Puzzle Party: A Workbook of Fun Activities
Fraction Fun and More: A Workbook of Math Puzzles
Numbers and Words: A Fun Workbook for Puzzles
Expanding Puzzles: A Workbook of Number Challenges
Math Party: A Workbook for Counting and Addition
Math Helpers: Addition and Subtraction with Bar Models
Subtraction Made Easy: A Workbook for Bar Models
Bar Model Fun: A Workbook for Addition & Subtraction
Monsters and Math: Subtraction with Bar Models
Monster Math Munch: Bar Models for Addition & Subtraction
Munching Addition: A Bar Model Workbook
Mastering Symmetry: Completing the Other Half of a Picture
Writing Workshop: Organizing A Paragraph - Setting Up a Structured Paragraph
Writing Workshop: Powerful Beginning Sentence Starters - Action, Question, Description, and Dialogue
The Family Perspective: An In-Person Interview
Connect and Count: A Fun Puzzle Workbook
Fun with Numbers: A Puzzle Activity Workbook
Math Adventures: A Puzzling Workbook