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Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
  Columbus Day
Word List
Atlantic Ocean
East Indies
King Ferdinand
New World
Queen Isabella
San Salvador
Santa Maria
crew member
dead reckoning navigation


Match each definition with a word.

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1.   the men needed to do the work on a ship

   crew member   
2.   a member of a ship's crew

3.   the ___ made by Christopher Columbus changed the history of the world.

4.   the country that finally agreed to help Columbus make his voyage; Columbus set sail from here August 3, 1492

5.   the island where Columbus first landed. He claimed it for Spain and called it this.

6.   a navigator, mapmaker, and explorer who dreamed of sailing west on the Sea of Darkness to reach the lands in the Far East; lands believed to be rich with gold and spices

7.   the uncharted Sea of Darkness

8.   one of the three small, fast, Spanish sailing ships that Columbus sailed to the New World

9.   Columbus sailed west across the ___ Atlantic Ocean

10.   Columbus' destination; a land Columbus believed was rich with gold and spices

11.   on October 12, 1492, the ships landed on this in the Bahamas

12.   one of the three small, fast, Spanish sailing ships that Columbus sailed to the New World

13.   a world that no one in Europe knew about--America

14.   Columbus traveled to the New World on this small, fast, Spanish sailing ship

15.   small, fast sailing ships that were used by the Spanish and Portuguese in the fifteenth century

16.   this was the method used by Columbus and most other sailors of his era.

17.   a large boat

18.   female ruler of Spain in 1492

19.   a piece of canvas that catches the wind

20.   male ruler of Spain in 1492

21.   the continent Columbus reached on his search for a new route to the Far East

22.   people who were born and lived in the New World before explorers ever came
