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Reading Comprehension Worksheets


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Print Thanks-Living Reading Comprehension

Reading Level
     edHelper's suggested reading level:   grades 2 to 3
     Flesch-Kincaid grade level:   2.57

     challenging words:    blessed, Dawkins, orphanage, traveled, teacher, seconds, minutes, feeling, arms, whatever, actually, awhile, history, what, kinds, hotel
     content words:    Ching Lee, And Mrs

Other Languages
     French: Vivre dans la reconnaissance
     Spanish: Viviendo-Agradecidos
     Italian: Vivere con gratitudine
     German: Danke für mein Leben

By Beth Beutler

1     "What is Thanksgiving?" my teacher asked. I thought about that for a minute. It was a lot of things to me. I started to think about last Thanksgiving and stopped listening to my teacher talking.
2     This will be my second Thanksgiving. My parents adopted me a little more than a year ago when I was five. They had traveled to China to get me. I had been shown a picture of my new mother and father before they arrived. That morning, the teacher at the children's home gave me a new dress. My new mama and papa were on their way!
3     I was told that their names were Mr. and Mrs. Dawkins. They would take me home with them to live in America! I remember how they walked into the room and looked around at all the children. My teacher took my hand and led me to them.
4     My teacher said, "Mr. and Mrs. Dawkins, this is Ching Lee." Mrs. Dawkins started to cry. I wasn't sure why. I thought she didn't like me! Later, I found out that she was just so glad to finally meet me. Mrs. Dawkins knelt down and held out her arms. I gave her a quick hug. She smelled nice.
5     The next few minutes there was a lot of talking. After all the talking was done, my teacher gave me a hug. She said, "I'll miss you, Ching Lee. Be a good girl! Enjoy your new life!"

Paragraphs 6 to 12:
For the complete story with questions: click here for printable

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