Using Helping Verbs: A Fill-in-the-Blank Activity
Compound Sentences: Recognizing and Writing Compound Sentences
Rewrite Sentence Fragments So They Are Complete Sentences Instead
Rewrite Sentences for Stacy the Sloth by Adding Verbs and Adjectives
Understanding Sentence Structure: Complete, Incomplete, and Run-On Sentences
Help Trixie the Troll Finish Sentences With Direct Objects
Differentiating Between "Good" and "Well" in a Sentence
Help Susie Subject and Peter Predicate by Separating Sentences
Helping Oliver the Owl With Articles: Circling "A" or "An" in Each Sentence
Creating Sentences Without Double Negatives: And Underlining Activity
Distinguishing Complete Sentences from Fragments
Identifying Complete Sentences and Fragments Worksheet
Write Complete Sentences About Treasure Discovered By Ollie the Octopus
Conjunctions - Fixing Run-on Sentences
Sentence Structure: A Study on Subjects and Predicates
Stop the Sentence Bandits By Filling in the Correct Punctuation
Writing Sentences About Compound Subjects
Rewriting Sally Sloth's Sentences So They Are More Interesting