Fossils Tell A Story
Four Kinds of Galaxies
Four-Legged Help: Guide Dogs for the Blind
Francis Scott Key and "The Star-Spangled Banner"
Francis Scott Key
Francisco Goya
Frank Hamer
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Freedom's Journal
Friedrich Froebel: The Man Who Started Kindergarten
Friendly Letter - Letter of Invitation
Friendly Letter - Letter to Share Information
Friendly Letter - Thank You Letter
Frigid Zones
Fritter Frenzy
From Colony to Independence
From Dakota Territory to Becoming South Dakota
From Hunting Ground to Home
From Mammoths to Statehood: The History of Early Nebraska
From Mayflower to Massachusetts
From One Ol' Cat to Baseball
From Prison to Nobel Peace Prize
From Rivers to Oceans
From the Swimming Hole to Swimming for Medals
From Waste to Resource
Fruit Food Group
Fruit on My Plate
Fun and Filling Noodles
Fun Every Month
Fun Fads of the Fab Fifties
Fun, Beautiful, and Dangerous
Fungi - Friends or Foes?
Fungi Helpers
Fuzzy, Fascinating Tarantulas!
G8 Summit 2001
Galapagos Giant Tortoises
Galapagos Penguins
Galapagos Penguins
Gangs in Jamaica: Eduardo's Tale of Two Worlds
Garrett A. Morgan, Inventor of Safety Devices
Gary Paulsen
Gary Player
Gary Schmidt
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Gateway to a New World - Ellis Island
General Charles Cornwallis
General John Burgoyne
General Sherman
General William Howe
Generations - Who's Who in Your Family?
Genghis Khan
Gennifer Choldenko: Billboard For a Book
Gennifer Choldenko
Genocide Commemoration Day in Rwanda
Gentle Judo
Geography of the Midwest Region
Geography of the West Region, Part 1
Geography of the West Region, Part 2
Geometry versus Forces
Geometry versus Forces
George H. W. Bush
George Vancouver
George W. Bush
George Washington - Civilian
George Washington - Early Military Experiences
George Washington - General
George Washington - President
George Washington - Revolutionary
George Washington Carver: The Plant Doctor
George Washington Carver
George Washington's Teeth
George Washington, Dog Lover
George Washington, the Farmer
George Washington
George Washington
Georges Seurat, the Artist Who Made His Point
Georgia - Culture
Geothermal Energy
Gerald Ford
Germany - Culture (Johann Gutenberg)
Gertrude Chandler Warner
Get Involved - Fighting Crime in Schools
Get Moving!
Get Your Pictures Instantly
Gettysburg Address
Ghost Ships of Lake Ontario, Part 1
Ghost Ships of Lake Ontario, Part 2
Giant Anteaters
Giant Pandas
Giant Squid
Giant Squids
Giant Toads
Giddyup, Equus!
Gift of Horses
Gifts from the Rain Forest
Gigantic Guinea Pigs!
Gila Monsters
Gila Monsters
Giovanni da Verrazano
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
Girls and Women in Education
Give It a Turn
Glacier Movements and Moraines
Glacier National Park
Global Warming
Gloria Estefan
Going to Work in the 1800s
Gold Rush!
Golden Dreams - the story of Paul Hamm, American Olympian
Golden Nemesis, Part 1
Good and Bad Ozone
Good Grief! Don't Be a Griefer!
Good Ol' Charlie Brown
Good Things Come to Those Who Wait
Good Vibrations
Gothic Literature
Government and Money
Grace Kelly
Graceful Greek Architecture
Grains Food Group
Grains on My Plate
Grand Gothic Architecture
Grand Teton National Park
Grandma Tetrazzini's Noodle Heaven
Grandma's Family Tradition
Grasslands - Introduction
Great Barracudas
Great Basin National Park
Great Britain
Great Hornbills
Great Seal Adopted, 1782
Greeting Cards and More
Greg Mortenson: International Peacemaker and Humanitarian, Part 2
Greg Mortenson: International Peacemaker and Humanitarian, Part 3
Greg Mortenson: International Peacemaker and Humanitarian, Part 1
Grey Owl
Groseilliers and Radisson
Gross But Edible Foods
Gross Domestic Product
Groundhog Day Across the Country
Groundhog Day
Groundwater Erosion and Deposition
Groundwater Movement
Grover Cleveland
Growing Up in the White House
Growing Up in the White House
Growing Up in the White House
Growing Wheat on the Great Plains
Guadalupe Day in Mexico
Guam: In the Beginning
Gun Control
Gunfight at the OK Corral
Guru Gobind Singh's Birthday
Guyana - Culture
Gwendolyn Brooks
Gymnastic Dreams
Gymnastics Now and Then
H. G. Wells
Hadrosaurs, the Duckbilled Dinosaurs
Half an Alligator - The Battle of New Orleans II
Halifax's Deadly Explosion
Halloween Can Be Frightfully Fun
Halloween in Other Countries
Hammerhead Sharks
Hammerhead Sharks
Hank Aaron
Hans Christian Andersen
Happy Haggis Day!
Happy Hanukkah!
Happy Presidents' Day
Harp and Harpist
Harriet Robinson - Mill Girl
Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman
Harry Mazer
Harry Truman
Hawaii's Journey to Statehood
Hawaii: The Fiftieth State
Hawaiian Etiquette
Hawaiian Holiday
Hawaiian Monk Seals
Hayley Wickenheiser: Commander of the Ice
Hazardous Duty - Bombers of WWII and their Crews
Hazardous Duty - Factory Work During the Industrial Revolution
He Walked Softly - Teddy Roosevelt
He Was a Real Einstein
He Was a Yankee Doodle Boy
Headstones from Long Ago
Health and Society
Health and Well-Being
Health Care Is Important
Health Care Woes
Health Crises in Tanzania: Rehema's Story
Health in the Middle Ages
Healthy Goals
Healthy Restaurant Food on My Plate
Healthy Weight Week
Hearing the Call to Help Deaf Children in Mexico
Heather Moyse: Bobsleigh Racer
Helen Keller: Later in Life
Helen Keller
Helen Keller
Helen Taft
Henry Adams: A Teacher Affects Eternity
Henry David Thoreau
Henry Hudson
Henry Ossawa Tanner
Herbert Hoover
Hereditary Hemochromatosis
Hernando Cortes
Heroes of September 11
Hey, Kool-Aid
High Flying Heroes - Fighter Planes and Pilots of WWII
High Gas Prices
Hillary Rodham Clinton - Path to the White House
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Hispanic Heritage Month
History of Cartography
History of Mississippi
History of Pi
History of the Midwest Region, Part 1
History of the Midwest Region, Part 2
History of the National Park Service
History of the West Region
Hitler Youth and German Girls League
Hoary Marmots
Hokey-Pokey Floor Show
Holi - Festival of Colors
Home Inventions
Home Sweet Gingerbread Home
Home Sweet Home - Life in Hooverville
Home Sweet Home for an Immigrant
Homelessness in America
Homeostasis or Why Dogs Pant
Honest Abe
Honey - Nature's Sweet Treat
Honeycrisp Apples- The "New Kid on the Block"
Honor - Mount Rushmore
Hoover Dam
Horned Lizards
Horse Day in Turkmenistan
Horseshoe Crabs
Hot and Cold Food on My Plate
How a Bicycle Works
How a Bill Becomes a Law
How a Mountain Got its Name - The Legends of Jenny Jump
How al-Qaeda Began
How an Olympic City Is Chosen
How Are Dinosaurs Named?
How Are You Intelligent?
How Books are Made
How Can You Play Polo in the Water?
How Chemical Reactions Happen
How Did Ancient Egyptians Make Mummies?
How Did the Atmosphere Form?
How Did the Continents Form?
How Do Airbags Work?
How Do Airplanes Work?
How Do Allergies Work?
How Do Ants Build Colonies?
How Do Barcodes Work?
How Do Batteries Work?
How Do Bears Hibernate?
How Do Bees Make Honey?
How Do Coral Reefs Form?
How Do Crayons, Paint, and Markers Work?
How Do Dishwashers Work?
How Do Electric Eels Produce Electricity?
How Do Fish Swim in Schools?
How Do Frogs Croak?
How Do Geothermal Power Plants Make Electricity?
How Do Guide Dogs Do Their Job?
How Do Hot Air Balloons Work?
How Do Hydroelectric Dams Work?
How Do I Make a Great Decision?
How Do Jellyfish Move?
How Do Light Bulbs Work?
How Do Magnets Work?
How Do Microwaves Work?
How Do New Species Form?
How Do Pacemakers Work?
How Do Penguins Survive the Cold?
How Do People Protect Plants and Animals?
How Do Search and Rescue Dogs Do Their Jobs?
How Do Smoke Detectors Work?
How Do Solar Cells Work?
How Do Solar Panels Work?
How Do Spiders Spin Their Webs?
How Do Spray Cans Work?
How Do Steel Drums Work?
How Do Submarines Work?
How Do Telescopes Work?
How Do Thermometers Work?
How Do Twisty Light Bulbs Work?
How Do Washers and Dryers Work?
How Do Windmills Produce Energy?
How Do X-Rays Work?
How Do You Handle Stress?
How Do You Make Your Popcorn?
How Do You Rate?
How Do Zippers Work?
How Does a Cable Car Work?
How Does a Cactus Survive?
How Does a Camera Take Pictures?
How Does a Canoe Work?
How Does a Cast Work to Heal a Broken Bone?
How Does a Checking Account Work?
How Does a Hurricane Work?
How Does a Kite Work?
How Does a Nor'easter Work?
How Does a Parasail Work?
How Does a Piano Work?
How Does a Radar Gun Work?
How Does a Refrigerator Work?
How Does a Refrigerator Work?
How Does a Savings Account Work?
How Does a Seismograph Work?
How Does a Sewing Machine Work?
How Does a Submarine Work?
How Does a Surfboard Work?
How Does a Traffic Camera Work?
How Does a Trombone Work?
How Does a TV Remote Control Work?
How Does a TV Work?
How Does a Vending Machine Work?
How Does a Venus Flytrap Trap Flies?
How Does a Yo-Yo Work?
How Does a Zamboni Work?
How Does an Air Conditioner Work?
How Does an Escalator Work?
How Does Animal Camouflage Work?
How Does Baking Work?
How Does Geothermal Energy Work?
How Does GPS Work?
How Does It Fly?
How Does Laundry Detergent Work?
How Does Paint Work?
