1 Wendy and her friends Tim and Tess were walking home from school. Tim and Tess were excited about getting home. They wanted to play with their new puppy, Stormy. Wendy was not in a hurry. She knew she had to study. She had a big test tomorrow. She was afraid she would not do well. Her teacher had talked about branches of
government. She did not know what that meant.
2 Tess could see that her friend was worried. "I have an idea, Wendy," she said. "Let's ask the magic dice to help you."
3 "I wouldn't know what to wish for," sighed Wendy.
4 Tess thought a little while and then said, "Why don't you wish for someone to come and help you?"
5 "That might just work!" Wendy told her friend.
6 The three children ran the rest of the way to Wendy's house. They found the magic dice. Tim and Tess sat down on the floor. Wendy held the dice tightly. She said, "I wish someone who knows about our government would visit me."
7 The children knew they might have to wait a few minutes for their wish to work. They looked around the room. Suddenly, Tim's jacket fell to the floor. His lunch money fell from a pocket. Before he could do anything, a dollar bill started to grow. As they watched, the dollar changed into a man.
8 "I know you," yelled Tess. "Our teacher has your picture on our wall. You're George Washington."
9 "I'm very glad to be here," replied President Washington. He then turned to Wendy. "I understand you have some questions about American government. I was there when it was formed. Perhaps I can be of some help. Just what confuses you?"
Paragraphs 10 to 18:
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