Match Words With the Same Long Vowel Sound
Help Frank the Ferret and Olivia the Opossum Identify Facts and Opinions
Short Vowel Rhyming Bingo With Nutt the Mutt
Short Vowel Rhyming Bingo With Ringo the Rowdy Raccoon
Finish a Bubble Poem With Rhyming Words
Short Vowel Rhyming Bingo With Bingo the Brilliant Beagle
Use Rhyming Magic to Match Each Picture to Its Rhyming Word
Circle the Rhyming Words in a Sentence
Describe Woinks and Poinks on the Planet Oink: A Creative Writing Exercise
Match Short Vowel, Rhyming Words
Use the Letters in a Word Bird to Fill in the Last Letter in Each Word
Write About What a Fairy Likes About Being on a Cloud: A Creative Writing Exercise
Write the Word for the Number of Balloons in Each Bunch
Describe a Superhero Power: An Explanatory Writing Activity
Help George the Giraffe Match Objects to Their Shape
Use the Letters in the Word "Super" to Write Words That Start With the Same Letter
Use Sam the Superhero's Capes to Categorize "S" Letter Blends
Draw a Picture of the Weather