How Does Poison Ivy Work?
How Does Recycling Help the Earth?
How Does Sunscreen Work?
How Does Super Glue Work?
How Does the Outgoing President Leave on Inauguration Day?
How Does Your Boat Float?
How Eyeglasses Work
How Immigrants Lived
How Infrared Works
How is Cereal Made?
How Is Paper Money Made?
How Is Paper Recycled?
How Is Tabasco Sauce Made?
How Many Oceans?
How Matter Changes
How Mexico Got Its Name
How Microscopes Work
How Plants Defend Themselves
How Stethoscopes Work
How the Moon Affects the Earth
How the West was Settled
How Thermometers Work
How to Handle Your Teacher
How to Model an Insect Using an Orange
How to Model an Insect Using an Orange
How to Play Checkers
How to Play Chess
How to Quit Smoking
How Vaccines Work
How Was the Solar System Formed?
How Water Changes Earth's Surface
How Windmills Work
Howler Monkeys
Howler Monkeys
Hugs For Heroes: The Story of Bailey Reese
Hula Hooping
Hull House
Human Geography
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Human Rights Day in South Africa
Human Shoulders, Arms, and Hands
Humpback Whales
Hungary - Culture
Hungary - History
Hungary Foundation Day
Huntsville, Alabama, The Rocket City
Hurricanes of History
Hybrid Cars Update
Hybrid Cars
Hydrothermal Vents
I'll Have What Sandwich is Having
Ice Age Mammals: The Woolly Rhino
Ice Climbing
Iceland - Culture
Icing on the Cake!
Icy Weather Conditions
Idaho: The Gem State
Identifying Minerals
If Only I Knew Then What I Know Now
Igneous Rocks - Don't Just Take Them for Granite
Illegal Immigrants
Imagination - Thinking Outside the Box
Immigrant Children at Play
Immigrant Children at School
Immigrant Children at Work
Immigrant Cooking in America
Immigrants Against Their Will
Immigrating by Boat
Immigration and the United States Economy
Impact--Just Because!
Impacted Wisdom Teeth
Improving Your Reading Rate
In a Jiffy!
In the Swim!
Inaugural Address
Inaugural Balls
Inca 101
Inclines Planes, Wedges, and Screws
Independence Day in Brazil
Independence Day in Finland
Independence Day in Jamaica
Independence Day in Poland
India's Republic Day
Indian Food and a Short History of Spices
Indian Removal Act
Indian Territory Becomes the State of Oklahoma
Indiana's Changing Landscape
Indonesia - Culture
Indoor Air Pollution
Industrial Revolution
Industrialization and Immigration
Industry Day in Tanzania
Infectious Diseases
Infer or Not To Infer
Ingenuity: A Windmill for a Village
Ingrid and the Minimum Wage Battle in Germany
Inhalant Abuse
Initiative - Do You Show It?
Injuries and Illness
Insects on the Arctic Tundra
Inside the Hurricane
Integumentary System
Interest You Earn
Interest You Pay
Introduction to Animal Life in Oceans
Introduction to Civil Rights - The 50's
Introduction to Groundhogs
Introduction to Polar Regions
Introduction to the Brain and Nervous System
Inventions - What Does It Do?
Inventors Hall of Fame
Inventors of the Guitar
Inventors of the Wheel
Inventors of Toys
Investing Your Money
Ireland an island
Irene Hunt
Iron Man of the NFL - Brett Favre
Is It a Butterfly or a Moth?
Is It Mintonette or Volleyball?
Is It Table Tennis or Ping Pong?
Is Ohio the 48th state?
Is Pluto a Planet?
Is There a President in Your Pocket?
Is There Really a Rubik Who Invented a Cube?
Islamic Art
Isle Royale National Park
Isolation vs. Expansion - Background of America's War with Spain
It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over
It Started With a Peach Basket
It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's a Sugar Glider!
It's a Small, Small World: Nano Numbers
It's Alive!
It's Barely a Mystery
It's Dynamic! Force and Energy
It's Dynamic! Laws of Motion and Speed
It's Fourth and Goal - The History of Football
It's Free!
It's in the Can!
It's Not Silly...It's Bee-utiful!
Iwo Jima
J.K. Rowling
J.R.R. Tolkien
Jack Hays, Texas Ranger
Jack Kilby: Bringing in the Future
Jack London
Jackie O
Jacob Riis
Jacqueline Kennedy
Jacques Cartier
Jacques Cousteau
Jacques-Yves Cousteau and the Calypso
Jake and Jackie Learn about Etiquette, Part 1
Jake and Jackie Learn about Etiquette, Part 2
Jake and Jackie Learn About Internet Safety
Jake and Jackie Learn about Tipping
Jake and Jackie Organize Their Own Olympics
James Armistead Lafayette
James Buchanan
James Howe
James Madison
James Madison
James Monroe - The Monroe Doctrine
James Monroe
James Oglethorpe
James Pierson Beckwourth
James Thurber, Author and Cartoonist
Jan Brett
Jan Ernst Matzeliger
Jane Austen
Jane Goodall
Japan Surrenders
Japanese Cranes
Japanese Giant Salamanders
Jason takes a Moon Walk
Jason's Long Ride
Javed in Pakistan: A Problem with Illiteracy
Javed's Schooling in Pakistan
Jawahir Suffers in Somalia
Jean Craighead George: The Wonders of Nature
Jean Learns About Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens
Jean Registers to Vote
Jean Studies for His Citizenship Test, Part 1
Jean Studies for His Citizenship Test, Part 2
Jean Studies for His Citizenship Test, Part 3
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Jeb - Rails West
Jeff Gordon
Jefferson Davis
Jennifer Lopez
Jerome Bruner
Jesse James, Part 1
Jesse James, Part 2
Jesse Owens
Jet Reaction, Part 1
Jet Reaction, Part 2
Jethro Tull
Jews in Germany (Nuremberg Laws)
Jim Crow Laws
Jimmy Carter
Joan of Arc
Jobs of the Human Skeleton
Jodie Foster
Johanna Spyri
Johannes Kepler and the Mystery of Six-Cornered Snowflakes
John Learns a Lesson About Wealth
John Adams
John Adams
John Adams
John and Sebastian Cabot
John Biggers
John Calvin
John Christopher
John Coy
John Deere
John Dewey
John F. Kennedy
John Glenn
John Glenn
John Glenn
John Grisham - Author
John Hancock
John Harrison and Traveling Time
John J. "Black Jack" Pershing
John Kennedy: Presidential TV Star
John Manjiro- Accidental Visitor
John Maynard Keynes
John Quincy Adams
John Tyler
Johnny Appleseed
Johnny Clem, "Drummer Boy of Chickamauga"
Johnny Weissmuller
Jon Bohmer: The Kyoto Box
Jon Bon Jovi - Rock Star Dad
Jonas' Surprise
Josephine Baker
Josiah Henson
Journey to the Center of the Engine
Judy Blume
Judy Garland
Julia Child
Julia Richman
Julie Krone - Female Jockey
Jump Around!
Jumping, Leaping Horses!
Jupiter, King of Planets
Just Like a Mother
Just One of the Group
Just Say No
Just Say No
Just Say No
Justin Timberlake - From Mouseketeer to Pop Star
Kade's Story in Indonesia: Work in a Sweatshop
Kaiser Wilhelm II
Kangaroo Rats
Kansas Becomes a State
Karen Cushman
Katharine Hepburn
Katherine Paterson
Katie Couric - Lady Correspondent
Katmai National Park and Preserve
Kawasaki Disease
Keep Bad Bugs Away
Keeping a Monthly Assignment Calendar
Keeping It Real
Keeping Things in Check � Three Branches of Government
Keeping Your Circulatory System Healthy
Keeping Your Digestive System Healthy
Keeping Your Muscular System Healthy
Keeping Your Nervous System Healthy
Keeping Your Respiratory System Healthy
Key Deer
Keys to Success
Kicking Back Cowboy Style - A History of Rodeos
Kid Inventors
Kidnapping in Colombia
Kidney Stones
Kids and Cholesterol
Killer Whales
Kim Il-sung
King Abdullah II's Birthday
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
King Cake
King George III
King George III
King Henry VII
King Henry VIII
King James VI and I
King John Signs the Magna Carta
Kingdom Fungi
Kingdom: Monera (Archaebacteria and Eubacteria)
Kitchen Chemistry
Kites and Balloons Go to War
Komodo Dragons
Korea - How the Cold War Got Hot
Kyoto and the Golden Pavilion
L. Frank Baum: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Lactose Intolerance
Lady Liberty Comes Home
Lady Liberty Gets a Makeover!
Lake Clark National Park and Preserve
Lakes, Ponds, and Wetlands
Landmines: Watch Your Step!
Landslides: On the Road of Destruction
Langston Hughes
Language - Don't Say It, Show It!
Las Posadas
Lascaux Cave Drawings
Lassen Volcanic National Park
Latin American Dance
Latvia Day
Laura Amy Schlitz
Laura Bush
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Laura Secord - The Paul Revere of Canada
Laura Towne
Layers of the Atmosphere
Lead in Toys: Mrs. Cooney Worries
Lead Poisoning
Leaded Gasoline Becomes a Thing of the Past
Leap Year
Learning to Count: A Journey through History
Learning to Live with Asthma
Leatherback Sea Turtles
Leatherback Turtles
Leaving Pleasantville
Lebanon - Culture
Lee Chew - Chinese-American
Legal Immigration vs. Illegal Immigration
Leisure Time
Lenora Learns About Italy's Art Issue
Lensey Namioka
Leo Lionni
Leonardo da Vinci - Military Engineer
Leonardo da Vinci - Music Maker
Leonardo da Vinci - Scientist
Leonardo da Vinci's Drawings
Leonardo da Vinci's Flying Machines
Leonardo da Vinci's Labor Saving Machines
Leonardo da Vinci's Paintings
Leonardo da Vinci's Robots
Leonardo da Vinci's Sculpture
Ler Shee's Story: Myanmar Cyclone Relief
Lester Pearson
Let Freedom Ring: The Liberty Bell
Let Me Count the Ways
Let Me Demonstrate
Let's Get Physical!
Let's Get Things Started
Let's Have a Chat!
