Sample Vocabulary Lesson 1 Worksheet
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Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Vocabulary Lesson 1

1.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
A witty saying.
epigra epigram asert
assirt copi eigram
coppe assert uhsurt
epigrem coope cope
2.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
Come to terms or deal successfully with.
kahp zoolagy kohp
nimble zooloogy nimbe
nimle cope zoology
zoholuhjee cpe
3.   Which word is closest in meaning to this group of synonyms?
ebb, pacify, slacken, fade, wane, decrease, dwindle, stop, diminish, abate, lessen
administer vived vivid
administor adminester viid
subside viviid sebsedu
4.   Which word is the opposite of dull, drab, hazy, unclear, opaque?
vivid vividd viid
hamage homage homagi
omuj ussort assert
vuvid asert
5.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
a. Sink to a lower level or form a depression.  
b. Wear off or die down.  

zoology kihp zology
cpe subside zoholuhjea
copee subide cope
suubside suhsiid
6.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
a. To declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true.
b. Insist on having one's opinions and rights recognized.  

adminester canny administer
uhsut assirt administir
assert kaanee adinister
7.   Which word is closest in meaning to this group of synonyms?
abide by, apply, strike, bestow, dispense, supply, give, supply, administrate, direct, run, render, apportion, strike, execute, deal, supervise, provide, manage, control
homege homage administir
vivid homagee vihvuh
vived administor administer
8.   Which word is the opposite of inept, dumb, naive?
vividd vivid kanee
hemegi hmage canny
vavid vivd homag
cann homage


Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Find each of the following words.

Use the following definitions to figure out which vocabulary words to find.
1. Showing self-interest and shrewdness in dealing with others.  2. A witty saying.  
3. Sink to a lower level or form a depression.     4. Respectful deference.  
5. Insist on having one's opinions and rights recognized.     6. The branch of biology that studies animals.  
7. Having striking color.     8. Work in an administrative capacity; supervise.     



Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Vocabulary Lesson 1

1.   Write a sentence using the word homage.

2.   Write a sentence using the word nimble.

3.   Write a sentence using the word epigram.

4.   Write a paragraph or short story using the words cope, subside, vivid, canny, and assert.


Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Vocabulary Lesson 1

1.   Which group of synonyms is closest in meaning to assert?
1  direct, deliver, control, apply, dispense, manage, give, bestow, supervise, strike, run, execute, give, provide, supply, apportion, render, inflict, administrate, assign
2  defend, declare, predicate, put, contend, claim, aver, announce, propound, argue, affirm, state, declare, profess
3  courtesy, faith, charge, loyalty
2.   Which group of synonyms is closest in meaning to cope?
1  ingenious, adroit, economical, cunning, adroit, chary, unadventurous, tentative, frugal, resourceful
2  hood, cloud, control, handle, manage, makeshift, obscure, deal with
3  postulate, affirm, aver, defend, argue, advocate, profess, claim, profess, warrant, predicate, declare, announce, declare
3.   Which group of synonyms is closest in meaning to nimble?
1  bend, laud, favor, devotion
2  deal with, manage, clothe, mask, cloud, compete, control, handle
3  clever, active, bright, handy, brilliant, deft, mercurial, sprightly, adroit, spry, brisk, clever, agile, quick, lively
4.   homage
1  The branch of biology that studies animals.
2  Respectful deference.
3  a. Evoking lifelike images within the mind.  
b. Having striking color.  
5.   nimble
1  A witty saying.
2  a. Moving quickly and lightly.  
b. Mentally quick.  
3  Respectful deference.
6.   epigram
1  A witty saying.
2  The branch of biology that studies animals.
3  Showing self-interest and shrewdness in dealing with others.
7.   cope
1  a. Wear off or die down.  
b. Sink down or precipitate.  
2  Come to terms or deal successfully with.
3  a. Sink to a lower level or form a depression.  
b. Wear off or die down.  
8.   vivid
1  a. Work in an administrative capacity; supervise.  
b. Administer or bestow, as in small portions.  
2  a. Administer or bestow, as in small portions.  
b. Give or apply, as of medications.
3  a. Evoking lifelike images within the mind.  
b. Having striking color.  


Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Complete each sentence using the correct word.

1.   My son wanted to (administer, assert, epigram) his independence, so he moved away from home.


2.   James' short, and often very pointed, poems are excellent examples of the (epigram, homage, subside) form.


3.   The sad incident was still very (assert, nimble, vivid) in his memory.


4.   Thousands of people filed past the casket of President Kennedy, paying (homage, nimble, subside) to their fallen leader.


5.   Although he was a good doctor, he did not have the business skills necessary to (administer, canny, vivid) the hospital.


6.   Julia drew an intricate drawing of the frog she dissected in her (epigram, homage, zoology) class.


7.   His (administer, canny, zoology) dealings have always made him financially secure.


8.   The pain in my head would not (canny, epigram, subside).


9.   The (assert, nimble, subside) fox tricked the Gingerbread Boy into jumping on his back.


10.   The old woman was still able to do needlework because she had (homage, nimble, vivid) fingers.


11.   The exciting experience is still (assert, nimble, vivid) in his mind.


12.   The king's subjects bowed in (canny, epigram, homage) as he passed through their villages.


13.   Kevin works part-time at the zoo and wants to get a degree in (assert, vivid, zoology) someday.


14.   The comedian used an (administer, epigram, homage) in his monologue and the audience roared with laughter.



Answer Key
Page 1
1. epigram
2. cope
3. subside
4. vivid
5. subside
6. assert
7. administer
8. canny

Page 4
1. 2.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 2.
5. 2.
6. 1.
7. 2.
8. 3.

Page 5
1. assert
2. epigram
3. vivid
4. homage
5. administer
6. zoology
7. canny
8. subside
9. nimble
10. nimble
11. vivid
12. homage
13. zoology
14. epigram


Answer Key
Word Search Answer:
       YNNAC    G    
              D M    
E    ZOOLOGY M  O    
L           I   H  E 
B          N      D  
M         I      I   
I       ASSERT  S    
N       T      B     
       E      U      
      R      S