Sample New Jersey Math Word Problems Worksheet
New Jersey Theme Unit

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New Jersey
(Answer ID # 0350518)
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1.   In 2002, 4,368,000 people worked in New Jersey. If 5% worked for the government, how many people would that be?

2.   New Jersey leads the nation in production of chemicals. It has been called the �nation�s medicine chest.� If 5/6 of all drugs are created elsewhere in the country, what fraction of all drugs made in the U.S. come from New Jersey?

3.   In 2000, there were 8,414,350 people living in New Jersey. In 1990, there were only 7,730,188 people. What was the difference between the numbers of people living in New Jersey from 1990 to 2000?

4.   New Jersey is known for its corn. In August, many farm stands will sell ten ears of corn for $2.00. At that rate, how much does each ear of corn cost?

5.   sample printable - click above to make a printable with all questions
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