Let's Split: Cell Division by Mitosis
Letter from a Birmingham Jail
Letter from a Slave Ship
Letter from a Wigmaker's Apprentice
Letter from a Williamsburg Maze
Letter of Complaint - Letter of Return for Refund
Letter of Complaint
Letter of Reaction - Idea for Improvement
Letter of Reaction - Letter of Appreciation
Letter of Reaction - Letter to an author
Letter of Reaction - Letter to an Editor
Letter of Reaction
Letter of Request - Information about a Job
Letter of Request - Information about a Place
Letter of Request
Lever, Wheel and Axle, and Pulley
Lewis and Clark: Meeting the First Settlers (Native Americans)
Lewis Carroll
Lexington and Concord
Li Bing and Dujianyan
Licensed Practical Nurses
Life as an Immigrant
Life as an Immigrant
Life in a Refugee Camp
Life in China's Cancer Villages
Life Is a Beach
Life on an Explorer's Ship
Life on the Unemployment Line - Riding the Rails
Life Stories - Slave Narratives
Life under a Microscope: Bacteria
Life Under a Microscope: Viruses
Life with a Chameleon
Life with a Dog
Life with a Ferret
Life with a Hamster
Life with a Hedgehog
Life with a Salamander
Life with a Skunk
Life with a Snake
Life with a Turtle
Life with a Wallaby
Life with an African Grey Parrot
Life with Creepy, Crawly Pets
Lifeguard Practice
Lightning Rods
Lincoln (Part 1)
Lincoln (Part 2)
Lincoln Home National Historic Site
Lincoln Memorial
Lincoln's Assassination
Linda Urban
Lindsey Vonn: Queen of the Mountain
Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument
Little Blue Penguins
Live 8 Concert
Living Among Dinosaurs
Living in caves is fun
Living in Mexico
Llama Love
Locomotive Engineer
Lois Lowry
London Bridge Comes to America
Lords and Ladies
Lost Water?
Lou Hoover
Louis Braille
Louis Pasteur
Louis Riel: Hero or Madman? Part 1
Louis Riel: Hero or Madman? Part 2
Louise Smith: The First Lady of Stock Car Racing
Low Voter Turnout
Lower Canada
Lucy Larcom - A Life of Change
Lucy Maud Montgomery
Luis Walter Alvarez
Luna Moths
Lunar Apples
Lyme Disease
Lymphatic System
Lyndon Johnson
Macaroni Penguins
Machine Guns
Machines for the Industrial Revolution
Mackenzie King
Madagascar - Culture
Madam C. J. Walker - From Rags to Riches
Magical Dreams
Magical Inspiration
Magnetic Mapping of the Ocean Floor
Make an Emergency Aid
Making a Budget
Making a Difference
Making a Sport of Running and Throwing
Making a To-Do List
Making History at the PHC
Making Maple Syrup
Making Sense from a Computer
Making the Mark with Archery
Malkovich the Magnificent
Mamie Eisenhower
Mammoth Cave National Park
Man Imitates Birds
Managing Your Emotions
Manifest Destiny
Many Ways to Help Animals
Mapping the Earth's Surface
Mapping, a Study Strategy
Marcel Proust
Marcia Thornton Jones and Debbie Dadey
Marcus and Narcissa Whitman
Marcus and Narcissa Whitman
Mardi Gras Parade Etiquette
Marfan Syndrome
Margaret E. Knight
Margaret Peterson Haddix: Only In My Dreams
Margaret Thatcher
Margaux Isaksen, Pentathlete
Maria Montessori and Her Method
Maria's Story: A Village of Land Mines
Marine Iguanas
Marine Mammals
Marine Sediments
Marisa's Decision
Mark Twain: "Roughing It"
Market Incentives, Substitutes, and Complements
Marking the Text
Marking Time Geologically
Marlon Brando
Marquis de Lafayette
Mars: Highest, Longest, and Deepest
Marshmallows and Moonlight
Martha Jane Cannary a.k.a. Calamity Jane
Martha Washington
Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther
Marvelous Mustard
Mary Downing Hahn
Mary Jane Auch
Mary Lyon
Mary Pickersgill and the Star-Spangled Banner
Mary Pope Osborne
Mary Wollstonecraft
Mary, Queen of Scots, Part 1 - Baby Queen
Mary, Queen of Scots, Part 2 - Queen of Sorrows
Mass Wasting: Slip-Sliding Away
Massacre Remembrance Day in Madagascar
Mata Hari, Exotic Spy?
Mathematics in Mesopotamia
Matt, the Entrepreneur
Matter - Introduction
Matter, Elements, Molecules, and Compounds
Matthew Henson
Matthew Henson
Max the Golden Retriever Stays at Paws Palace
May Day
May I Ask You a Question?
Maya 101
Mayan Planting Techniques
Maybe Later
Me Speak, You Speak
Mealtime in the Middle Ages
Measuring Earthquakes
Meat-Eating Plants
Mechanical Engineer
Medical Illustrators
Medical Thermometers
Medicine in Mesopotamia
Medieval Books
Medieval Fashion
Meet Barack Obama
Meet My Pet Tarantula
Meg Cabot
Mel Blanc - The Man of a Thousand Voices
Melting Arctic Ice
Melting Clocks and Salvador Dali
Melting Glaciers
Melting Pot, Salad Bowl, or Ethnic Stew?
Memoir of a Kentucky Thoroughbred
Memorial Day for the Korean War in South Korea
Memorial Flags, Part 2
Mental Magic
Mercury, the Speedy Planet
Mesa Verde National Park
Metal Birds, Part 1
Metal Birds, Part 2
Metamorphic Rocks -- Rocks that Change
Metamorphic Rocks
Metamorphosis of Insects
Meteors, Meteoroids, and Meteorites
Mexican Immigration
Mexican Independence Day
Mexican Independence Day
Mexican Moles
Mexican-American War
Mexico's Rainforest
Mia Hamm
Michelangelo - Famous Artist
Michelle Obama
Michigan's First People
Michigan: Home of the Cross in the Woods
Middle Atlantic Region's History and People, Part 1
Middle Atlantic Region's History and People, Part 2
Miep Gies: A Frank Family Friend
Mikhail's Story: Change in Armenia
Miley Cyrus
Military Air Forces
Milk Nutrition
Milkman to Superstar
Milton Bradley and The Checkered Game of Life
Minerals - Building Blocks of Rocks
Minimum Wage in Germany
Missing Childhood: The Plight of Child Soldiers
Mission - Automatic Transmission
Mission - Manual Transmission
Missouri's Journey to Statehood
Missouri's Statehood
Monarch Butterflies
Monarchs on the Move: A Northern Migration
Monarchs on the Move: A Southern Migration
Money and Prices
Mongolia - Culture (Grades 4-6)
Mongolia - History (Grades 6-8)
Monks and Nuns
Monopolies, Cartels, and Trusts
Monroe Doctrine
Mood Description
Mood or Tone?
Moon 101
Moon Day
More Gross but Edible Foods
More Than Just a Chip off the Old Block
Morse's Code
Mosasaurs, Not Dinosaurs
Mosques and Palaces of Islamic Architecture
Mother Teresa: "A Pencil in the Hand of God"
Mother's Day Around the World
Motte and Bailey Castles
Mount Rushmore Is Completed
Mount Rushmore
Mount St. Helens Blows Her Top
Mountain Biking and Unicycling
Mountain Biomes
Mountains Formed by Magma
Mountains to Climb!
Mouseketeer Annette
Moving the Wounded
Mr. Pool and the Hot Tub Mystery
Mrs. Cooney Worries about Lead in Toys
Mucus, Boogers, and Snot - How GROSS!
Muddy Waters
Muhammad Ali
Mule Days
Multi-talented Maya Angelou
Muscular System
Music and Dance
Music Videos, Murder, and Weird Science
Music! Don't You Just Love It?
Musk Oxen
Muslim New Year
Myli Learns About Louisiana Style King Cakes
Myli Learns About New Orleans Mardi Gras Parades
Mystery of the Brilliant Student
Mystery of the Diary Entry
Mystery of the Happy Pooper Scoopers
Mystery of the Missing Gold, Part Four
Mystery of the Missing Gold, Part One
Mystery of the Missing Gold, Part Three
Mystery of the Missing Gold, Part Two
Mystery of the Misunderstood Message
Naked Mole-Rats
Name Yourself Day
Nancy Farmer
Nancy Lopez
Nancy Pelosi, Lady of Power
Nancy Reagan
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon's Wars
NASA's New Frontier: JUNO
Nashville's Parthenon
Nat King Cole
Nathan Hale
Nathaniel Hawthorne
National Dog Week
National Hero's Day in Congo - Patrice Lumumba
National Heroes Day in Jamaica
National Unity Day in Germany
National Urban League
Native American Baskets
Native American Clothing
Native American Dolls
Native American Drums and Flutes
Native American Jewelry
Native American Masks
Native American Peace Pipes
Native American Pottery
Native American Rugs and Blankets
Native American Totem Poles
Native Americans in the Northern Area
Native Americans of the Northeast Cultural Area
Native Americans of the Northwest Coast Area
Native Americans of the Plateau and Great Basin Area (Grades 4 to 6)
Native Americans of the Southeast Cultural Area
Native Americans of the Southwest Cultural Region
Native Americans: The Plains Area (Grades 4 to 6)
Natural Disasters: Disasters or Blessings?
Natural Gas
Nature's Fireworks, the Northern Lights
Nature's Sandcastles
Navajo Code Talkers
Naval Warfare
Negro Baseball Leagues
Neighborhood Olympics
Neighbors Living Near a Nuclear Power Plant
Neil Armstrong (Grades 5-7)
Nellie Bly - First Female War Correspondent
Nellie Bly: A Pioneer for Women's Rights
Nepal - Culture
Neptune Is Neat (and a bit Mysterious!)
Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster
Netherlands - Culture: Rembrandt
Never Forget Animal Cruelty
New Amsterdam
New England Region: Its History and People, Part 1
New England Subregion: Its History and People, Part 2
New Hampshire: A Small State with a Big History
New Jersey Battlefields
New Jersey's All-American - Paul Robeson
New Jersey
New Orleans
New Year's Day Traditions
New York State
New York: "Ever Upward"
Newfoundland and Confederation
Newfoundland's Vikings
Newton's Three Laws of Motion
Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls
Nicaragua - Culture: El Nino Poeta
Nicholas Appert: Inventor of Canned Food
Nicole's Story: Dealing with Scoliosis
No More Crocodiles
No More Tug of War!
