Using Connecting Words in a Sentence Worksheet
Rewriting Sally Sloth's Sentences So They Are More Interesting
Identifying Tricky Verbs in a Sentence: A Circle-the-Right-Word Activity
Help Trixie the Troll Finish Sentences With Direct Objects
Help Bruce the Bee Collect the Past Tense of Irregular Verbs
Concrete and Abstract Nouns
Tie It Together: The Magnificent 7 Conjunctions Workbook # 1
Understanding Complex Text: Context Clues Workbook # 1
Correcting Sentences: Punctuation Practice for Direct Speech Workbook #2
Choosing the Correct Spelling of a Word in a Sentence: A Homophone Activity
Writing Commas Where They Belong in a Sentence
Defining Words With the Prefix "Un": A Breaking Down Prefixes Worksheet
Write About a Miniature Polar Bear in Your Freezer: A Creative Writing and Verb Identification Activity
Help Oliver the Owl Find the Indirect Objects in Each Sentence
Help Fifth-Grade Mummies Identify Complete and Incomplete Sentences
Write the Conversation Activity - Monster Talk: Crafting Conversations Between Colorful Creatures
Identifying the Right Adjective Worksheet
Help Thema the T-Rex Find Demonstrative Adjectives: An Underlining and Writing the Answer Worksheet