Help Oliver the Owl Find the Indirect Objects in Each Sentence
Sentence Structure: A Study on Subjects and Predicates
Help Cathy Colon Add Colons to Sentences
Help Nelson the Naysayer Use Negatives in a Sentence
Understanding Sentence Structure: Complete, Incomplete, and Run-On Sentences
Writing Sentences About Compound Subjects
Rewriting Sally Sloth's Sentences So They Are More Interesting
Write Complete Sentences About Treasure Discovered By Ollie the Octopus
Help Oliver the Owl Find the Direct Object in Each Sentence
Help Fifth-Grade Mummies Identify Complete and Incomplete Sentences
Conjunctions - Fixing Run-on Sentences
Identifying Complete Sentences and Fragments Worksheet
Creating Sentences Without Double Negatives: And Underlining Activity
Using Helping Verbs: A Fill-in-the-Blank Activity
Help Susie Subject and Peter Predicate by Separating Sentences
Rewrite Sentence Fragments So They Are Complete Sentences Instead
Distinguishing Complete Sentences from Fragments
Rewrite Sentences for Stacy the Sloth by Adding Verbs and Adjectives