No Need for Greed
Noah McCullough, Author
Noah Webster
Noise Pollution Near Home
Nolan Ryan
Nominating the Presidential Candidates
Non-Clastic Sedimentary Rocks
Norman Rockwell
North America
North Cascades National Park
North-West Mounted Police
Norwegian Winter Olympic History
Not Always a Vacation
Not If I Can Help It!
Not Just Soldiers
Not One, Not Two, But the Triathlon
Note A Republic
Now That's a Big Bill!
Nuclear Energy
Nuclear Testing in North Korea
Nullification and Secession
Nunavut and Confederation
Nurse Practitioners
Nutrition Bars
Nutrition During Pregnancy
Nutritional Safety
O. Henry
Obesity in Children
Obituary - a Brief Biography
Ocean Layers
Ocean Motions, Part 1 - Tides and Waves
Ocean Motions, Part 2 - Currents and Upwelling
Ocean Subdivisions
Ocean Sunfish
Ocean Travel
Ocean Water on the Move
Ocean Waves
Odor Be Gone
Office of Management and Budget
Ogden Nash
Ohio's Inventive Places
Ohio's Most Unique Music Festival
Oklahoma's Path to Statehood
Old Glory
Old Steamboat: Famous Bucking Horse of the Old West
Ole Einar Bjorndalen
Olmec 101
Olympic Cycling
Olympic Diving
Olympic Express
Olympic Food: Feeding the Athletes
Olympic Speed Skating
Olympic Swimmers
Olympic Swimming: Katie Hoff and Michael Phelps
Olympic Swimming
On a Ship to the New World
On Guard! The Sport of Fencing
On The Last Day of School
On The Road With Alice Ramsey
On the Road with Burma Shave - Advertising in the Fifties
One Costly Card
One Symbolic Seal
Oops! What I Meant to Say Was... The Warped Wisdom of Malapropisms
Operating Room
Operation Lonely Soldier
Oprah Winfrey, Broadcasting Powerhouse
Organ Transplants
Organizing Your Binder
Organizing Your Brainstorming
Oseola McCarty: The Wisdom of a Washerwoman
Osgood-Schlatter Disease
Other Ways of Determining Age
Our Assets are Frozen!
Our Daily Bread
Our Economy and the U.S. Constitution
Our Living Constitution, Part 1
Our Living Constitution, Part 2
Our Nation's Oldest City: St. Augustine, Florida
Our Respiratory System
Our Sense of Hearing
Our Summer Visitor
Out With the Old, In With the New
Outlines for Better Reports
Outta Here
Over the River, Through the Woods
Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking
Owls: Skillful Hunters
Ozone Confusion
P. T. Barnum
Pablo's Farming Trouble: Drug Trafficking in Colombia
Pablo's Problem: Drug Trafficking in Colombia
Pac-Man Meets Game Boy
Pakistan - Culture
Pale Male & Lola -- Red-Tailed Hawks
Pam Munoz Ryan--Ethnic Smorgasbord
Panama - Culture
Panic, Preparation, Practice, and Panache, Part 1
Panic, Preparation, Practice, and Panache, Part 2
Panic, Preparation, Practice, and Panache, Part 3
Panic, Preparation, Practice, and Panache, Part 4
Paper Dogies
Parabatics - Skydiving with Flair
Paraguay - Culture: Camilo Soares Machado
Parents Demand Schools!
Paricutin, a Very Unusual Volcano
Park Ranger
Parkinson's Disease
Participating in Class
Parts of the Food Chain: Consumers
Parts of the Food Chain: Producers
Parts of the Food Chain: Scavengers and Decomposers
Passing Plates I - The Theory
Passing Plates II - Who's Fault?
Passing the Tests at Ellis Island
Passive Versus Active Learning
Pat Nixon
Patience - Can You Wait Patiently?
Patience Wright: American Sculptor and Revolutionary Spy
Patrick Henry
Patriotism - Wear Your Colors Proudly
Paul Revere
Paying Your Credit Card Bill
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
Pearl Harbor: Before the Mayhem
Pearl Harbor
Pearl S. Buck
Peer Mediation
Peg Kehret
Pemberton's Drink
Pencils and More Pencils!
Pennies for Lincoln
Pennsylvania (Grades 5-6)
Pennsylvania, the Beginning of Freedom
Peregrine Falcons
Peregrine Falcons
Perfume - The Science of Smell
Permanent Human Colony
Perseverance - The Race to the North Pole
Personal Care
Personal Hygiene
Perspective - From A Bird's Eye View
Peru - Culture
Peru - History
Pet Rocks, Toe Socks, and Mood Rings
Pete Fountain
Peter Francisco: The Virginia Giant
Petrarch the Poet
Pets that Help - Service Animals
Peyton Manning
Phillis Wheatley, America's First Black Poet
Phillis Wheatley
Phillis Wheatley
Phillis Wheatley- Childhood of a Poet
Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Physical Therapists
Picabo Street, the Downhill Dynamo
Pick a Medium, Any Medium!
Picking the Right Pet
Picture Poetry
Pictures in the Stars, Legends in the Sky
Pierre Trudeau, Part 2
Pies, Pies, All Kinds of Pies!
Pikes Peak: The Most Visited Mountain in North America
Pilgrims Hit the Road
Pilgrims Seek Religious Freedom in Plymouth
Pitohuis and Ifritas
Pizza For Sale
Plains, Mountains, and Plateaus
Planet Earth
Planet X Becomes Pluto
Planning for Christmas
Plant Adaptations
Plant Adaptations
Plant Basics
Plant Behaviors and Evolution
Plant Cells: Cells With Walls
Plant Parts
Plant Parts
Plant vs. Animal
Planting a Garden
Plants Are Food Factories
Plastic Surgeon
Plate Boundaries - Earth's Bumper Cars
Plate Tectonics Theory
Plateaus and Erosional Mountains
Playing the Blues
Pluto - Not a Planet Anymore
Pocahontas and John Smith
Poets of the Harlem Renaissance
Poison Control Centers
Poison Dart Frogs
Poisonous Plants
Poland - Culture (Nicolaus Copernicus)
Poland - History
Polar Bears - Introduction
Polar Bears and Global Warming
Polar Bears
Polar Regions
Polar Regions
Polar Regions
Pontiac's Rebellion, Part 1
Pontiac's Rebellion, Part 2
Pony Express
Poppy's Shopping Spree
Porcupine Fish
Portion Control
Positional Plagiocephaly
Positive Reflections
Potato Latkes
Poverty in America
Prairie Dogs
Praying Mantis
Predicting Earthquakes
Predicting the Weather
Predicting the Weather
Preserving the Shining Sea from Ocean Pollution
President Carter's Mission of Peace
President Clinton, Vice President Gore, and the Environment
President George W. Bush
President Washington's Pearly Whites
Preventing Abuse
Preventing the Dangers of Mass Movements
Previewing Your Reading Assignment
Pride for Mexico
Prince Edward Island and Confederation
Principles of Relative-Age Dating
Producers and Consumers
Projecting the World
Properties of Light
Prosser's Rebellion
Protect Yourself from the Food Bugs
Protecting Our Groundwater
Protein Food Group
Proteins on My Plate
Psychology and Olympic Athletes
Puerto Rico - Culture
Pulse Oximeter
Pump Up Your Reading
Punctuation Challenge
Pursuing Leif
Push + Pull = Bridge?
Pythagoras: the Father of Numbers
Qing Ming Festival
Quebec Established
Quebec's Quiet Revolution
Queen Anne's War
Queen Elizabeth I
Queen Isabella of Spain
Ra, God of the Sun
Rabbits & Hares
Raccoon Paws: What Handy Hands!
Raccoons, the Masked Bandits
Race for a Dream - The Oklahoma Land Run
Rachel Carson, Founder of the Environmental Movement
Rachel's Day in Court
Rails Across America - The Union Pacific Railroad in Indian Territory
Rain Forests
Rainbow Trout
Rainforests Are Amazing!
Rainy Day Memories, Part 1
Rainy Day Memories, Part 2
Ralph Bunche
Ramblin' Around - Life on the Move in the '30s
Ramona Quimby's Creator
Reaching for the Moon
Reading a Menu
Reading and Writing in the Renaissance
Ready, Set - The Space Race Begins
Really Down on the Farm - "Sockless Jerry" and the Populist Party
Recognition - Baseball Hall of Fame
Reconciliation Day in South Africa
Reconstruction : A "Tag Team" Event
Reconstruction: Putting Humpty Dumpty Together Again
Red (and Blue!) Kangaroos
Red Alert: Volcanoes
Red Blood Cells
Red Blood Cells
Red Cloud: A Leader in War and Peace
Red Equals Good Luck
Red or Green, Some Like Them Hot
Red River Resistance
Red Summer - A Season of Fear
Red-eyed Tree Frogs
Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
Reefs - Gardens Under the Sea
Registered Nurses
Religious Activities in the Bahamas
Remember Me
Remember the Maine! - Causes of America's War with Spain
Remembering September 11
Remembrance Day
Renaissance Actors
Renaissance Fashion
Renaissance Guilds
Renaissance Music
Renaissance Theatres
Rene Descartes
Renewable and Nonrenewable Energy
Republic Day in Pakistan
Research - The Big Move
Resources- Renewable or Nonrenewable?
Respiratory System
Response to a Slave Rebellion - Nat Turner's Rebellion
Reverend William Archibald Spooner
Reye's Syndrome
Rhiana Goes to the Mall
Rhinoceros Beetles
Rhode Island's Beginnings
Richard Allen - The AME Church
Richard Jordan Gatling
Richard Nixon
Richard the Lionheart
Rick Hansen
Right Brain, Left Brain
Rising to the Challenge
River Patterns
Rivers on the Rise
Road Trip: Arizona Style!
Road Trip
Roadkill Raptors: Turkey Vultures
Roads, Canals, and Railways
Roald Dahl
Robert Bateman, Canadian Wildlife Artist
Robert Borden
Robert E. Lee
Robert Frost
Robert Fulton and the Steamboat
Robert Kimmel Smith
Robert Lawson
Robert Munsch
Robert Newton Peck
Robert Peary
Roberto Clemente
Roberto Luongo
Robin Hood
Rock and Roll Comes to TV
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Rocket Into Space: The Launch
Rocket to Space: The Orbit
Rocks Are Like Cookies
Rococo Style
Rodman Philbrick
Roger Lancelyn Green
Roland Smith: A Writer's Journey
Roland Smith
Ronald Reagan
Rosa Parks: Life After the Bus
Rosa Parks
Rosa's Run-in
Rosalynn Carter
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
Royal Penguins
Rudyard Kipling
Rugged Roman Architecture
Russell Freedman
Russian New Year
Russian-Jewish Artist
Ruth White
Ryan Says, "Clean Water for All!"
