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  Back to School
Word List
crossing guard
lunch box
pencil box


Match each definition with a word.

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1.   This person will help you cross a street safely.

   crossing guard   
2.   A school subject which includes spelling, grammar, vocabulary, and reading.

3.   To paint, draw, or to make something that others may enjoy looking at.

4.   A lot of printed pieces of paper joined together inside a cover. The writing on the papers is usually a story or some interesting information.

5.   This is used to remove or rub out marks made on a paper or blackboard.

6.   Two or more people who enjoy spending time with one another.

7.   A guide for how we should behave. These help us keep order when we have a group of people.

8.   A person who helps you learn and shows you how to do things.

9.   Someone who is learning.

10.   A subject in school where you will learn more about the physical world.

11.   A holder for your pencils.

12.   This is your piece of furniture in the classroom. You can read or write on this as well as store books.

13.   The room in your school where you may go to eat lunch. They may also serve food here.

14.   Something used to carry your cold lunch to school. Sometimes it will have cool pictures on the outside, or sometimes they are like mini-coolers.

15.   A material used as a surface for writing, printing, or drawing, and also used for wrapping packages and covering walls. Magazines, books, and newspapers all use this material. This material is made from wood, rags, or certain grasses. You will need a lot of this in school.

16.   The person who heads a public school.

17.   This is the place where the secretary works. Sometimes the principal works here, as well.

18.   The season of the year between summer and winter. Usually the months of September, October, and November. The season when leaves change colors and fall from trees.

19.   A group of people gathered together in one place.

20.   This is a fruit that is usually red or green. You can enjoy this by itself, or your mom may use this to bake a pie!

21.   To understand that the symbols written are speech sounds. You can learn from what you have seen in writing.

22.   These are felt-tipped pens that come in all sorts of pretty colors. You can color or write with them.
