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  First Grade Math Worksheets
First Grade Math Test Prep Printables


Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Word Problems (With Numbers 7-19)
Solve for each of the given problems.

17 letters arrived in the mail on Monday.
12 letters arrived on Tuesday.
How many letters arrived all together on Monday and Tuesday?
17   +   12   =   29
Paul and Michael both have colds. Paul sneezed 9 times.
Michael sneezed 15 times.
How many times did they both sneeze?
______ +    15   = ______

If your teacher gave you 13 puzzles last week and 12 puzzles this week, how many puzzles do you have?
13    + ______ = ______
A fish tank has 14 large fish and 9 small fish.
How many fish are in the tank?
______ +    9   = ______
The black dog ran eleven miles.
The white dog ran fifteen miles.
How many miles did the dogs run all together?
______ + ______ = ______
Albert has 17 fiction books and 12 non-fiction books.
Albert also has 22 magazines.
How many books does Albert have?
______ + ______ = ______