Ryan White
Séance - fiction
Sacagawea: Teen Pioneer
Sacagawea: Teen Pioneer
Sacred River, Dirty River
Safe Exercise
Safety Around the Campfire
Saguaro National Park
Sailing, Sailing, Over the Bounding Main
Saint Patrick
Sainte-Marie Among the Hurons
Salamanders Are Amphibians
Salem Poor
Saliha's Story: The Year of Sanitation
Sally Ride
Sally Walker
Salsa - Mild, Medium, or Hot?
Sam Has Something Extra
Samantha Reed Smith, America's Youngest Ambassador
Sammy Sosa
Samuel Adams
Samuel Adams
Samuel de Champlain
Samuel Johnson's Dictionary
Samuel Johnson, Author of the Dictionary?
Samuel Langhorne Clemens
Samuel Slater and the Spinning Machine
Sand Mandalas
Sanitary Fairs: Civil War Fundraisers
Sarah Vaughn: The Divine One
Sarah Winnemucca - Paiute Princess
Sargent Claude Johnson
Sasha Cohen - A Real Ice Princess
Saskatchewan and Alberta Join Confederation
Saskatchewan Immigration: How Did We Get Here?
Saturn's Shiny, Shimmery Rings
Saturn's Surprise
Sauntering Right Along
Savannah, Georgia: A City of Firsts
Saving Makes Cents
Scarlet Fever
Scarlet Macaws
Scavenging Fun
Scheduling Study Time
School Counselors
School Lunches
School Nurses
School's Out! What Will We Do? (grades 5-6)
Science of Location
Scientific Notation
Scientists Get Their Ducks in a Row about Bird Flu
Sea Fireflies
Sea Otters
Sea Urchins
Sea-Floor Spreading
Sea-Monkeys - One of the World's Smallest Pets
Seabiscuit I - The Biscuit Becomes a Winner
Seabiscuit II - The Great Race
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasons at the Poles
Secretary Birds
Secretary of Agriculture
Secretary of Commerce
Secretary of Defense
Secretary of Education
Secretary of Energy
Secretary of Health and Human Services
Secretary of Homeland Security
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Secretary of Labor
Secretary of State
Secretary of the Interior
Secretary of the Treasury
Secretary of Transportation
Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Sedimentary Rocks, Rocks on Earth's Surface
Sedimentary Rocks
Sedna, Goddess of the Sea
Seeing More Clearly with Fog-Free Goggles
Seeing Through the Smoke
Seeking Orion the Hunter
Segregation in America
Seminole Wars
Seminoles - The People Who Never Gave Up
Sense of Smell
Sense of Taste
Sense of Touch
Separate but Not Equal
Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks
Serfs Work the Land
Setting Up an Aquarium
Shadow Plays
Shah Jahan
Shapes and Sizes of Muscles
Sharon Creech
Shaun White
Shavu'ot in Israel
Shawn's Story: Living on a Reservation
Shel Silverstein: A Man of Many Talents
Sherman's Neckties
Ship in the Mist, Part 1
Shirley Temple
Shishmaref: A Tale of Global Warming
Shoo Fly, I Want Pie!
Should I Just Swipe My Credit Card?
Show and Tell Rules
Siberian Tigers
Sickle Cell Anemia
Sid Fleischman: The Great Magician
Sidewalk Surfing
Sign Language
Signal Words
Silly Mrs. Peabody's Missing Spectacles
Simon Bolivar
Simon Fraser: Canadian Adventurer
Simon Fraser: Canadian Adventurer
Simon the Pizza Freak
Simple Machines
Simple Photosynthesis
Sinead and John Kerr: Ice Dancers with Big Dreams
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Sir John A.Macdonald - Builder of a Nation
Sir Wilfrid Laurier: Unifying Canada
Sir Wilfrid Laurier: Unifying Canada
Six Flags Over Texas
Six Flags Over Texas
Six Kingdoms
Six Thanksgiving Myths
Skeet Shooting
Skeletal System - Healthy Bones
Skiing the Slopes
Skijoring Racers
Skimming and Scanning
Slave Life
Slavery, Compromises, and Dred Scott
Sleep for Your Physical Fitness
Slim Pickens
Slips of Salvation and Other Printed Miracles
Slow Worms
Smokeless Tobacco
Smoking Hot Basketball
Snack Attack for Older Kids
Snakes Alive! Part 1
Snakes Alive! Part 2
Sneak Attack: Japan's Attack on Pearl Harbor
Sneak Those Veggies In
Snow Biking
Snow Monkeys
Snowkiting and Other Kiting Sports
Social Customs
Social Sciences
Sodium: Less is Best
Soft Money
Softball Finds a Place of Its Own
Sojourner Truth
Solar Energy
Solve the Mystery of the Stolen Ring
Some Lucky Pennies
Something Fishy
Song of the Cicada
Songs of World War I
South America
Space Shuttle Columbia
Spadefoot Toads
Spain - Culture (Grades 5-7)
Spain - History (Grades 6-8)
Spanish Colonies
Special Administration Region Day in Hong Kong
Special Finds
Special Journey, Special Day
Speech of Promise
Spelman College for Black Women
Spider Monkeys
Sports and Fitness
Sports Heroes Who Were Immigrants
Spring Forward, Fall Back
Square Root Day
St. Jean Baptiste Day
St. Peter and Paul Day
Stalactites and Stalagmites
Star Wars Hits the Big Screen
Star-Gazing - Entertainment in the Fifties
Stardust Mission
Starting the Day on a Good Note
Starting Your Own Business
State Governments
State of the Union
Statehood through the Eyes of Native Animals
Static Electricity
Statue of Liberty
Statue of Liberty
Stay Away from Anabolic Steroids
Staying Cool
Staying Safe on Facebook
Steam Power
Steffi Graf
Stella's Strange Book
Stephanie Tolan: Making Magic
Stephanie Tolan: An Advocate for Gifted Children
Steve Irwin
Stinky Air Pollution and the Great London Smog
Stone Carvers and Stained Glass Window Makers
Stone Keep Castles
Stories in the Stars
Storm Chasers
Strange (Founding Fathers) Bedfellows
Strategies for Effective Reading - After You Read
Strategies for Effective Reading - Before You Read
Strategies for Effective Reading - While You Read
Strategies for Studying Vocabulary
Stream Systems
Strep Throat
Strike One on the World Trade Center
Stripes That Stick Together
Strong Muscles
Structure - The Empire State Building
Stuck a Feather in His Cap - Joshua Barney: American Hero, Part 1
Studying "Sense-ably"
Studying Ocean Floor Sediments
Submarine Earthquakes, Part I
Submarine Earthquakes, Part II
Sudoku History
Suffering in Somalia: Jawahir's Story
Sugar Substitutes
Summer Job
Sumo Wrestling
Sun Bears
Sun Wu
Super Duper Excellent Sewing Machine
Super Sloths, a Presidential Favorite
Super Water! (Properties of Water)
Supply and Demand at the Lemonade Stand
Surfing for Allosaurs
Surinam Toads
Suriname - Culture
Surviving April Fools' Day
Susan Cooper
Susan Patron
Susie Baker - Black Teacher
Sustainable Development
Suzanne Collins
Swallows Return To Capistrano
Swap Ideas Day
Sweetness in the Ring - Sugar Ray Robinson
Sweets for the Sweet
Sword Wizard Crunch
Symmetry in Animals
Synchronized Swimming
Tadeusz Kosciuszko
Take Me Out to the Ballgame - The World Series
Taking a Ride into Space
Taking Aim at Skeet
Taking the World by Storm
Talk About A Tongue!
Tallest of the Tall
Taming the Wilderness - The Life of Daniel Boone
Taming Your Locker
Tanith Belbin's Story: May I Have this Ice Dance?
Taos and the Sundown Dance
Tariff of Abominations
Tasmanian Devils
Tasmanian Devils
Tavern Keeper
Taxation Without Representation
Taxes Are Here to Stay
Tectonic Events During the Cenozoic Era
Tecumseh and the Native American Alliance
Teenage Queen, Part 1 - Marie Antoinette
Teenage Queen, Part 2 - Marie Antoinette
Teenage Queen, Pt.1-Marie Antoinette
Telescopes Over Time
Telling Time in the Renaissance
Temperate Rain Forests
Tendons, Ligaments, and Joints (Grades 4 to 6)
Tennessee's First People
Tennis Anyone?
Terek's Revenge
Terry Fox
Texas Lawmen, Part 1
Texas Lawmen, Part 2
Texas Rangers
Thailand - Culture
Thanks for the Tanks
Thanksgiving's Superhero: Sarah Hale
That Takes A Lot of Nerve!
That's Debatable!
The "Be Kind to Everybody" Book
The "Maine" Reason to Pick Your Teeth
The "Mosquito Fleet" - WWII PT Boats
The "Unsinkable" Titanic
The "Witches" of Salem, Massachusetts: Part 2
The "Witches" of Salem, Massachusetts: Part 1
The Exxon Valdez Brings Danger to the Environment
The Leopard and the Chesapeake - How a Cat-and-Dog Fight Led To War
The Titanic Disaster's Aftermath
The Uintatherium
The 1974 Super Tornado Outbreak
The 1980 Eruption of Mount St. Helens
The 1993 Storm of the Century
The 2010 Winter Olympics
The 42nd President - William Jefferson Clinton
The Airways
The Alamo
The Albatross
The Anaconda Plan
The Ancient Olympics
The Animal Kingdom
The Ant and the Chrysalis
The Apache Kid: Outlaw Legend of the Southwest, Part 1
The Apache Kid: Outlaw Legend of the Southwest, Part 2
The Appalachian Mountains
The Armorer's Trade
The Arms Race
The Arrest
The Art and Sport of Dressage Horseback Riding
The Art of Face Painting
The Art of Persuasion
The Artistry of Water
The Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand
The Assassination of President McKinley
The Attack on Pearl Harbor
The Attack on Pearl Harbor
The Attitude of Gratitude
The Australian Gold rush
The Aztecs, Part 1
The Aztecs, Part 2
The Bad Dream
The Badlands
The Bahamas - Culture
The Band Played On
The Barbie Doll
The Battle to Create a State: Arizona
The Beacons of Oregon
The Beatles
The Beginning of Life on Earth
The Beginning of Slavery in the Colonies
The Beothuk: A Lost Culture
The Berlin Airlift
The Berlin Airlift
The Berlin Wall Falls
The Berlin Wall
The Bermuda Triangle
The Best Dog
The Best Librarian
The Big Burn of 1910
The Big Wheel
The Biggest Hamburger You Can Buy
The Birth of a Nation
The Birth of the Buckeye State: An Early History of Ohio and its Beginning
The Birth of the Hobbit
The Black Death
The Black Hand
The Black Hills War
The Black Hills, Where Two Worlds Met
The Black Hills
The Blackfoot: Bison Hunters
The Blackfoot: Bison Hunters
The Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
The Bone Fires, Part 1
The Bone Fires, Part 2
The Bone Fires, Part 3
The Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre
The Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party
The Boxer Rebellion
The Brain and Spinal Cord
The Brain
The Brothers Grimm
The Brown Pelican
The Buzzards of Hinckley, Ohio
The Canine Heroes of 9/11
The Canterbury Tales
The Case of Peculiar Remembrances
The Case of the Disappearing Bats
The Case of the Missing Cat's Eye
The Case of the Missing Deed
The Case of the Porcelain Doll
The Case of the Woman with the Red Scarf
The Cathedral in Medieval Life
The Celebration Continues
The Census
The Challenger Deep
The Chauffeur's Tale
The Cherry Cheesecake Mystery
The Chinese Exclusion Act
The Christmas Tree Ship Disaster
The City of Dublin
The Civil War and Inflation
The Coliseum -- Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down?
