1 Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe. Its capital city, Kiev, is very old. It is a country with many interesting lands. It is a very important place, for many good reasons. One of the reasons has to do with food.
2 Think about where you get food. Does your family buy food at a supermarket? Maybe you buy food at restaurants sometimes. Think if all your food came from one place. Would this place be important to you? Probably so!
3 For many people in Eastern Europe, Ukraine has been one of just a few places to get food. It's why Ukraine is called the "bread basket" of Eastern Europe. But why is Ukraine such a good place for food? That's because there is lots of farming in Ukraine. The land in Ukraine is very good for farming. For many hundreds of years, farming has been a very important part of life in Ukraine.
Paragraphs 4 to 7:
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