The Collapse of the Soviet Union
The Colonial Navy
The Colonies Grow
The Colonies
The Colonies
The Color of Fear - America's "Red Scare"
The Commercial
The Constitution and the Bill of Rights
The Constitution
The Constitutional Convention
The Contributions of Immigrants
The Corn Laws
The Cornucopia Mystery
The Crater of Doom
The Cree
The Crittercam
The Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cubism of Picasso
The Dawn Horse, Eohippus
The Death of a Princess
The Diet of a Cystic Fibrosis Patient
The Dionne Quints
The Discovery of AIDS
The DMZ - New Life in No Man's Land
The Dos and Don'ts of Dialogue
The Dr. Seuss Memorial Sculpture Garden
The Dream Catcher
The Driest Place on Earth
The Dust Bowl
The Dust Bowl
The Earth's Interior
The Easter Lily
The Eastern Band of Cherokee People
The Economy of the Middle Atlantic Subregion
The Edible Cup
The Election of 1796
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
The Empire State Building
The Encounter with Woolly Aliens
The Endangered Species Act
The Endocrine System
The Endocrine System
The Ends of the Earth: Ann Bancroft, Polar Explorer
The English Beginnings of Sherbrooke
The Equal Rights Amendment
The Esophagus
The Everglades
The Everglades
The Evolution of Mapmaking
The Excretory System
The Executive Branch
The Expository Essay
The Eyes Have It
The Facts about Spring Fever
The Fast and Fearless Life of a Jockey
The Feast of the Sacrifice
The Fed's Balancing Act
The Female Reproductive System
The Fifteenth Amendment
The Final Battle - Yorktown 1781
The First American Colonies
The First Attorney General
The First Capitals of the United States
The first people to inhabit New Zealand
The First Thanksgiving: What Was It Really Like?
The First Thanksgiving
The First Truly American Sport
The Five Famous Great Lakes of North America
The Florida Panther
The Food Chain Loop
The Formation of the Earth
The Fourteenth Amendment
The Fourth of July
The Fox Learns a Lesson: Start With Yourself
The French and Indian War
The French and Indian War
The Freshman 15
The Fur Trade in Wisconsin
The Galapagos Islands
The Gang's All Here!
The Gas Giant Planets
The Geminids Meteor Shower
The Global Conveyor Belt
The Golden Fleece
The Golden Gate Opens
The Golden Touch of Goldsmithing
The Good Word: A Few Important E-mail Rules to Follow
The Grand Canyon
The Grand Old Party
The Grand Ole Opry of Nashville, Tennessee
The Great American Newspaper War, Part 2 - Yellow Journalism
The Great Depression - What Crashed and Why?
The Great Depression in Canada
The Great Doctor
The Great Exhibition
The Great Lakes
The Great Pecan Caper
The Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906
The Great Wall of China
The Great Zamboni
The Greatest Storms on Earth, Part I
The Greatest Storms on Earth, Part II
The Greeks: Masters of Invention, Part 1
The Greeks: Masters of Invention, Part 2
The Green Card
The Green, Prickly Things of Christmas
The Gunpowder Plot
The Haida: Eagle or Raven?
The Harlem Globetrotters
The Hatfield and McCoy Feud
The Heart (Grades 5 to 6)
The Heart
The Heat Meter
The Herbalist
The Highs and Lows of Air Pressure
The Hindenburg Disaster
The History of Colorado
The History of Curling
The History of Red Ribbon Week
The History of the Bear Flag of California
The History of the Vote
The History of Tsunamis
The Home Front
The Hoosier Poet
The Hottest Place on Earth
The Hubble Space Telescope
The Humorous Approach
The Hunchback from Spain
The Iditarod
The Iliad and the Odyssey, Part 1
The Iliad and the Odyssey, Part 2
The Importance of National Parks
The Importance of the Marne River
The Important Role of Women During World War II
The Inauguration of a President
The Incas, Part 1
The Incas, Part 2
The Independence of Charlene and Cathy
The Inspiring Helen Keller
The Integumentary System
The Intestines
The Intolerable Acts
The Intolerable Acts
The Inuit: People of the Ice
The Invention of Chewing Gum
The Inventors of Coca-Cola
The iPhone Arrives
The Iraq War
The Irish Fight for Independence
The Irish Potato Famine
The Iron Curtain
The Ivory-Billed Woodpecker - A Startling Discovery
The Jamestown Colony
The Journey of a Stream
The Kidneys
The King James Bible
The King's Birthday in Thailand
The Kitchen Debate
The Kite that Served the Navy
The Kiwi
The Know-Nothing Party
The Korean War, Part 1
The Korean War, Part 2
The Korean War
The Labyrinth of New Harmony
The Land of the Dead
The Language of Sound
The Large Intestine
The Largest Rodent of All: The Giant Beaver
The Last Monday in May
The Laughing Kookaburra
The Layered Earth
The Layers of a Rain Forest
The Layout of the Secret Annex
The Legacy of the Snowman
The Legend of Casey Jones
The Legend of St. Valentine
The Legend of Stingy Jack
The Liberty Bell
The Liberty Bell
The Life Cycle of a Star
The Life of a World War I Soldier
The Life of Agatha Christie
The Life of Cesar Chavez, Part 1
The Life of Cesar Chavez, Part 2
The Life of Cesar Chavez, Part 3
The Life of Cesar Chavez, Part 4
The Life of Emily Bronte
The Life of Jean Piaget
The Life of Matt Christopher
The Life of Peggy Fleming
The Life of William Penn
The Loch Ness Monster
The Lost Colony of Roanoke Island
The Lost Colony
The Lost Titanic Is Found
The Lost Wig
The Louisiana Purchase
The Louisiana Purchase
The Louisiana Purchase
The Lungs
The Lymphatic System
The Métis: A People of Pride
The Magi in New York
The Magic of Houdini
The Magic Present
The Maine State Museum
The Male Reproductive System
The Man in the Moon?
The Man Who Made Animals Talk
The March on Washington
The Marshall Plan
The Maya Civilization, Part 1
The Maya Civilization, Part 2
The Mesozoic Era
The Method's the Key!
The Method's the Key!
The Midnight Ride of...Sybil Ludington?
The Midwest
The Milky Way Galaxy
The Mississippi River
The Mixed-up Okapi
The Monroe Doctrine
The Monster of Lake Champlain
The Montgomery Bus Boycott
The Month of January
The Moon
The Mouse Finds a House
The Movement of Soil, Part 2
The Movement of Surface Water
The Movie Theater Moment
The Mudpuppy
The Mummy of King Tutankhamun
The Muskogee People
The Mysterious Double Life of Miss Fluffy
The Mysterious Fever
The Mysterious Renoir Thief
The Mystery in Sweetheart Subdivision
The Mystery of the Cottingley Fairies
The Mystery of the Fifth Window, Part Four
The Mystery of the Fifth Window, Part One
The Mystery of the Fifth Window, Part Three
The Mystery of the Fifth Window, Part Two
The Mystery of the Glowing Wolf, Part One
The Mystery of the Glowing Wolf, Part Two
The Mystery of the Hidden Photograph, Part One
The Mystery of the Hidden Photograph, Part Three
The Mystery of the Hidden Photograph, Part Two
The Mystery of the Man in the Dark
The Mystery of the Missing Riding Crop
The Mystery of the Multiplying Chocolates
The Mystery of the Multiplying Chocolates
The Mystery of the Open Window
The Mystery of the Red Dandelions
The Mystery of the Strand of Pearls, Part 1
The Mystery of the Strand of Pearls, Part 2
The Name Game
The Narrative Essay
The Natural Wonders of Virginia
The Navajo People
The Navajo Wars
The Navigator's Tools
The Need for Earth Day
The Need to Read
The Nerve Cells
The Nervous System
The Never-Ending War
The New England Colonies
The New Morran Family
The New Ocean
The New War Horse - Tanks in WWII
The Nez Perce People
The Nez Perce People
The Night of Broken Glass
The Nile and Ancient Egypt
The Norman Conquest
The North Wind and the Sun
The North-West Rebellion
The Northern Lights
The Northern Utes
The Northwest Ordinance
The Northwest Ordinance
The Northwest
The Nose
The Nuremberg War Crimes Trials
The Nutrition of a "Picky-Eater" Toddler
The Oath of Office
The Ojibwa
The Ojibwa
The Old Lamp
The Oozing, Melting Clocks of Surrealism
The Orchestra versus the Band
The Oreo Is Here to Stay
The Origin of Veterans Day
The Ottoman Empire
The Outlaw Sheriff of Montana, Part 1
The Outlaw Sheriff of Montana, Part 2
The Oxygen-Carbon Dioxide Cycle
The Ozone Layer and You
The Ozone Layer and You
The Painted Desert
The Paper Clips Project
The Patient Pimentels
The Peacock and the Crane
The People's Republic of China
The Periodic Table
The Perseids Meteor Shower
The Personification Ray
The Pet Peeve Police
The Petrified Forest
The Picture of a President
The Pilgrims' Life in the New World
The Pilgrims' Real Thanksgiving Menu
The Piltdown Man Hoax
The Piston Push
The Planet Facts! Part 1
The Planet Facts! Part 2
The Planet Saturn
The Plant Kingdom
The Plymouth Colony
The Poets
The Polaroid Camera
The Popcorn Prince
The Power of Sound
The Powers of the Judicial Branch
The Powers of the Legislative Branch
The Prairie Schooner, AKA the Covered Wagon
The President Is Shot
The President's Cabinet
The President's Role in Passing Laws
The President's Staff
The Presidential Inauguration
The Prince of Pop Art
The Protist Kingdom
The Pueblo People
The Pulitzer Prize
The Pumpkin Fest at Thompson's Farm
The Quebec Bridge Disaster
The Queen of Talk Shows
The Race to Nome: The 1925 Alaska Serum Run
The Race to the South Pole
The Reason for the Seasons
The Red Hill
The Red Scare
The Reign of Terror
The Renaissance in France
The Respiratory System
The Ride of a Lifetime: Equestrian Vaulting
The Rise and Fall of the Beatles
The Rise and Fall of Water
The Road to Becoming the First President
The Road to Publication
The Road to Statehood
The Rocky Mountains
The Rocky Planets
The Rodeo
The Rogue and Red River Wars
The Roman Republic
The Rotten Truth
The Russian Defeat at Tannenberg
The RV Project
The Sago Mine Disaster
The Sago Mine Disaster
The San Francisco Earthquake
The Schlieffen Plan
The Science of "Rocket Science"
The Science of Fireworks
The Science of the Sun
The Scientific Method
The Scientific Method
The Scoop on Poop
The Seasons
The Secret of Silk
The Secret of the Code Breakers, Part 1
The Secret of the Code Breakers, Part 2
The Selkirk Settlement
The Sense of Touch: Ouch!
The Serpent and the Eagle
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
The Seven Years War
The Shaggy Lion's Solution
The Singing Cowboy
The Sioux People
The Skeletal System
The Sons and Daughters of Liberty
The Sooner State
The South
The Southern Colonies
The Space Needle: A Washington Landmark
The Space Race
The Space Race
The Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918
The Spelling Bee
The St. Lawrence River
The Stamp Act
The Stamp Act
The Star-Spangled Banner
The Statue of Liberty: A Welcome Sight!
The Steps of Photosynthesis
The Steps of Photosynthesis
The Stomach
The Stomach
The Stories Behind the Candles
The Story of Irgiz in Romania
The Story of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
The Street Children of Ecuador
The Structure of a Leaf
The Structure of a Root
The Structure of a Stem
The Sydney Opera House
The T-shirt Becomes the Rage
The Tale of Patricius: Kidnapped! Part 1
The Tale of Patricius: Kidnapped! Part 2
The Tale of Patricius: Voyage, Part 1
The Tale of Patricius: Voyage, Part 2
The Tale of Patrick: Exile
The Tale of the Taj Mahal
The Tango Hits New York
The Tap Dance Day Performance
The Tattoo Mystery
The Teddy Bear
The Telescope
The Ten Percent Club
The Thrill of the Grill
The Titans
The Town that Changed its Name Three Times
The Townshend Acts
The Townshend Acts
The Transcontinental Railroad
The Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of Waitangi
The Tri-State Tornado of 1925
The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
The Truck That Did Everything But Bake a Cake
The Twelve Olympians
The Twists and Turns of Pretzel History
The Two Fellows and a Bear
The U.S. Gets Florida
The U.S.S. Arizona Memorial
The Unbelievable Sport of Toe Wrestling
The Urinary Bladder and Urethra
The USS Nevada
The Ute People
The Very Talented Artist
The Vienna Vegetable Orchestra
The War in South Africa
The War of Spanish Succession
The War of the Roses
The Weather Outside Is Frightful
The Wedding of the Century
The White House Staff
The White House
The Wild World of Water Polo
The Willoughby Family's Journey to Saskatchewan
The Wolf
The Wombat
The Wonderful World of Taxes
The World of Jazz
The World's Largest House Pet?
The World's Largest Library
The World's Longest Rivers: The Amazon River
The World's Longest Rivers: the Mississippi-Missouri River System
The World's Longest Rivers: the Nile
The World's Longest Rivers: the Yangtze River
The World's Most Endangered Animals
The Worst Poem of All
The Worth of Trivia
The Yosemite People of the Ahwahnee Valley
The Zuni
Theodor Seuss Geisel: A Determined Author
Theodore Roosevelt
There Is No Such Thing as a Stupid Question
They Reached for the Stars and Became One
They're Firefighters and Much More!
Thomas Alva Edison - Bright Ideas
Thomas Edison: More than the Light Bulb
Thomas Jefferson's Edit
Thomas Jefferson: A Man of Books
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Ponders Genetically Engineered Food
Thousands Die in Bhopal
Three Kinds of Fishes
Three Kinds of Rocks
Three Kinds of Volcanoes
Three Kings Day
Three Kings Day
Three Types of Mammals
Three Ways to Listen
Through the Golden Door - Immigration in the 1890s, Part 2
Through the Golden Door-Immigration in the 1890s, Pt. 2
Throwing Sports - Javelin, Discus, Hammer, and Shot Put
Throwing Their Hats into the Ring, Part 1 - John Mercer Langston
Throwing Their Hats into the Ring, Part 2 - Hiram Revels
Tidal Energy
Tinker Bell Takes a Flight
Tippecanoe and Tyler, Too
Tips for Giving a Great Presentation
To Market, To Market
To Top It Off -- An Amazing Array of Pizza Toppings!
Todd Strasser
Tom Brady
Tom Thomson: Canada's First Great Expressionist
Tombstone, Arizona, "The Town Too Tough To Die"
Tony Johnston
Toothy Tusks
Top 10 Interesting Facts about J.R.R. Tolkien and His Works
Top Ten Facts about Thornton Wilder
Torn by War
Tornadoes, Nature's Twisters
Tough Guy - Andrew Jackson and the Battle for the South
Tournament of Roses Parade
Track and Field Beijing Olympics 2008
Tracy Austin
Trade Restrictions
Tradition Meets Culture
Trail of Tears, Part 1
Trail of Tears, Part 2
Training for the Ancient Olympics
Trans-Asian Railway
Transitions - The Way You Move...
Traveling Poet
Traveling with Your Pet
Treaty of Paris - The Revolutionary War is Over
Trevor Ferrell: A Story of Brotherly Love
Troubadours and Minstrels
Trouble in the Nursery - A Baby Nation Goes to War
Troy - Did It Really Exist?
Truck Driver
Tsunami in the Indian Ocean
Tsunami: What a Wave!
Tsunamis & Coral Reefs
Tulips, Turkey, and Wooden Shoes
Turkey - Culture (Grades 4-7)
Turkey - History (Grades 6-8)
TV Dinner, Anyone?
TV Quiz Show Scandals
Twelve Girls Band
Twelve Seconds That Changed the World
Twist and Shout: A Tornado is Coming!
Twisters - A Tornado on Your Tongue
Two Earth Days?
Two Kinds of Weathering
Tying the Knot in Mexico
Types of Fish
Types of Squirrels
Types of Volcanoes
Ukraine - Culture (Grades 4-6)
Ukraine - History (Grades 6-8)
Ulysses S. Grant, Part 1
Ulysses S. Grant, Part 2
Ulysses S. Grant
Uncle Remus Comes to Life
Under Fighting Sail - U.S. Super Frigates
Under the Cover of Darkness
Understanding Body Odor: No Sweat!
Understanding Pictures and Graphics
Understanding Point of View
Unemployment in France
Unicellular Organisms
Unique Names Society
United Nations Play
United States Ambassador to the United Nations
United States Border Patrol
United States Citizenship
United States Trade Representative
UniverSoul Circus
Unlucky Friday
Unsolved Mystery - Bigfoot
Unusual Mammals: Marsupials & Monotremes
Up, Up, and Away with the Blue Angels!
Upper and Lower Egypt
Upper Canada
Uranus, the Sideways Planet
Uruguay - Culture: Horacio Quiroga
Use It or Lose It
Using a Calendar
Using Different Reading Rates
Using Energy Efficiently
Using Technology to Study Lightning
USS Constitution
V-E Day
Valentina Tereshkova - First Woman In Space
Valentine's Day Around the World
Valentine's Day Potpourri
Valentine's Day Traditions
Valley Forge - Winter of 1777-1778
Vatican - Culture
Vatican - Geography
Vatican - History
Vegetable Food Group
Vegetables on My Plate
Vegetables on My Plate
Velma Bronn Johnston - Wild Horse Annie
Venezuela - Culture: Teresa de la Parra
Venus Is Hot, Hot, Hot!
Vertebrate Classification: Phylum Chordata
Veterans Day
Victoria Day
Victoria Woodhull
Victorian Dances
Victorian Gardens
Victory Day in Russia
Victory Day in Turkey
Vietnam - Culture (Grades 5-6)
Vietnam - History (Grades 6-9)
Vikings on the Move
Vincent van Gogh
Violence Prevention
Virginia City - A Boom Town
Vitamins from Food or Supplements
Voices of the West - African American Pioneers
Voices of the West - Bill Pickett
Voices of the West - Nat Love
Volcanic Hot Spots
Volcanic Material
Volcanic Mountains
Volcano - Friend or Foe?
Votes for Women, Part 1 - Esther and the Cowboy State Lead the Way
Votes for Women, Part 2 - Abigail's Powerful Pen
W. O. Mitchell
W.E.B. Du Bois
Wagon Trains
Walking in Their Footsteps: Tracing Maryland's Early Settlements
Walking with the Walkman
Walt Disney
Walter Dean Myers: Urban Storyteller
War Beneath the Waves - Sardine Duty: Life as a Submariner
War Birds Over Korea, Part 1 - A New Breed
War Birds Over Korea, Part 2 - "Angels of Mercy"
Warnings - Do Not Ignore Them!
Warren Harding
Warrior's Heart, Part 1 - Ira Hayes
Warrior's Heart, Part 2 - Ira Hayes
Washington Irving
Washington, D.C.
Wassup, Doc?
Watch Out for Peanuts! Peanut Allergy Basics
Watch Out, Here Comes a Horseless Carriage
Watch the Birdie
Water on the Moon!
Water Skis
Water Vapor and Weather
Water, Water Everywhere: Furious Floods
Water, Water, Everywhere
Waves and Rays, Part I
Waves and Rays, Part II
Weapons of Siege
Wearin' of the Green
Weather Fronts
Weather or Climate?
Weathering - The Breakup of Rocks
Wernher von Braun
West Nile Virus
West to Freedom - African American Pioneers
West to Freedom - Nat Love and Bill Pickett
Whaling Controversy
What "Seis" Shake?
What Are Cold Blooded Animals?
What Are Hurricanes?
What Are Literary Elements?
What Are Pastels?
What Are Simple Machines?
What Are Sunspots?
What Are the Effects of Smoking?
What Are They Doing to My Food?
What Are Time Zones?
What Are Warm Blooded Animals?
What Can You Do About Global Warming?
What Causes a Sonic Boom?
What Causes Plates to Move?
What Causes Weather?
What Did the People of the Totem Pole Believe?
What Did the Shawnee Believe?
What Do Earth Scientists Do?
What Do You Say When Someone Dies?
What Does a Biologist Do?
What Does a Chemist Do?
What Does a Geneticist Do?
What Does a Zoologist Do?
What Does an Astronomer Do?
What Does B.C. Mean?
What Does Health Really Mean?
What Does Hispanic Mean?
What Eggs-actly Is Egg Tempera?
What Ever Happened to Amelia Earhart?
What Goes Into a Political Poll?
What Goes Into Real Mexican Food?
What Happens on Inauguration Day?
What If? (The 2000 Presidential Election)
What Is Paper-mache?
What Is a "Tar Heel"?
What Is a Citizen?
What Is a Collage?
What Is a FICO Score and Why Does It Matter?
What Is a Foreclosure?
What Is a Geologist?
What Is a Headache?
What Is a Heart Attack?
What Is a Light-year?
What Is a Medium?
What Is a Mir?
What Is a Mosaic?
What Is a Mural?
What Is a Prosthesis?
What Is a Quaker?
What Is a Stroke?
What Is a Taiga?
What Is a Tsunami?
What Is a Visa?
What Is A Volcano?
What Is Abstract Art?
What Is an Allergist?
What Is an Athletic Trainer?
What Is an Invertebrate Animal?
What Is Baroque Art?
What Is Batik?
What Is Buddhism?
What Is Calligraphy?
What Is Christian Science?
What is Christianity?
What Is Classical Art?
What Is Color Theory?
What Is Composition?
What Is Compost?
What Is Computer Art?
What Is Credit?
What Is Cricket?
What Is Cubism?
What Is Dada?
What Is Electricity?
What Is Embroidery?
What Is Fauvism?
What Is Health Insurance?
What is Hinduism?
What Is Humanism?
What Is Immigration?
What Is Impressionism?
What Is Inflation?
What is Islam?
What Is Islam?
What Is Judaism?
What Is Knitting?
What Is LD?
What Is Magnetism?
What Is Matter Made Of?
What Is Meteorology?
What Is NASA?
What Is Native American Religion Like?
What Is Paddle Rackets?
What Is Pajama Day?
What Is Pi?
What Is Pointillism?
What Is Pop Art?
What Is Post-Impressionism?
What Is Pottery?
What Is Primitivism?
What Is Quakerism?
What Is Realistic Painting?
What Is Religion?
What Is Rococo?
What Is Scientific Notation?
What Is Scientology?
What Is Scientology
What Is Scrapbooking?
What Is Sculpture?
What Is Shinto?
What Is Sikhism?
What Is Sikhism?
What Is Social Security?
What is Spiritism?
What Is Spiritism?
What Is Surrealism?
What is Taoism?
What Is Terrorism?
What Is the Atmosphere?
What is the Baha'i Faith?
What Is the Baha'i Faith?
What Is Tibetan Buddhism?
What Is Tie-Dye?
What Is Unitarian-Universalism?
What Is Urine?
What Is Wicca?
What Is Work?
What is Zoroastrianism?
What Led to the Attack on Pearl Harbor?
What Makes a Plane Fly?
What Makes Popcorn Pop?
What Makes You a Good Citizen?
What Makes Your Boat Float?
What Motivates You?
What on Earth Is an Earthworm?
What Stinks? Animals that Reek
What Stinks? Halitosis or Bad Breath
What To Do if You Have the Flu
What to Do When Friends Disagree
What to Wear in Mexico
What Variety of Pizza Do You Like?
What We See
What Were the Middle Ages?
What You Can Do to Save the Earth
What's In an Income?
What's a Preschooler to Drink?
What's Gravity Got To Do With It?
What's the Invention You Couldn't Live Without?
What's the Method?
What's Under the Ocean Waves?
Whatever Happened to Pluto? Dr. Mike E. Brown, The Planet Hunter
When Battleships Ruled the Seas
When Did Dinosaurs Live?
When Friends Gossip
When Is a War Not a War?
When Is Presidents Day?
When Man Took Flight
Where Are the Farm Animals Going?
Where Did the Oceans Come From?
Where Did These Words Come From?
Where Do Hispanic People Come From?
Where Do Volcanoes Occur?
Where Does Your Water Come From?
Where Have the Bats Gone?
Where Have the Honeybees Gone?
Where in the World Are the Falkland Islands?
Where in the World Are You?
Where Is Earth's Freshwater?
Where Will You Go on Your Vacation?
Where Will You Stay on Your Vacation?
Where Would We Be Without the Ballpoint Pen?
Where's Butch?
White Blood Cells (Grades 5 to 6)
White Blood Cells
White House Chief of Staff
White Sands National Monument
Whitewater Rafting and Kayaking
Who Are Cyberbullies?
Who Built the Brooklyn Bridge? The Emily W. Roebling Story
Who Invented Chopsticks?
Who Invented Lollipops?
Who Invented Paper?
Who Invented UPC Bar Codes?
Who Is Joe Biden?
Who Is Lady Liberty?
Who Kicked the First Soccer Ball?
Who Manages the Government's Money?
Who Named This Place?
Who Pays Taxes?
Who Thought Up This Food?
Who Was Isaac Newton?
Who Was St. Nicholas?
Who Were the First Americans?
Who Were the First Immigrants in America?
Who's Up For Some Fun?
Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On!
Wholly Mole!
Whom Do You Honor on Memorial Day?
Whom Do You Honor on Veterans Day?
Whose Descendant Are You?
Why Am I Reading This?
Why Did Russians Come to America?
Why Did the Germans Come to America?
Why Did the Irish Come to America?
Why Do Immigrants Come Here?
Why Do People Abuse Drugs?
Why Do People Immigrate?
Why Do We Have Arbor Day?
Why Do We Have Earth Day?
Why Do We Hiccup?
Why Does Traveling Make Jane Sick?
Why Families Eat Together
Why Is New York City Called "The Big Apple"?
Why Learn a Foreign Language
Why Me?, Part 1
Why Me?, Part 2
Why Me?, Part 3
Why Me?, Part 4
Why Some Immigrants Went Home
Why the Settlers Came
Why Was the Earth So Hot?
Why Waste? - A Change In Habits
Why, Eye? Why? - The Story Behind Corrective Lenses
Wigmaker and Barber
Wild, Wild Dress - Men
Wild, Wild Dress - Women
Will Hobbs
Will Steger, Polar Adventurer
Will You Please Relax?
William "Boss" Tweed - Adventures in Justice
William Bradford
William Clinton
William H. Johnson
William Henry Harrison
William Henry Harrison
William Kurelek
William Lyon Mackenzie
William McKinley
William Otter- Street Scholar
William Penn Gets Land Grant From King
Wilma P. Mankiller: First Woman Chief of the Cherokee Nation
Wilson "Snowflake" Bentley
Wilson Rawls
Wilson Trumble's Wonderfully Silly Day
Wilson's Fourteen Points
Wilt Chamberlain
Wind Farms
Winning Isn't Everything!
Winter Solstice
Women as Citizens
Women Authors
Women in Government
Women in the American Revolution
Women in the Civil War
Women in the Civil War
Women in the Military
Women in the Revolutionary War
Women of Saudi Arabia: Respected or Restricted?
Women on the Home Front - Rosie the Riveter
Women Vote in Kuwait
Women Win the Right to Vote
Women's Life on the Great Plains
Women's Roles in the Family
Women's Work
Woodrow Wilson
Working in the Lowell Mills
World Eskimo-Indian Olympics
Worm Lizards
Would You Like Some PIE with Your Author's Purpose?
Wounded Knee
Wow! The Olympics Have Changed!
Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve
Wrangell-St. Elias National Park
Wrap Up a Tamale
Wrestling Takes a Hold
Write a Bio Poem
Write a Clerihew
Write a Found Poem
Write a Haiku
Write a Quinzaine
Write a Villanelle
Write Your Memoirs
Writing a Testimonial Biography
Writing Business Letters - Types of Business Letters
Writing Business Letters - Using the Block Format
Writing Friendly Letters
Writing List Poetry
Writing on the Wall
Wu Zetian
WWW: The Wonderful World of Webs
Yaw Turn!
Yearning to be Free
Yearning to Breathe Free: Immigration in the 1890s, Part 1
Yearning to Breathe Free-Immigration in the 1890s, Part 1
Yellow Springs Teller - Virginia Hamilton
Yellow-Eyed Penguins
Yellowstone Buffalo
Yellowstone National Park
Ying Chang Compestine
Yosemite National Park
Yoshiko Uchida
You Have the Power to Stop Cyberbullying
You Have the Right...
You Want Fuel With That?
You've Been Warned...
You've Come a Long Way, Kemosabe
You've Got Potential
You, the Consumer
Young Immigrants and Crime in Germany - What Is the Connection?
Young Kingdom, Ancient Traditions
Your Amazing Body
Your Blood's Other Job
Your Body's Thermostat
Your Bones and Muscles
Your Copyrights
Your Family's History
Your Friendly Pharmacist
Your Health and Your Pets
Your Individual Program for Fitness
Your Local Public School
Your Pet's Friend - Your Veterinarian
Your Pet's Shrink - Animal Behaviorists
Your Study Environment
Your Tough, Growing Bones
Yuck, That's Gross!
Yuko Kavaguti
Yuna Kim
Yuri Gagarin - First Man in Space
Zachary Taylor
Zebulon Pike
Zilpha Keatley Snyder
Zizou Corder: A Mother-Daughter Team
Zlata Filipovic
Zumbi dos Palmares - Black Consciousness Day in Brazil